[2.4] THE FREEZERATOR. Dual Cospri's Malice Crit Assassin Lacerate. Frostbolt/Arctic Breath/Vortex
![]() 2.6 UPDATE. HAVEN'T PLAYED THIS BUILD SINCE 2.4 WHEN COSPRIS HAD A 100 MS COOLDOWN. WE NOW HAVE A 250MS COOLDOWN. BUILD PROBABLY FUNCTIONS STILL, BUT BE AWARE. ~Videos~ [WE GOT BUILD OF THE WEEK! «««] [Full Run Here «««] [No Speed Shrine Atoll «««] [T14 Twinned Palace «««] [Deathless T16 Minotaur «««] by Sp3tan [Leveling Tree Walkthrough «««] This build fulfills your coldest and chillest dreams as you launch shot gunning arctic breaths and Frostbolts that spawn vortexes ontop of them at your enemies. Combining decent projectile speed, cold damage, 40% cold pen, 500% crit multi, crit cap and insane whirl speed, this build annihilates maps in style.
Why assassin and not Inquisitor? Assassin wins in terms of consistency and spewing out as many spells as we possibly can. Compare this build to old COC with barrage/bladefall/EK/GC. More unlinked spells per second > Higher damage spells but less per second. ![]()
Must Have Items
Without the following items the build will NOT WORK. One of these are absolutely required. You can play with a shield if you don't have two. That's all that is absolutely necessary!
Optimal Gear
Helmet Look for a high ES helmet with lacerate crit chance enchant. You can also use Ice spear grants power charge on crit enchant, however.. this forces you to use ice spear... Gloves Use an [Essence of Insanity] on a pair of ilvl 84 Sorcerer gloves and hope for Energy Shield / Resists / Dex / accuracy. (This is not necessary if you don't care about whirling blade speed) Amulet Whatever resists you need, ES, crit multi & spell damage for offensive. Rings This slot is flexible, are you happy with your resists and crit? Or do you not have a dying sun? Elreon rings are nice as they make whirling around cheaper without draining your mana pool. You do not need to multimod. I recommend one snakepit, and one -8 elreon ring. (Does not need to be diamond) Belt Cap your resists/dex/strength requirements here. I went greedy for ES/flask mod. Body Armour The heart of the build. 6L 700+ ES Regalia. Cap your resists here aswell. (Mine is shit) Boots Try to get leech/stun immunity enchant here. Movespeed is not necessary. If you get stun immunity enchant here, you need to use warlord's mark for leech!
Clearspeed flask. Without this we would either have to use 2 snakepit's or GMP in our weapons. Just an OP defensive flask. Gives phys midigation and tons of block. Free Frenzy & Endurance charges. Doesn't dent our HP because we instantly leech it back. Also saves you on no regen maps sometimes. Attack speed. Freeze immune. Spell crit cap. Bleed immune.
Look for crit multi/attack speed/ES jewels. Jewels are a large part of your damage. One +2 mana gain on hit jewel to make sure you never have damage downtime. This goes here:
I leveled as firestorm/flametotem until 41. I leveled as cast on crit discharge with a vagan dagger and a voll's protector & voll's devotion the rest of the way. I went malice build at 70. Pick up nightstalker and rush all crit/life/es nodes and you should be able to cyclone coc through content. If you don't have a voll's devotion I recommend Bladefall & Vortex in your Chest. (Tabula is fine.)
Passive Tree/Bandits
Normal: Kill all bandits. Cruel: Help Kraityn. Merciless: Help Alira https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYBAQMeBx4NfA3RDkgPqw_EEJIRDxEvEVARlhXXFr8XVBewGYobJRvIH0EgbiKBIvQjNiSLKgsqOCsKLL8yMjW5O3w9X0GWRXxGcUlRSbFKi0uuTC1Ms1AwUlNTEFZKVmNXyV3yX2pgQ2NDbAttGW1sbj1vnnBScLt3B3_GgwmExYauhxOJ04wLjDaOPI_6kyeVLpcGl5WXl5f0m7WcpJ6hoS-io6crrrO0DLQ4tUi4yrl8uZO8b76AvorDCcM6xKLK08_d0B_Q0ND118_ZW9mG217jhOUZ6QLquutj6_XsGOyw74jv6_DV8YryHfk3-_U=
Gem Links
Main Link (Chest) Auras/Curses Whirling Blades Vaal Skills Weapon Links These specific spells aren't necessary. Try out all the cold gems, It's alot of fun! Only 1 spell will work just as well as 2 in each cospris, try things out and let me know what you like the most. The rest is up to you. [spoiler="FINAL NOTES"] This build mainly focuses on clear speed, you may struggle against t16+ bosses & shaper. Try out different skills and let me know what you can come up with, there are some cool combos out there, and remember, only cold skills work! Feel free to whisper me in game @maddognils or leave comments here if you have any questions. Enjoy [/spoiler] The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806 The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363 Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772 Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548 Last edited by maddognils#6939 on Mar 24, 2017, 1:15:46 PM Last bumped on Dec 22, 2017, 5:12:03 PM
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I have a really similar build (you can see in my profile "Ninetyyearsoldandhorny").
