After the last update (truth to be told, the last time I've used TC was back in Bestiary) I can't manage to make it work. Hotkeys (except for F2) just don't do shit. I usually use Ctrl+1 combination to invite players, but now the char just drinks from the first flask and there is no respond from TC. Same with advanced hotkeys.
Tried to use one-key tirgger, like Num1, the result is the same.
"Allow clicks to pass through the interface" option is on.
Game is in windowed fullscreen mode.
1.6 EXA is unlnown currency name "."
please report it
(because of dot)
( messege price verify function)
(holding ctrl to instantly send whisper from trade website)
It is possible to make this option bulk useful?
i mean hold alt and copy few messeges, when key up, companion sent all of this messeges.
Trade theme Have a good Life :)
Last edited by hontodeska#2411 on Sep 2, 2018, 10:43:18 AM
Normally you can just uncheck the box.
But currently the setting is "bugged", and the checkbox doesn't work like it should, and will be fixed in next update.
hontodeska wrote:
Where i can download previous version, that not detects by antiviruses?
I wouldn't recommend downloading previous versions. This new update has brought a lot of nice changes.
Instead, I would recommend downloading the source only zip. You can find it here: releases page Download the "" file.
Oh thx, its works.
And useful flashlight tabs option.
Yup. Been reported, so I'll get it fixed on next update tomorrow. But thank you for letting me know!
Miacova wrote:
Trying to kick myself from party after a trade. Before the update it worked fine, but today, not so much.
Here's what I have tried so far:
basic macro bound to F4
{Enter}%ty{Enter}{Enter}/kick Картошка_ШСТ{Enter}{Enter}/hideout{Enter}
Advanced macro bound to F4 with the following events:
SendMessage ty
SendInput /kick Картошка_ШСТ
/hideout /hideout
Other variations I have tried for the second command:
SendMessage /kick Картошка_ШСТ
Write Message /kick Картошка_ШСТ
SendEvent /kick Картошка_ШСТ
I have also tried each other the variations above with {Enter} at the beginning and end of the text. Nothing seems to work.
Anyone have any ideas?
Edit: Last ditch effort and I found this:
After entering my character name into a basic hotkey I restarted TC and discovered that my hotkey text has changed to the following:
{Enter}ty{Enter}{Enter}/kick ????????_???{Enter}{Enter}/hideout{Enter}
This would explain why I am getting the message "the target of this operation is not a party member".
So it seems TC no longer likes non-english characters. Is this worthy of a bug report on github?
5kar wrote:
So it seems TC no longer likes non-english characters. Is this worthy of a bug report on github?
Absolutely. I love this feature, and would be glad if this gets fixed :)
Thank you for reporting, I'll inspect and get it fixed tomorrow!
qwertz wrote:
Great to see you're keeping this updated!
Been getting this error recently though (in bot 1.13 and 1.13.1:
I'll check it out, thanks for reporting!
b10S wrote:
Thx for the insta whisper fix, one more question - how to replace "Clipboard Item" like on the screenshot below?
Not really sure, what do you mean?
You can resize a button by right clicking on it, you can also choose to remove it completely. Renaming can also be done through right clicking. If you wish to edit a button's actions, click on it.
Knavt wrote:
Guys what did you add to Trade Companion?
After last update my antivirus killed and deleted it..
Hey. It's an issue that appeared ever since 1.12.5. I would recommend to use the source code: Head to GitHub releases page and download "".
Rolliono wrote:
After the last update (truth to be told, the last time I've used TC was back in Bestiary) I can't manage to make it work. Hotkeys (except for F2) just don't do shit. I usually use Ctrl+1 combination to invite players, but now the char just drinks from the first flask and there is no respond from TC. Same with advanced hotkeys.
Tried to use one-key tirgger, like Num1, the result is the same.
"Allow clicks to pass through the interface" option is on.
Game is in windowed fullscreen mode.
Hey, thanks for reporting. I did some minor hotkeys testing and it worked just fine. I'll be doing full testings tomorrow and get back to you.
hontodeska wrote:
1.6 EXA is unlnown currency name "."
please report it
(because of dot)
( messege price verify function)
(holding ctrl to instantly send whisper from trade website)
It is possible to make this option bulk useful?
i mean hold alt and copy few messeges, when key up, companion sent all of this messeges.
Sweet. I'll check on it, thanks!
I don't think making a bulk version of the instant whisper would be a nice idea, it would definitely fall out of GGG's "one SA per macro" policy.
After the last update (truth to be told, the last time I've used TC was back in Bestiary) I can't manage to make it work. Hotkeys (except for F2) just don't do shit. I usually use Ctrl+1 combination to invite players, but now the char just drinks from the first flask and there is no respond from TC. Same with advanced hotkeys.
Tried to use one-key tirgger, like Num1, the result is the same.
"Allow clicks to pass through the interface" option is on.
Game is in windowed fullscreen mode.
z0rhawk wrote:
Hey, thanks for reporting. I did some minor hotkeys testing and it worked just fine. I'll be doing full testings tomorrow and get back to you.
I also am having trouble getting my previous advanced hotkeys to work.
They seemed to have imported ok and appear in the advanced hotkey dropdown list, but none of them are working. I previously bound my 'END' key to do an /afk command but I can't even get that to work. I've also tried to make a fresh hotkey bind in case the imported one was faulty somehow, but that didn't work either.
I personally just want to designate a hotkey and make it execute other keys but I don't know if i need to 'sendinput' 'sendevent' or 'sendmessage' (amongst other confusing options available).
Back to version 1.12.7 we go.
