[Vendor Suggestions Updated] 2 Sleek Vendor User Interfaces (mock-up images to show suggestions)
Please, GGG, revamp the Vendor User Interface to function and look something like one of the following 2 concepts below to make gem purchases easier and more informative for each Class.
/////////////////////////////////////////////// There are now two concepts to choose from. Concept 1: An easier to implement concept that is likely easier to work with (all Skill Gems in 1 Tab split into 2 columns for Support Skills and Active Skills) I actually like this concept better than the original one I proposed. There is no 'sorting' feature like Concept 2 (it is not really necessary, anyway, since all gems are sorted in alphabetical, RBG order, plus there is a Search Box), but there is much more room in this Vendor UI for informative texts in the event a Class cannot use certain gems or have not completed certain Quests to unlock gems.
Features include:
1. Actual labeled Vendor Tabs to be more specific.
2. Included the text, "CTRL + Left Click Items from the Vendor to your Inventory." There are players still to this day who do not know that simple shortcut whether they are new players or players who have actually been around a while. I have encountered those players. 3. There are no sorting features like in Concept 2, but there is a Search Box that will highlight the gem you're looking for. Plus that, all gems are sorted in alphabetical, RBG order by default from left to right, top to bottom in every row. 4. Certain gems Classes cannot buy (either because they are not the right Class or because the player did not complete certain Quests) are displayed with red backgrounds, and players are also informed with a red message when hovering the cursor over gems with red backgrounds. For demonstration purposes, the Added Cold Damage Support with a red background applies to the Marauder Class (the wrong Class for that Support), and the Blood Magic and Culling Strike Supports with red backgrounds are due to insufficient currency and 2 incomplete Quests. 5. For cleanliness (despite what the image shows), players who hover their cursor over gems with red backgrounds will always have their text displayed neatly on the very bottom row. That is because having red text messages display in the row just above gems with red backgrounds would interfere with Skill Gem tooltips. 6. There is more room for informative texts in this concept than in Concept 2. 7. Skill Gems are sorted in alphabetical, RGB order from left to right, top to bottom. 8. While Classes (currently) cannot see gems only other Classes can buy, this new Vendor Window allows all Classes to see gems they cannot buy, anyway, so that players know what Classes can buy what gems without having to consult the PoE Wiki. ![]() /////////////////////////////////////////////// Concept 2: The original concept below:
Features include:
1. Actual labeled Vendor Tabs to be more specific. Furthermore, the same layout in the mock-up image below would also apply to the Active Skills Tab.
2. Certain gems Classes cannot buy (either because they are not the right Class or because the player did not complete certain Quests) are grayed out and the player is also informed with a message when hovering the cursor over grayed-out gems. For demonstration purposes, the grayed out gems apply to the Marauder Class. 3. For cleanliness, players who hover their cursor over grayed-out gems will always have their text text displayed neatly in the row just above those gems. 4. The gems are sorted in RGB order from top to bottom and are shown to be in alphabetical order. 5. A 'Buy' button players can press fast as they want in the event more than one friend or guild member needs a gem of the same type vs. CTRL + Clicking items from the Vendor Window to the Inventory (which is a too-behind-the-scenes mechanic to begin with that is never explained to new players unless explained by experienced players). 6. The ability to sort gems in alphabetical order from A-Z or Z-A with the arrows. 7. The ability to sort gems from lowest to highest Price or highest to lowest Price with the arrows. 8. While Classes (currently) cannot see gems only other Classes can buy, this new Vendor Window allows all Classes to see gems they cannot buy, anyway, so that players know what Classes can buy what gems without having to consult the PoE Wiki. ![]() P.S. Yes, I actually did Wiki the accurate price of each individual gem for illustration purposes. Please support. Thank you! HeavyMetalGear When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Oct 7, 2016, 3:16:32 AM Last bumped on Oct 7, 2016, 1:04:03 AM
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I think that not even blood magic and kitten sacrifices will ever force GGG to add auction house in-game.
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" Except this is not an Auction House; it is a complete revamp of the current Vendor System whose sold gems are a complete mess when players want to buy gems from Vendors. When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Oct 4, 2016, 8:44:17 AM
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" My bad. Revamp is a nice idea since one need to visit all traders to find "the skill". I think it's gonna be easier to accumulate all skill gems from previous acts and not distribute them among NPCs in different acts. And add search box not to read all tooltips. |
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" Why add a search box when you can very easily track down what gems you're looking for just by the very letter they start with in the alphabet (sorted in alphabetical order) in conjunction with their icon colors all together within the illustrated revamped Vendor System in my OP? The whole point of creating this revamped Vendor System the way I did was to do away with the devs having to implement a search box, and of course, to make gem purchases more streamlined / easier. Edit: Retracted the above underlined to give the devs a choice between two Vendor UI concepts. When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Oct 5, 2016, 2:53:20 AM
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GGG is pretty bad at in-game UI stuff. I wish the game was offline/moddable so we could do custom UIs. (although, some online games have complete UI customizability, like dungeons and dragons online).
