[2.4] CI/LL Blade Vortex Pathfinder
As I went through the class guides I noticed that there's no 2.4 CI/LL BV Pathfinder guide, though many players are interested in it and it's pretty much the meta right now.
So I decided to write one. This is my first build guide so keep that in mind. If there are any questions or possible improvements let me know and I'll try my best.
I'd recommend leveling as Hybrid and speccing out of the %Life nodes once you're converting into CI at around 70. This was the skilltree I went with (77p). You could potentially skip Constitution but I felt like it wasn't enough %Life. (If you do skip Shaper & Potency of Will as well)
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIDADdMx52Nkvc96ZgXln-Wn23qugj0wFRiWt-YxKKXBhmKwzpVSySLD6sWv3X9hG-1SNRC62MRLysKXfIOSBGWBx6VLvDVSVH-urvjYeImlSoLcFKJ04w2f8aTJ--I-TfXz0mxakMspjdmNAqv6-fq-TNsCyL0bRmX9FJTPV-XlbQMDXzK076KvOpXySj6gsf56EGHtz7-CvJFOuGmV03j2L01kv6PHb4zhwPu Nature's Adrenaline -> Master Surgeon -> Master Herbalist -> Veteran Bowyer/Nature's Boon. Veteran Bowyer gives more damage and is better for clearing / lower tier maps while Nature's Boon is a little bit more defensive and better for flask management and endgame bosses. You could also get both Master Surgeon and Master Alchemist. Some people favor that.
4l BV + Spell Echo + Inc AoE/ConcEffect + Added Fire/ContDes
5l BV + Spell Echo + Inc AoE/ConcEffect + Added Fire/ContDes + Critical Strikes/Damage 6l BV + Spell Echo + Inc AoE/ConcEffect + Added Fire/ContDes + Critical Strikes + Phys to Lightning/Critical Damage What support gems you actually use depends on your playstyle and gear. Trying it for yourself is probably the best thing to do.
BV-Setup Alternative (needs atleast a 5l, not yet tested)
BV + SpellEcho + IncAoE/ConcEffect + ContDes + Life Leech (if not needed swap in Added Fire) (Specifically designed for players without Vinktars / that struggle with leech. Thanks to Goldnugget) Other than that: BV + Curse on Hit + Power Charge on Critical + Warlord's Mark Discipline + Hatred + Clarity + ___ (possibly Enlighten, Decoy Totem, Rallying Cry) CwDT + Immortal Call + Inc Duration + Lightning Golem/Tempest Shield (3R1B) OR CwDT + Immortal Call + Lightning Golem + Tempest Shield (2R2B) Vaal Haste + Vaal Discipline + Inc Duration Whirling Blades + Fortify + Faster Attacks Keep Clarity at lvl14, CwDT at lvl4, both Immortal Call and Lightning Golem at lvl6 and Tempest Shield at lvl9.
Normal: Kill All
Cruel: Oak, Alira or Kill All Merciless: Alira
Current Gear
CI (Outdated)
Gear and Links are outdated. Check "Links" for more information on how to link gems.
Weapon: A dagger for Whirling Blades. Divinarius is a very good option, but any rare dagger with Spell Damage + Spellcrit does the job. (You could also use a Wand) Shield: I'd recommend a solid rare shield with as much ES as possible, but you could use Rathpith Globe as well if you really want to. Chest: Pretty much the same as the shield. High ES and possible some Resistance, but you could use Beast Fur Shawl as well if you really want to. Belt: The Magnate is a very good unique option, but there's a new base called Crystal Belt with around 70 ES as an implicit. If you don't have any problems getting enough flask charges go with that belt base and try to get some flask mods and possibly ES and Resistance on it. Jewellery: You'll need either Eye of Chayula or the new ring Valyrium to counter stun. Other than that go for ES and Resistances. Spelldamage, Critchance, Critmulti, Castspeed and if needed Manareg are some nice additional stats. Flasks: Vessel of Vinktar (Conversion), Rumi's Concoction, Taste of Hate, Diamond/Quicksilver/Silver/Basalt/Stibnite/Atziri's Promise. (You can also use Dying Sun for more AoE, but I wouldn't) I'd recommend getting Atziri's Promise as early as possible because it'll help you leech and give you some much needed damage at that point. Rumi's Concoction is a good flask to get before Taste of Hate/Vessel of Vinktar because it'll help you facetank. You could use Rainbowstride on top of that to get even more Block. If you want to make a cheaper version of this build you can use a Added/Penetration Vinktars and a Physical to Lightning gem.
