[2.4] CI/LL Blade Vortex Pathfinder
I have few questions.
1. Skill tree. Why you dont go for another +45% skill duration node, along with -15% flask charges used node? And why take jewel socket benind Shaper node and 2x mana nodes? Not sure if power charge node is worth it. I'm also not sure, if we need those aura nodes as CI. For low-life - yes, sure. But CI has just 2 auras, and i believe it's better just take some extra ES and DPS nodes. My build looks like this: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIDAJuNzqjpmH-AN0wBvBeW_xDHne96jZJEDfaj0373PcjwFSAknSzpCTNiWoazAO4qTT8nfVuj71-YrEdUglltUUzPMspKb55fsIMJnKSbtUZxhxPDOoTFtAx3Byo46rrK0w18vopXyZMnoS8o-mwLf8bviILHuJMi9BGW-TcdvhzcbRkHHg5I188zh48aEVDZW5f0lS5d8kmxA-41uRslUlPw1SoLKwqnK0uul5U9X4_6SVFwUhEv6QJMs-wY0NDr9YnT62Ous0V-0B8sv19qwwmMNrVIQZYOXO_rFde5kwVC0PVq-oau8h0snFZjsZAtqL6A 2. Gem setup. Since you have Vessel of Vinktar with 30% physical to lightning conversion (after flask effect bonuses), why dont go for the following setup: BV-IAoE/CEff-PtL-LPen-CD-ICS/SEcho and use Wrath aura instead of Hatred, to boost lightning damage even more. I believe, if you have a weapon with good cast speed roll, some cast speed from jewels, 90% skill duration (and +30% duration enchant if possible), you can keep 20 stacks without spell echo. And with lightning penetration, high enemy resistance wont be a problem, and you'll leech full ES with slightest touch. " Actually, CI BV Pathfinder is great even without Vessel of Vinktar. Here is my setup: Nothing spectacular, except the chest. I have 11.5K ES, and I wonder, why no one ever mentions Death's Hand? It's a great tool for 100% power charge uptime and 30% physical added as chaos (great for leeching with Atziri's Promise and poisoning enemies). This setup is extremely easy to use - no need to bother with second "curse" vortex, no need to keep timing on Vinktar precisely (cause it consumes insane amount of charges), etc. Phys reflect maps are a cakewalk cause armour absorbs all physical damage, and high LL from chaos overrides tiny reflected damage. IGN: MortalKombat Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504 There is no knowledge That is not power Last edited by MortalKombat3#6961 on Oct 5, 2016, 5:02:38 AM
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" Some people do that, I just don't think we need it. It's pretty point heavy. Another skill effect duration node is just QoL and we can uptime Vinktars without the 15%. Getting Command of Steel by going downwards is a good defensive choice for HC, though. " Because we won't be able to stack BV beforehand if we don't get manareg. You want to get atleast to 15 stacks before entering a fight sometimes. Same reason why we take aura nodes, besides the aura effectiveness. Clarity just makes this build feel much more smooth. " +1 power charge and possibly 20% inc spell damage for 3p is pretty nice to get " Sure you can. You can keep 20 stacks with Faster Casting as well and avoid the 10% less we get from Spell Echo, but that's only better for stationary fights that take longer than 20-30 seconds. Minotaur for example. We won't benefit from it enough for nearly all the other content, including Shaper. One of the main reasons we use Hatred is to shatter enemies. We won't do that with Wrath. It's also much better DPS-wise. Hatred: "You and nearby allies gain (26-36)% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage" -> It doesn't reduce or convert our physical damage, we just get 26-36% of it as extra cold damage. Wrath: "You and nearby allies deal (15-21)% more Lightning Damage with Spells" -> It just increases the lightning damage we already deal. The other part of Wrath is just added to attacks, BV isn't a attack though. You can stack Lightning damage, but any elemental damage falls off in endgame and LightningPen won't balance that out. We'd lose a lot of our physical damage if we use P2L AND a conversion Vinktars. That's the reason why some Shaper farmers even skip Conversion Vinktars. " Pretty much the same reason as above. Chaos damage isn't that endgame viable " You should get enough flask charges while clearing and you shouldn't have real difficulties uptiming Vinktars in bossfights if you're using Chalice. You can also run Phys Reflect, or atleast I do. I wouldn't in HC, but as I'm playing ESC I don't mind Phys Reflect that much and I don't really die to that either. I swap in P2L instead of Critdmg for Phys reflect and turn off Hatred for Elereflect. I wasn't even turning it off when I was still using mediocre gear. Last edited by Purexec#0078 on Oct 5, 2016, 7:20:13 AM
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1)Alright so I've been following the build and its clearing stuff great, but using the cwdt with the 2nd BV to make power charges doesn't seem to work as well as manually casting the 2nd BV. I seem to hardly ever have any power charges up am I doing something wrong? Here is my gear ESC.
