Path of Building: Offline Build Planner [v1.4.71]

or linked to GENEROSITY,
the tooltip of totem linked skills does not increase.
nor do self-casted skills.
mana is correctly reserved.
its possible im doing something wrong i guess.
overall, great tool and i really appreciate it.
SteKrz wrote:
Hi. Posting for the first time in this thread.

I want to talk about new feature of sorting support gems by DPS and minions, specifically SRS. Currently DPS of the skill is calculated for 1 minion, and this create a problem making ignite dps greatly overvalued. Program suggest that supports like Elememental Focus or Multistrike are weaker than they are (dps coming from hits scale with minion count, while ignite dps does not).

Is there a plan to adress that? Also, thank you for the amazing tool you are developing for the community.
I think you'll find that in 3.0 this becomes a non-issue, as Ignite DPS for SRS becomes negligible with the removal of double dipping.

elpadremg wrote:

when playing around with absurd amounts of level gems, in my example "purity of fire", you basically brick it.

at lvl 31 you lose 1 max fire res, and some fire res
What's actually happening there is that since that gem doesn't go above level 30, the program is using the default level (20) instead. But since it isn't possible for gems to go above level 30 in-game, I'd hardly call it a bug.

Fyndel wrote:
Hi i got a new pc is there a way to transfer all the builds i had saved to my new pc?
Assuming you're using the normal install, you'll find your builds in your Documents folder, under Path of Building.

SpaceSPS wrote:
Hello, I believe i found a wrong interaction.
Essence Drain DoT Damage should be affected by projectile modifiers (according to wiki, haven't tested myself) but on PoB only the initial hit is affected and the DoT doesn't change at all.
This probably makes ED seem lot weaker than it is really.
The wiki is correct for the live version of the game (2.6), however in 3.0 modifiers to Projectile damage no longer apply to the DoT from Essence Drain.

zephiroth3 wrote:
or linked to GENEROSITY,
the tooltip of totem linked skills does not increase.
nor do self-casted skills.
mana is correctly reserved.
its possible im doing something wrong i guess.
overall, great tool and i really appreciate it.
Generosity prevents the linked auras from affecting you, which means they won't affect your defences, or the damage from self-cast skills, or the damage from traps, mines, or totems (since they use your offensive stats).
i got the following error msg while trying to drag items from template into my build

pastebin link in case you want it
The error seems to occur only when I set barrage to active skill
kosintop wrote:
i got the following error msg while trying to drag items from template into my build

pastebin link in case you want it
Fixed in the next update, along with another error I uncovered while trying to reproduce it.
need add in settings
"is the bleeded?" on enemy status

For calculate damage from Bloodlust support
ritor1sefa wrote:
need add in settings
"is the bleeded?" on enemy status

For calculate damage from Bloodlust support
That option already exists, but it won't appear unless you have Bloodlust linked to your main skill.
Fisrt of all, it is a really good app to build characters in PoE.

I noticed that there isn't an option to take in account whether you have Elemental Overload buff or not, are you going to add this feature??

Keep on with your beautiful work!
Taglialegna wrote:
Fisrt of all, it is a really good app to build characters in PoE.

I noticed that there isn't an option to take in account whether you have Elemental Overload buff or not, are you going to add this feature??

Keep on with your beautiful work!
Elemental Overload automatically applies if you have the keystone allocated, as it is assumed that you'll be able to keep it active.
a bug I noticed as well as how to replicate it
bug "you can change the version of a build without changing the tree or stats to that version
how to replicate it 2.6 version; have a 2.6 build that isnt saved(e.g. import ; go to configuration; change the game conversion to 3.0; click Convert to 3.0; click save; click cancel; now PoB thinks its 3.0 even though its still 2.6 with the 2.6 stats + tree
how to replicate it 2.6 version; have a 2.6 build that isnt saved; go to configuration; change the game conversion to 2.6; click Convert to 2.6; click save; click cancel; now PoB thinks its 2.6 even though its still 3.0 with the 3.0 stats + tree
Last edited by AvengingTenshi#1276 on Jul 28, 2017, 1:56:20 PM

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