Energy from Within (put it near Melding)
%ES and 1-2 of the following damage stats: %Spell Dmg, %Spell Dmg while holding a Shield, %Phys, %Damage, %Area, %Critmulti, %Critchance (Nice thing to know is that %Damage also increases the poison damage from Master Herbalist) You can also get %Cast Speed or %Cast Speed while holding a Shield. Castspeed makes the build feel more smooth but it isn't really beneficial for your total damage, just the buildup.
LL offers more damage and we don't rely on high ES, so CI isn't necessary. It will need a lot more of an investment. We'll still run pretty much the same build and just drop CI for Pain Attunement + Arcane Vision. There are some other small things you could do as well, this is just what I went with.
I decided to go for a Blasphemy setup with Warlord's Mark since it helps with clearing and I don't want to run a Dualcurse without 2x Blasphemy. You can if you have the gemslots, though. You could also use Haste instead. Run Clarity + either Blasphemy or Discipline + atleast lvl16 BM on Life, Hatred and either Blasphemy or Discipline on Mana. https://poe.mikelat.com/#G59LSo/A=fZ.6/C=_b.e
You'll probably need Skyforth and lvl3 Enlighten for this.
Run 2x Blasphemy + Discipline on Mana, run Hatred + Clarity with a lvl20 BM and lvl3 Enlighten on Life. https://poe.mikelat.com/#HzO1ejb/BWlVb.e/zdXn.6
These are some videos/streams/VODs that were posted in the thread / were linked to me. It's not me that's playing, my PC is sadly too bad to record anything right now. All credit goes to them. If anyone wants to have something removed please just contact me.
Skoupidi Guardians/Shaper (https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/skoupidi) https://www.twitch.tv/skoupidi Poeblader Uberlab (https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/poeblader) https://youtube.com/watch?v=3bG62OuXxoI Ment2008 Atziri (https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/ment2008) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB_0Wu6_JxM
Why Added Fire instead of Controlled Destruction? It gives us around the same amount of damage and we don't lose any crit. You can do it either way or even combine them if you want to. Why Physical to Lightning as a possible 6l? It's not necessary, but it gives us a bit %more damage and some more leech. Not a bad choice. Can this build deal with reflect? Yes, actually both Ele and Phys reflect. Just swap in Physical to Lightning for Phys reflect and you'll be fine. Can this build do Shaper? All leech based BV builds can, yes. It's just even more safe as CI/LL. Why do you play this meta build? I knew it was going to be meta, but I didn't expect it to be THIS strong as you can see in some recent videos. I really like the BV mechanics and playstyle, so I went for it. Should I go LL? No, you don't have to. It's just a possible upgrade but doesn't change the build too much. Don't do it except you can afford atleast a 5l Shavs and are certain you'll still get atleast 8.5-9.5k ES without Infused Shield Can I use Added/Pen Vinktars instead of Conversion? Technically yes. I didn't try it that much but Added-Vinktars should atleast sustain you until around T12. If you go for a Pen-Vinktars use the Physical to Lightning gem to leech. Last edited by Purexec#0078 on Oct 22, 2016, 2:30:25 AM Last bumped on Jan 14, 2017, 10:20:58 PM
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why wont you use spell echo instead fc? nice gear anyways :)
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" For a few reasons. You don't need it to get to 20 stacks, Spell Echo reduces the damage while FC doesn't and it's a bit clunky to play with in my opinion. You could use Spell Echo if you really want to, but I don't recommend it. (Edit before anyone gets confused about this - I don't recommend FC anymore. It doesn't look that bad on paper but trying to avoid the %less from Spell Echo isn't really worth it as we gain a lot mobility by using SE.) Last edited by Purexec#0078 on Sep 20, 2016, 1:07:48 AM
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Hi Purexec, how different it is to play CI build than a life based build? I feel ultimately CI is the way to go for end game although life based gear is pretty cheap..
