[Vendor Suggestions Updated] 2 Sleek Vendor User Interfaces (mock-up images to show suggestions)
" The difference between the Vendor System I propose and the Vendor System we have now is every Class is able to see even Skill Gems they cannot buy (with information on which Classes can) in conjunction with red text messages explaining what Skill Gems require Quest completion to unlock. Other than that, the Vendor System I propose is still the same as the current Vendor System (just explained better to players) when it comes to 'meeting required conditions' be it you need sufficient funds or need to be a certain Class to buy certain Skill Gems, or you need to complete Quests to unlock certain Skills Gems. " What are you talking about? *Laughs* I'm sorry, but did you even bother to look at the mock-up of the Vendor System I propose? The Vendor System I propose clearly displays every Support and Active Skill in the game (the exception being drop-only and vendor-recipe-only Skill Gems) in a single Vendor Tab split into two columns: Column 1 is for Support Skills, and Column 2 is for Active Skills that are by default organized in Alphabetical, RGB order from left to right, top to bottom in every row. That being said, even though Concept 2 consists of two Tabs, that still does not equal 5 Tabs. Where do you get the number 5? Why do you think I added a Scroll Bar in the mock-up Vendor System? When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Oct 6, 2016, 1:39:11 PM
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very nicely done
YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions
Lab still sucks balls. I miss Zana already. |
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i like both these ideas and I wish GGG and game devs in general would work WAY (*@$ING HARDER on this stuff.
wouldn't call them "sleek" so much as "functional" ... or perhaps just "proper" :P one comment about option 2 is that i think the gem icons need to be big enough for ppl to learn/recognize what each gem looks like. they look kinda small now. ---------- now where's the mockup where you don't have to back out to a fricking text menu to switch between sell/buy modes? ;P |
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" " You seem to be contradicting yourself here. Are you upset about suggestions that make the game more of a chore or less? And I never said what materials were required. Currency could be the materials. But it's not like you are buying 20 gems per day. Materials could be as simple as a ruby, sapphire, or chaos ring, and it really wouldn't change much. " Let's not exaggerate here... This isn't changing the experience much at all. We're talking about skill gems, not instant 6L armor. Slippery slope fallacy? And your same argument could be just as validly used against you for trying to make things easier/more convenient with your suggestion in the OP. Last edited by HippieRonin#2370 on Oct 6, 2016, 7:56:41 PM
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Nice idea, while the wiki is nice, I don't agree with how it is basically required to get information that should be easy to find in a game.
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Knowing ggg they would not split a single tab in half and they would not add a scrolling tab.
Instead they would do a tab for each color gem and make a final tab for supports of all colors similar to the way presented because it would be easier to do. As such you would have about 5 tabs. Chroniccomplainerreviews.wordpress.com Your source for quality honest reviews to save you time and money! Last edited by Jgizle#5723 on Oct 6, 2016, 9:17:58 PM
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" You are generally right. Not going to lie, I used the word sleek for click-bait purposes, and I did it for very good reason because the current User Interfaces in general are appalling and need to be addressed. The proposed Vendor UI Systems may not be sleek, but they are not bad looking, either. They are designed well enough to serve the purpose they were designed for. " http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/484318 It was in the linked thread above back when I proposed the idea you speak of back in 2013, but the old UI Images referenced from Image Shack disappeared for some reason, and because the suggestion was never considered by GGG, I removed the images from my computer to rid clutter. This is not my first time proposing better User Interfaces. When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Oct 12, 2016, 2:27:49 PM
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" Going off a mere assumption on what GGG will actually do if / when they address the situation of Vendors and the Gems they sell, then it would be wise for the developers not to implement a more 'divided', less convenient Vendor UI System until they actually can implement a Vendor UI System when better tools are available (assuming the tools they have now are incapable of that). Hopefully, though, the developers are actually capable and will deliver something close to one of the proposed Vendor UI Systems in my OP. We will see. When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Oct 7, 2016, 1:10:32 AM
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" " " Pardon my late reply. A Vendor UI System proposal to make Skill Gems easier to 'purchase' does not translate to making Skill Gems easier to 'acquire' as you seem to believe since my idea does not involve lowering Skill Gem prices, making all Skill Gems available to every Class (your idea) OR altering drop rates for Skill Gems so as to not require players to buy them from Vendors at all (more on that reiterated in the following reply to your next reply to clarify this). What is it exactly I am contradicting? In response again to your suggestion to require 'more' materials to buy Skill Gems, the point in my initial argument was players should not be required to have 'more' materials beyond the currency values Vendors currently charge for Skill Gems. Why charge more for Skill Gems? Explain how that makes sense. Just because you want all Skill Gems available to every Class? No, just no. I do not agree with that, I never will for said reasons, and I am quite sure GGG will not agree, either. " At this point, I am beginning to think you want to argue for the sake of arguing, so let me be more clear on where my proposed UI ideas stand regarding Vendors and the Skill Gems they sell... The Vendor UI System I proposed is not talking about an instant 6-L Armour, either (back at you on that one). The Vendor UI System I propose actually makes sense and makes 'purchasing' Skill Gems not actually 'acquiring' the Skill Gems more easier. That is where you mistranslated my OP. Just because the words 'acquire' and 'purchase' are interchangeable does not mean they are the same thing when comparing my idea to your idea. There is a difference between making something easier to 'acquire' vs. making something easier to 'purchase'. Had the proposed Vendor UI System made it easier to 'acquire' Skill Gems, it would have involved lowering Skill Gem prices, making all Skill Gems available to every Class (your idea) OR changes to drop rates for Skill Gems to drop more often (which wouldn't even not make sense in this case) so as to not require players to buy them from Vendors at all. Therefore, you could make the 'trying to make things easier/more convenient with your suggestion' argument IF the above were the case, but it is not, so you cannot 'validly' use that argument against my initial argument against your initial suggestion to make all Skill Gems available to every Class because your initial suggestion does make 'acquiring' Skill Gems easier. The suggestion in my OP does not (big difference). That being said, I see what you did there with 'easier/more convenient' as if they are exactly the same thing when they are not in this situation. My suggestion 'convenient'? Absolutely. But does it make 'acquiring' Skill Gems easier by making them available to every Class? Absolutely not. To argue otherwise on the above stated reiterated and explained several ways at this point would mean you are saying my suggestion lines up with yours on 'ease of acquisition' when it doesn't. When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Oct 7, 2016, 3:30:30 AM
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