EDIT: The importer tool seems to have reset ALL my settings in the old version.... sad
EDIT 2: In the interim I decided to use 'basic hotkey' to make some temporary simple commands (/afk, /hideout etc.) and noticed that a lot of the 'action content' boxes don't autofill like the other boxes after choosing an option from the drop down menu (these boxes also don't work if commands are manually input). These are identical commands being selected too. Also, I like to bind combinations of the Shift and/or Ctrl key with mouse clicks, but the basic hotkeys interface won't allow me to input this.
--------------- THE MOOCH --------------
Last edited by Damoochie#1947 on Sep 3, 2018, 6:02:38 AM
Great program man! Saves me a lot of time and headache!
I have not modified the buttons/settings at all since installing.
I have one problem though with the "Invite to Party" button.
It works like 10% of the time, when it does not work it fails to whisper the buyer with the "ready to pickup line".
Instead it tries to whisper the Item... (lol)
It succeeds in inviting the player though and showing the item location grid.
Problem is that sometimes I whisper random people and they get angry.
Do you know what the problem can be?
Attached a picture of the issue.
Last edited by Teevox#2949 on Sep 4, 2018, 2:42:06 PM
After the last update (truth to be told, the last time I've used TC was back in Bestiary) I can't manage to make it work. Hotkeys (except for F2) just don't do shit. I usually use Ctrl+1 combination to invite players, but now the char just drinks from the first flask and there is no respond from TC. Same with advanced hotkeys.
Tried to use one-key tirgger, like Num1, the result is the same.
"Allow clicks to pass through the interface" option is on.
Game is in windowed fullscreen mode.
z0rhawk wrote:
Hey, thanks for reporting. I did some minor hotkeys testing and it worked just fine. I'll be doing full testings tomorrow and get back to you.
I also am having trouble getting my previous advanced hotkeys to work.
They seemed to have imported ok and appear in the advanced hotkey dropdown list, but none of them are working. I previously bound my 'END' key to do an /afk command but I can't even get that to work. I've also tried to make a fresh hotkey bind in case the imported one was faulty somehow, but that didn't work either.
I personally just want to designate a hotkey and make it execute other keys but I don't know if i need to 'sendinput' 'sendevent' or 'sendmessage' (amongst other confusing options available).
Back to version 1.12.7 we go.
EDIT: The importer tool seems to have reset ALL my settings in the old version.... sad
EDIT 2: In the interim I decided to use 'basic hotkey' to make some temporary simple commands (/afk, /hideout etc.) and noticed that a lot of the 'action content' boxes don't autofill like the other boxes after choosing an option from the drop down menu (these boxes also don't work if commands are manually input). These are identical commands being selected too. Also, I like to bind combinations of the Shift and/or Ctrl key with mouse clicks, but the basic hotkeys interface won't allow me to input this.
Your old settings file has been renamed to avoid detecting it.
You can find it at: \Documents\AutoHotkey\POE Trades Companion\
I'll be inspecting the hotkeys and hopefully release an update tonight so fix all these issues.
Teevox wrote:
Great program man! Saves me a lot of time and headache!
I have not modified the buttons/settings at all since installing.
I have one problem though with the "Invite to Party" button.
It works like 10% of the time, when it does not work it fails to whisper the buyer with the "ready to pickup line".
Instead it tries to whisper the Item... (lol)
It succeeds in inviting the player though and showing the item location grid.
Problem is that sometimes I whisper random people and they get angry.
Do you know what the problem can be?
Attached a picture of the issue.
There are some known issues with the clipboard, and I'll be working on them. Thank you for letting me know!
Last edited by z0rhawk#6594 on Sep 5, 2018, 5:32:20 AM
Fonts that could not be loaded by the app will no longer appear in the Settings menu.
If your button contains a "Copy tab item infos" action, it will only be done once all actions are finished.
This is also done to fix the issue described above, but it would send the item name instead.
Minor visual adjustments in the Settings GUI.
No longer reset the clipboard after clicking on a button.
This is done in order to fix an issue where it wouldn't send any message at all.
Improvements to assets extracting.
In case files fails to extract, you will only be greeted by a single message box instead of one for each file.
Minor improvements to logging.
The item grid would appear upon clicking the small "Trade" button instead of the "Invite" button.
Fonts added by the user would have their size/quality as "ERROR" instead of the default values.
Price verify: Some currency names would not be detected as "valid". Additionally, fixed an issue where it would be unable to check items where the price contains a decimal number.
Upon enabling Advanced Hotkeys, if one of them didn't have a key bound to it, any following hotkeys would not be enabled.
Using the "Only show while in game" setting, transparency settings would not work correctly.
The Item Grid (aka Stash Highlight) would not disappear upon closing a tab.
%itemPrice% would send the item name instead of its price.
Various issues related to OS Scaling.
The background image would be too small. This would cause the GUI to appear "cut" in height.
When resetting the Trades GUI to the top right of the monitor, it would be too far on the right.
Tray notifications would not appear on the correct position. They would appear too far to the right, and to the bottom.
Moving Custom Buttons from the Settings GUI would be a bit buggy.
Would be unable to use cyrillic characters.
This was due to the wrong encoding of the Preferences.ini file.
If you are having this issue, your file format will automatically be converted on the application's start.
You can then re-configure your hotkeys/buttons that used such characters and they will be saved correctly.
In the Settings' Updating tab, the top box would always say "You are up to date".
This was only a visual bug, it was not interfering with updating in any way.
The game chat key is now correctly defaulting to ENTER if it couldn't be detected.