Wouldn't beast fur shawl vaal regalia is a better option for chest? |
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" It's definetely different. You can't heal through flasks so you have to be a little cautious. You need leech but also have the ES recharge that's pretty comfortable. You can't just smash flasks to heal yourself until they run out. (Well, Vinktars leech is kind of a healing flask) I'd say that you can play more aggressive if you do it correctly. You don't have to worry so much about volatiles or things like that and can take a hit or two. There's no real downside to ES except the currency requirements, but you can get into CI for 10-20c and have a decent ES pool of ~6k which is enough for T1-5 maps. I didn't play a ES-based build in a really long time so I find it pretty refreshing. I thought about buying Beast Fur Shawl but decided against it. I wanted to get more ES and the +5% damage taken isn't that negligible in my opinion, atleast for the high level maps I wanted to do with this build. That's just a personal choice of mine. You can totally use it if you want. Last edited by Purexec#0078 on Sep 6, 2016, 10:47:41 PM
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i've been looking for a good CI bv guide. i've been trying see if i can use some combo of:
https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Alexlulz/characters character:fyndelnumberfive
and https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1580756/page/1 and https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1667878 and https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1634532 but for the new league, so without stuff like skyforth. its VERY hard! this one looks quite good so ill give it a shot, but honestly i might incorporate the dual curse. Last edited by goldnugget#2818 on Sep 7, 2016, 4:51:23 AM
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Hey I've been following this build and was just wondering why you choose not to use controlled destruction.
Thanks for the guide by the way. |
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How am I supposed to sustain my mana without mana pots and Vinktar? Right now I can't use 2 auras and I have to run a mana pot because the leech from Warlord's is not enough.
Are there any sources for ES leech other than Atziri's promise, Vinktar and Warlord's? Vinktar is a bit expensive to buy and I'd rather invest in decent ES gear before that. Last edited by Eldest001#5458 on Sep 7, 2016, 5:01:59 AM
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Glad you guys like it :)
" You can, but you're losing like 10% crit and lose possible flask charges this way. Also, Controlled Destruction and Added Fire give roughly the same amount of extra damage. " Yeah, that's a big problem for this build and the reason I'm running Clarity (I wanted to get the Inc Aura Effect that comes with Reduced Reserved anyway). The Life based MoM version obviously doesn't have any issues in that regard. We won't be able to permacast BV without leeching enough mana. Clarity and Manareg on rings help a lot but it's still not enough. (If anyone has any ideas let me know.) The best thing to do is to use a manapot until you're able to leech enough mana, but you should drop it once you're having better flasks available. Whenever that is for you. There aren't any other ES leech options I'm aware of. Maybe someone else comes up with something. You probably have to improve your DPS and leech more ES this way. Vaal Discipline and Basalt/Rumi's help a lot with facetanking. Vinktars is really neccessary for this build. 20% leech is a LOT. You won't be able to sustain in T10+ maps otherwise, or atleast I didn't. Last edited by Purexec#0078 on Sep 7, 2016, 6:25:51 AM
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" well you could always use a lifeleech gem for certain maps. another option for regen for ES builds is zealot's oath. that would mean youd need to drop vaal pact, and probably youd take the flask that grants ZO during its effect. that in combination with a stone golem and enduring cry is actually amazing for running through traps in lab. using a second or even third vaal discipline gem is pretty good too. same with vaal lightning trap. gem slots are kind of a difficult decision though. as for mana issues - i think it is solved in the long term by better gear or maybe 1 extra mana node passive. for now you can always use Rallying cry aswell. 14.8 mana regen is very significant, and the increased damage is nice. anyways what do u guys think of a build like this as a dual curse option with 4 auras once you get skyforth and lvl 4 enlighten? https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAIDAQPuDXwOXA-rD8QRDxEvEVAV1xa_F5YYPBhWGGoZihqPGyUdqh2-IG4i9CSLKPoqCyo4KwosvzOHNbk3TDlSO3w9X0GWRX5GcUcGSbFLrkyzUDBQQlJTUzVWY1fJWAdca13yXypfamJaY0Nq-mwLbRlvnnBScLt0VXX9dwd_ln_GgseDCYRIhG-ExYauhxOJ04w2jZKP-pMnlwaXlZf0m6GbtZykn22hL6KjpyusmK6zr-u0DLVIuMq5k70nvorBxcMJwzrDbcSix53K09Af0NDQ9dRC18_ZW9te35jhiOfq6QLpmOq662Pr9ewY74jv6_Id8uH22vc999f5M_k3-ej7CQ== Last edited by goldnugget#2818 on Sep 7, 2016, 7:10:18 PM
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