Some notes: 1. I suggets running the 3% crit mod from essence of whatever it was for gloves. Now you don't need anything more than a 4link. 2. Templar is the superior choice (I've tried both). With 1.) we don't need the assassin ascendancy to cap our crit nodes, and Inquisitor offers way more damage (even more survivability) than Assassin. You can switch out the penetration gems for life leech now. 3. Switch to a cyclone setup for T15/T16 bossfights. The damage is there, they will melt. Rigwald and the Minotaur are the toughest bosses, the rest is cake. 4. One gem in each Cospri's Malice is enough, because the .1s CD counts for both gems. Get a damage gem or inc crits. I could go deeper, but these are the most important things. |
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" 1. But you loose 2 links, there is nothing there that you want to drop. 2. I've tried templar and the crit is too unreliable unless you 4 link it in the gloves with crit essence AND use crit strikes gem. We don't care about 100% pen. We want to spew out as many spells as we can, this is the same reason the old COC barrage wasn't a templar. And again, 2 links lost. 3. The whole point of this fun build is to be throwing out projectiles infront of you, if I wanted to cyclone i'd switch to my fakener build that's currently on the frontpage. 4. One gem isn't enough because how do we then get frostbolt, vortex and arctic breath? But thanks. The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806 The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363 Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772 Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548 Last edited by maddognils#6939 on Oct 3, 2016, 3:21:35 PM
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Hey, just saw this build and it looks quite fun I might be shooting for this next. If you couldn't afford two Cospri's, which spells would you put in the one you did have?
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" Frostbolt - Arctic Breath - Cold Pen The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806
The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363 Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772 Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548 |
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" Inquisitor is the most damage in the game, and yes you have to crit to do this damage, but when you do, you actually ignore all resists, not "100% pen". So, on a mob with 65 cold res, you do a whopping 65% MORE damage, that's insane, since you just crit, with 500 crit multi. An assassin crit would be doing 35% of what an Inquisitor crit does. Last edited by Orca_Orcinus#3543 on Oct 3, 2016, 9:47:59 PM
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" Your math is a bit off. Without penetration, you do 100*0.65=0.35 so 35% of your damage against a 65 cold res monster. With full inq penetration, that becomes just 100, so 100/35 = ~2.86%, or 186% more damage. This is assuming they have 65 cold resistance and you're not using cold pen at all on the non-inquisitor, though. Most endgame bosses have 40% resists, so take that as you will. Either cold penetration or frostbite is generally enough as a non-inquisitor, although not vs. bosses in the latter case due to reduced curse effectiveness. |
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" I'm pretty sure bosses have 65%. I could check to be sure tho. Regardless, if you have to use cold penetration support gem in a socket to get what Inquisitor, with ele dmg nodes as well, does, then paper doll is meaningless here, because another support gem would be even that much MORE damage. Last edited by Orca_Orcinus#3543 on Oct 3, 2016, 11:40:54 PM
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What do you think about going life on this build? I know CI is pretty much meta right now, but what's your opinion? I feel like ES is expensive to get.
Warband: IGN: Benko Last edited by Yuufe#4269 on Oct 4, 2016, 6:43:07 AM
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" I don't know why I have to repeat this to everyone so many times but oh well, the inquisitor fanboyism is crazy when it comes to elemental crit. Everyone just assumes inquisitor is the way to go because hurr durr ignore resists. Now we are using a 5.5 crit sword here, no crazy high crit foil or dagger like ele buzzsaw. The sword has an icd of 0.1 second meaning that it maxes out at casting 10 spells per second. The whole point of the build is to completely drown mobs in Spells. Inquisitor does not get even close enough crit chance to make use of the ICD. Resulting in even as low as 1/4th of the amount of spells as an assassin can throw out. There's a reason people don't play malice discharge as an inquisitor, it's too unreliable. Lacerate is socketed with multistrike and when I was doing inquisitor testing you were completely reliant on diamond flask on bosses or nothing would happen, you would stand there and spam your lacerate and NOTHING WOULD HAPPEN. Do you realize how bad that is when your spells also need to crit? Not to mention as an assassin we have 550% multi on crit capped spells, Inquisior doesn't. Even with diamond flask the crit wasn't enough to make use of the 0.1 ICD. You would be better off playing COC with a vagan weapon at that point. That's how bad it was, even with a 60% lacerate crit enchant. Another thing I forgot to mention, the spells aren't close to crit capped in an inquisitor even with spell crit on the tree, you have to put a crit chance gem in your weapons, so that cold pen we're using? Guess what, suddenly has to be a crit chance gem. Sorry for the ramble but I have done plenty of testing on both ascendancies and I am sure that assassin is the best choice. Now you can prevent this by using crit chance gem and +3 crit gloves, but the build feels utterly sluggish when we loose 2 support gems on lacerate. The New Fakener: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1740806 The Freezerator: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1748363 Elementalist EK Prolif: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1896772 Clearspeed Berserker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1956548 Last edited by maddognils#6939 on Oct 4, 2016, 9:02:52 AM
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