2)Also what stats should I be looking for on my weapon? I think the one I have is mediocre and I can afford to upgrade 3)I was also wondering have you considered dropping the BV power charge and replacing the blasphemy warlords mark with assasins mark? Since you already have vinktars? 4)9.2k es BV dps 18.6k without flasks , 30k with flasks is that good? 5) Removing my magnate belt drops my tooltip dps by 1.5k is it worth ti to go for the crystal belt for dded ES? Last edited by Vexorr#5170 on Oct 5, 2016, 7:55:40 AM
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" Why use CWDT-BV-PCoc? As LL I'd either use BV-CoC or OrbOfStorms-PCoC. If you have enough DPS you don't really need the powercharges for clearing, Orb-PCoC is more reliable for bosses. " Spelldmg, Spellcrit is mandatory. Added-to-Spells, Critmulti and maybe Attackspeed for WB/SC are good secondary stats. " You can, but you wouldn't get any powercharges in bossfights. I dropped WM for Vulnerability though as I don't feel like needing the leech or endcharges. I would still recommend WM, though. " Good enough " I mainly did it because I needed the res. Crystal is a little bit more defensive choice. I feel like the flask stats you can get are pretty equal to the one from Magnate. Last edited by Purexec#0078 on Oct 5, 2016, 8:17:09 AM
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" wow dude THANK YOU ive got a kickass weapon - and using kauri ward is SO MUCH BETTER, the damage is the same, ur charges are always up, , more crits, and u get it as a 30% chaos damage... dont really needs any flasks im just running with movement flask and GG, also mind mentioning the blas+warlord, arctic armour instead of haste that ure running, i have charges up all time, leech from warlock, and additional arctic armour, for about 15% damage lost which is nothing really, thank you dude ! |
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With Void Barrier:
10684 ES 31%/8% block 68%/38% block with Rumi (%8 to all res) With Mind Barrier & Precise Interception: 10669 ES 34%/16% block 71%/46% block with Rumi I think the trade off is worth it! I'm sure the ES will scale with a better shield and obviously +3%/+8% block is better than ~20 extra ES. Updated Tree I am now thinking of specing out of Charisma and picking up another Jewel as I am not seeing a good reason to try to squeeze in another aura. Although the extra mana has been helpful with spamming BV. I will prob end up switching to Spell Echo over FC for map clears (I have been playing without spell echo this whole time and usually have 8-10 stacks up while mapping). Any other suggestions to make this more tanky? How good is Command of Steel? |
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I am thinking of switching to lowlife (Hardcore).
But is it really worth it? I can pick 2 more Auras (What should they be? I run Hatred and Discipline now with my CI bild) and the 30% more spell damage, but that's it right? And i'll have to pick up chaos res (a lot i guess) which makes me having to Change a lot of gear ... Or should i stay with CI and go for a 2nd conversion Vessel which makes the effect permanent? i'd like to kill shaper when the char is done, but much to do before.. Thanks for help! |
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Hey man thanks for the build! Running it as my first character as CI and is a lot of fun. I've been experimenting with a couple of different setups that I thought I'd share :)
Firstly for the power charge generation I went with a 4L: CWDT (lvl 1) - BV (lvl 8) - Inc. Crit Strikes - Power Charge on Crit. It's been generating charges flawlessly and removes the need to cast a second blade vortex setup, really nice quality of life boost. Second was auras - I saw a lot of people were having mana problems so I dropped Hatred and Clarity and went with: Blasphemy - Warlord's Mark - Herald of Ice. It leaves a decent chunk of mana unreserved and once I've picked up more reduced mana reserved nodes I might place another aura in there. With plenty of mana regen on my jewellery (at least around 50%) mana was no issue. Granted your damage takes a bit of a hit dropping Hatred but the clear has still been great in ~T8 maps. Haven't taken it into red tier yet as I'm still only 74, but thought I'd chuck in my piece, thanks again for the build! :) Last edited by RyanHx#3105 on Oct 6, 2016, 11:38:11 AM
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Hello Purexec, somewhat personal quesion,
how do you leech life? Is clarity + passive tree enough to sustain mana? Judging by Gear section, you dont have red socket in Shav to insert LL gem, and no Warlords mark+blasphemy setup. OR is it just for reference? |
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" I think I should have WM in my CI gear. As LL: Vinktars :) I didn't really need the leech from WM, but it's a great QoL thing. I have pretty much 100% Vinktars uptime. Not using WM is just a bit tedious for no(mana)regen maps, but it's alright. Clarity helps a lot. Getting some manareg on gear is also a good thing. For LL (as you can level up Clarity higher) you don't need Shaper anymore, though. You don't need manareg if you don't want to prestack BV, but I'd recommend it. It may seem like a waste to get manareg if you leech anyway but going into a bossfight with only very few BV stacks isn't really that great. " Personally, I wouldn't go LL in HC except you're having god like gear. It's really not worth the risk otherwise. Yup, pretty much. I decided to run a Blasphemy setup, but you could also run Haste. Yeah, I'd get chaos res on HC. If you're using Master Herbalist you get 30% while using a flask, so that helps. Since I'm only playing SC I just stay with the 30% I get from that. You could use 2 Vinktars, but I don't really see a need for it if you use a Chalice. Probably spec into Master Alchemist if you do, though. Last edited by Purexec#0078 on Oct 6, 2016, 9:45:01 PM
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