Your gem vendor certainly looks better and has functionality/usability improvements. Another improvement I'd make is to remove "support" from the name of support gems since it creates readability issues and looks messy (and is redundant, with "support" tag and gem shape, but mainly it just looks really bad and is hard to scan/read quickly). With your method GGG can organize support gems in the vendor in their own support category (or tab). And really, it should be 1 vendor in each act (the same person) that has ALL the gems, with things greyed out until various quests/difficulties/acts are complete. GGG also needs to add basic tutorial /guided prompts to the start of the game (or a pre-beach intro that teaches basic things). I've watched new players try to use gems by clicking on them and dropping them on monsters, or go partially through act 1 using default attack, or make it to level 15+ without using any support gems. Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
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Excellent post, great work on the mock up
+1 Life will be technically better Soon TM
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" Pardon my late reply. Making the user interface able to be customized in an indefinite number of ways (like Guild Wars 1 had and Guild Wars 2 has) would take quite a bit of work and money to get going. Not only that, I believe GGG wants to preserve their signature look in the UI (call it what you want) no matter what the UI ultimately gets to looking like in the future so when players are Streaming the game, new players don't look at the game and assume, "OMG, is that really the interface?! It looks so crap!" without knowing beforehand the UI is changeable. GGG does not want to chance the above scenario happening even a little bit, and I believe they made a comment saying so some time ago (if I can find a source, I'll update this reply). " The only reason I disagree with removing the words "Support" and "Active" from the name of Support Skills and Active Skills is because soon after players purchase a Support Skill OR Active Skill, the tag "Support" and "Active" will not be present, that which may confuse some players on which gems are Support Skills and which gems are Active Skills. The removal of keywords like "Support" and "Active" is not a smart move because doing so assumes by default every player (especially new players) will know/remember the difference between a Support Skill and Active Skill without their rightful tags. " I disagree. There should be different Vendors in each town to create NPC variety, each who has their own little backgrounds so as to bring about the impression within the player's mind each Vendor has a preference where they choose to dwell and in what environment. That gives the game personality. Just having one Vendor travel about in each town would become monotone after a while because it would be the same Vendor you greet over and over with the same voice acting. " I agree. One day I will mock up a system like that, but not now. I will pitch that idea later on. When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Oct 4, 2016, 7:46:46 PM
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It's easy for GGG to maintain a signature look with a customizable UI. The way to do it is modular, where players have options and can choose which things they want, where they want them, and how big they are.
Based on your reply my assumption is you haven't seen good modular, scalable UIs in other games, or maybe you're thinking about custom skins for UIs which isn't the same as what I'm talking about (or even necessary). PoE's current UI has many problems with buffs/debuffs running out of space, being poorly organized, or being blocked by things like the unnecessarily giant pvp queue box, as well as insufficient hotkeys for many builds, annoying aura management, archaic chat management (chat needs tabs as an option, not just checkboxes that dump everything into the same panel). Hideout decoration UI is terrible. MTX UI/organization is terrible. Stash UI is terrible (especially after league merges, sorting/usability is abysmal - it needs folders and better UI for managing 80++ tabs). " Skill gems do not need "support" in their name when they already have "support" in the tag. It's especially redundant with your vendor suggestion because the gems are in a clearly labeled support skills tab and have support in their name. It looks amateur. After a player purchases or acquires a gem, they will still be able to mouse over it and see "support" in the tag. It's absolutely unnecessary (and horrible looking) for all the support gems to have "support" at the end of their name. New players are still confused by the skill system so adding support to everything fixed nothing and made it all harder to read. If ggg wants more differentiation between support skills and active skills there are better ways to do it than adding "active" or "support" to the name of everything. " First there is no active tag. Second, I never suggested to remove support from skill tags. Only from the name (so melee damage on full life support becomes melee damage on full life, like it used to be before GGG tried to bandage their lack of tutorial/new player guidance with skill naming aids). Never underestimate what the mod community can do for PoE if you sell an offline client.
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The problem is, new interface looks good and easy to use, like modern online store. But the vendors in the game are ragged, unwashed hobos selling shit which lies in piles near them, just as it looks like in current version of the UI. So GGG will not implement your suggestion because in will be "anti-immersive".
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
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