[Tool] POE Trades Companion - Enhance your trading experience

Thank you for the feedback,

1) You do not necessarily need to click the "Clipboard" button: By default, the item's infos are automatically clipboard'ed upon receiving the whisper, and also when you click on another tab.

2) I choose to store the settings in a separate folder to make it easier for the user. If the user
ever moves the executable, he will not loose his settings. Also, if another program using the same name for the .ini file, the files will not overwrite each-other.

3) I also think the confirmation is unneeded. It will be removed in the next update.

4) This has actually been asked on reddit:
As of the "Still interested?" button, I'd like to add it as well but...
The current GUI feels like it has just the perfect amount of button.
The three on top (Copy/Wait/Invite) being for the interaction. And the two others (Thanks/Sold) being used to finish the interaction.

I could keep the current Trades GUI as it is (minimalist) and make a setting to switch between Minimalist and Full (who'd have a few more buttons)!

Love the idea of the minimalist / Full. For me that would work great. I have the option of keeping the gui up all the time on a second monitor or, how I currently use it, keep it hidden until I get a trade request. I think a 'Full' Gui would be fine with either of these methods.

Yeah, the settings thing is not a huge deal, it just took me a bit to actually locate where they were. I think it is more my OCD seeing this lone folder in my userProfile path than anything else. If it really bugs me I suppose I can use your source version and edit that path.

You know, thinking on it, I'm not sure I actually tried to paste the item name into my stash search without clicking the copy to clipboard button. I'll have to wait for another trade to see how it works.

thanks again.
Last edited by __SirPuFFaLoT__ on Jan 14, 2017, 7:27:51 AM
Nice tool. A few issues I've got with it at the moment - the SFX folder is empty so I had to fetch my own alert sounds, and there is no clear way to move the trade overlay onto the second screen, off the monitor I play on.
dosteorias wrote:
Nice tool. A few issues I've got with it at the moment - the SFX folder is empty so I had to fetch my own alert sounds, and there is no clear way to move the trade overlay onto the second screen, off the monitor I play on.
You can switch between Overlay and Window mode by right-clicking the tray icon.

In Overlay mode, the GUI will be docked on the top right of your game's window. If you have multiple instances running and the GUI is not docking on the right window, you can right-click the tray icon and choose "Cycle Overlay" which will then dock the GUI to the next found instance.

In Window mode, you can move around the window. If the GUI is inactive and you need to move the window but can't because the GUI is click-through, having the Settings opened (right click on the tray icon > Settings) will allow you to do so.
Last edited by z0rhawk on Jan 14, 2017, 12:42:58 PM
z0rhawk wrote:
In Window mode, you can move around the window. If the GUI is inactive and you need to move the window but can't because the GUI is click-through, having the Settings opened (right click on the tray icon > Settings) will allow you to do so.
My bad, this works flawlessly. Cheers!
z0rhawk wrote:
Kataris wrote:
I'm having trouble getting it working. I'm just supposed to click the button, right? I click the button to invite party member, nothing happens. When I click Thanks button, it just closes the tab - does not send message.

Any help? :)
Are the hotkeys not working either?
If they dont, it means the script's permissions are being blocked.
Make sure the program is not blocked: Right click on the file > Properties > If you can see an "Unblock" button, make sure to click on it.
You may also download AutoHotKey and try using the uncompiled script (Save the file as .ahk, not .txt!)

It's strange - it works sometimes, but not all the time. Invite button doesn't work right most of the time, and thanks button just closes the tab.
Works perfect for me! This tool is amazing, it helps so much with trades!
I thought of another button that is sometimes used as well. I play in Standard so I occasionally have to say: "Sorry, wrong league"

Also, I had that 'Copy to Clipboard' setting unchecked on the front page of settings. all is working well now.

Last edited by __SirPuFFaLoT__ on Jan 15, 2017, 10:49:24 AM
This app is INCREDIBLY useful, I didn't think it'd work this well but just having to click once to invite/chat and other things is super handy.

One thing (for us using this on a second monitor) that might help is being able to resize the window and possibly have the trades stack up in a list config instead of just as tabs, if that makes sense?

Anyway great job mate!

This app is INCREDIBLY useful, I didn't think it'd work this well but just having to click once to invite/chat and other things is super handy.

One thing (for us using this on a second monitor) that might help is being able to resize the window and possibly have the trades stack up in a list config instead of just as tabs, if that makes sense?

Anyway great job mate!

Resizing cannot be an option. But you can move it around by enabling the Window Mode by right-clicking the tray icon and choosing [Mode: Window].

Update 1.5 released!
Notable changes:
- Advanced Hotkeys.
- Can now use the trade variables in basic and advanced hotkeys.

v1.5 Changelogs

What's new:
- Advanced Hotkeys. Up to 16 hotkeys. Can send multiple messages. Read more on the WIKI.
- Advanced and Basic hotkeys can now use the Trade Variables (%buyerName%, %itemName%, %itemPrice%)
- There is now a button to access the WIKI, in the Settings GUI. The WIKI is still in the works.
- Program logging has been re-enabled with some tweaks.

What's changed:
- The confirmation box upon closing the script has been removed.
- Messages should be sending a bit faster now.
- If for some reason the script is unable to activate the game's window upon clicking a TradesGUI button, a tray tip will appear to tell you about it.

What's fixed:
- A set of 4 custom sounds will now be available for the Trade/Whisper notifications. They were initially added back in 1.0, but were not being extracted to the program's SFX folder.
- The TradesGUI should no longer "run away" upon updating, when using a non-default Screen Fonts DPI.
Last edited by z0rhawk on Jan 18, 2017, 7:29:53 PM
Just started using it, am I missing something or is there no button to trade the player? That button would be nice :)

€dit: Is there a way, to make hotkeys only work when the chat window is closed? I would like to use a normal letter
Last edited by Schattenlord92 on Jan 19, 2017, 8:09:42 AM

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