[2.4] THE FREEZERATOR. Dual Cospri's Malice Crit Assassin Lacerate. Frostbolt/Arctic Breath/Vortex

Tiossi wrote:

This guys provides arguments for another version of this build and you guys just shit talk him because you feel offended that Inquisitor might be a good option too.

I can't see your characters, so can you make them visible again or provide your build in this thread? I would be interested in how your gear and passive tree looks.

He doesn't provide arguments for another version of a build, he is attacking the build rather than being constructive, claiming that I am spreading missinformation regarding my own build.

My own testing is what I base my arguments from. He is free to go make his own guide.

My characters have been gutted since I am done with the build. Everything I used is still in the main post.

The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806
The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363
Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772
Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548
maddognils wrote:
Bada_Bing wrote:
How do you cope with stun?

If you put warlord's mark on blasphemy you can drop the boot leech for 80% stun avoidance boots.

Assassin's mark isn't necessary at all, infact it's just a slight damage/quality of life boost.

So if we are using Warlord's Mark, how will we generate Power Charges if not using Assassin's Mark? Unless, we have high enough crit chance that we won't need Assassin's Mark, in which case we change the Bandit reward in Merciless to something else?

This also means that this build will struggle on Hexproof maps/bosses since our only leech is coming from a curse.
Warband: IGN: Benko
Last edited by Yuufe on Oct 5, 2016, 4:14:31 PM
Yuufe wrote:
maddognils wrote:
Bada_Bing wrote:
How do you cope with stun?

If you put warlord's mark on blasphemy you can drop the boot leech for 80% stun avoidance boots.

Assassin's mark isn't necessary at all, infact it's just a slight damage/quality of life boost.

So if we are using Warlord's Mark, how will we generate Power Charges if not using Assassin's Mark? Unless, we have high enough crit chance that we won't need Assassin's Mark, in which case we change the Bandit reward in Merciless to something else?

This also means that this build will struggle on Hexproof maps/bosses since our only leech is coming from a curse.

Assassin ascendancy generates more than enough power charges on it's own. You make the decision yourself, leech boots and be fine in hexproof maps, or stun avoidance. Simple as that, I run without the stun avoidance boots and have never died to a stun.
The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806
The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363
Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772
Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548
Just so everybody is informed, the 0.1s internal cooldown for triggered skills is applied per skill, rather than on the entirety of the Cospri's Malice item. Since you also cannot trigger more than 1 spell per trigger event, having 2 skill gems in Cospri's Malice does not trigger more spells cast than having just 1 skill gem unless you are critting more than 10 times a second (maximum efficiency for 2 skill gems being 20 attacks per second). I'd suggest using just 1 skill gem and 2 support gems per Cospri's Malice.

From the Wiki:
For Cast on Critical Strike, Cast on Melee Kill Support, Mjölner and Cospri's Malice, only one skill can be triggered per trigger event.
The spell that is triggered is determined based on the order in which it is socketed, and will cast supported spells in sequence, even across multiple attacks. These items and skills also have cooldowns which limit how often a skill is cast.
These cooldowns apply per-triggered-skill, rather than applying to the trigger gem itself.

Taken from this page: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Cast_On_Critical_Strike_Support
AceLegend90 wrote:
Just so everybody is informed, the 0.1s internal cooldown for triggered skills is applied per skill, rather than on the entirety of the Cospri's Malice item. Since you also cannot trigger more than 1 spell per trigger event, having 2 skill gems in Cospri's Malice does not trigger more spells cast than having just 1 skill gem unless you are critting more than 10 times a second (maximum efficiency for 2 skill gems being 20 attacks per second). I'd suggest using just 1 skill gem and 2 support gems per Cospri's Malice.

From the Wiki:
For Cast on Critical Strike, Cast on Melee Kill Support, Mjölner and Cospri's Malice, only one skill can be triggered per trigger event.
The spell that is triggered is determined based on the order in which it is socketed, and will cast supported spells in sequence, even across multiple attacks. These items and skills also have cooldowns which limit how often a skill is cast.
These cooldowns apply per-triggered-skill, rather than applying to the trigger gem itself.

Taken from this page: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Cast_On_Critical_Strike_Support

Everyone knows this but 2 arctic breaths is a must for insane shotgun potential.(1 in each malice) Vortex is perma chill on an area and decent damage, clears packs nicely, and frostbolt spawns the vortexes at range while traveling along nicely to clear remaining mobs.

This is a fun build that's meant to fill the screen with aids. If you only use say 2 arctic breath's for example, you'll run into the problem of pebbles (no joke) they travel along the ground and pebbles ruins our day. Frostbolt comes in and saves the day in that situation.

I've mentioned that you're free to play around with any cold spells you wish.

The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806
The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363
Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772
Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548
Why not use freezing pulse? It has the highest flat damage out of all cold spells.

Clearspeed flask. Without this we would either have to use 2 snakepit's or GMP in our weapons.

Is Dying Sun a requirement then? If we don't have dying sun, should we drop Cold Pen for GMP?
Warband: IGN: Benko
Last edited by Yuufe on Oct 6, 2016, 2:13:50 PM
GornoDD wrote:
Why not use freezing pulse? It has the highest flat damage out of all cold spells.

In the video I use freezing pulse. It doesn't shotgun and it's really glitchy around terrain, you decide between vortex/frostbolt/freezing pulse. 2 Arctic breath's are basically necessary for single target since they shotgun the shit out of most things.

I also mention that you can use whatever cold spells you wish, but there are downsides so you have to adapt to your playstyle.
The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806
The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363
Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772
Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548
Yuufe wrote:

Clearspeed flask. Without this we would either have to use 2 snakepit's or GMP in our weapons.

Is Dying Sun a requirement then? If we don't have dying sun, should we drop Cold Pen for GMP?

You can play the build with 2 snakepit and no dying sun. The rings provide cold resists so you should still be able to cap resists, you just cant whirl as much.
The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806
The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363
Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772
Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548
I was thinking of using a CoC setup in the 6l.

Something like this tree for CI -> click me

Going into Templar gives 1 power charge, a lot of all resists and increased damage, attack speed, accuracy and energy shield. Even some dex :)

Main 6l:
Lacerate - Multistrike - Increased Critical Strike - COC - Frostbolt - Ice Nova

Alternatively maybe slot one Frost Bomb in here?

The increased accuracy gem can be dropped with some accuracy on gear. I have 72% increased on tree. The templar AoE nodes will somewhat compensate the loss of Inc AoE gem and also boost AoE on all spells we use.
Loss of faster attacks may be bad though. Could compesate by buying 3 x atk speed jewels (attack speed with one handed + attack speed with shield + general attack speed)

This may allow the use of a shield or just boot dps even further.

What is your opinion on this setup? Also - how do you deal with stun/freeze?

Also - does a single swing from Lacerate proc both gems socketed on single mobs hit?
Last edited by azmodael on Oct 6, 2016, 5:00:40 PM

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