Path of Building: Offline Build Planner [v1.4.71]

Openarl wrote:
MadHookUp wrote:
Just returned from a 2-3 year break. Wish I found this tool earlier as it would have saved me a ton of currency trying different things out. Its great! But I have a question/issue...

I have an Ice/Lightning witch that uses Heretic's Veil/Blasphemy to apply Enfeeble,Frostbite, and Assassin's Mark. I noticed by deselecting Enfeeble, my "Skill Hit Damage" goes up by 12,000. Actually disabling any curse does the same.

While playing the character I have no problem casting constantly. I am assuming the tool believes my build will constantly run out of mana and is knocking my total damage to compensate for it.
Having imported your character, I believe what's happening is that you're exceeding the enemy curse limit; when that happens, Blasphemy curses take priority over other curses, in this case your self-cast Elemental Weakness. So when you disable one of the Blasphemy curses, that Elemental Weakness starts to apply again, resulting in the DPS gain.

Incidentally, the program doesn't calculate or even care about your mana sustain while casting, as it assumes you'll have some way of replenishing it (whether through regen, leech or flasks).

Thank you for the reply. I currently have Whispers of Doom and Malediction, which allows me to apply 3 curses. Is there a reason its not taking that into account?
Celestial Punishment does not show any increase in damage, so it does not appear to work at all since I have Shaper of Desolation. Pendulum of Destruction does also not work for me.
Openarl wrote:
kompaniet wrote:
the program simply does not seem to work under windows 10.
i let it update to the latest version that did not help.

i also uninstalled it and went to github and downloaded the program and reinstalled it but no difference.

the issue i have is that everything inside the program is like a slideshow. all buttons have severe latency. even mousing over buttons take a second or two until they light up.

windows is reporting that the program is not compatible.

it was working normally until i updated it a while ago. that's when everything started going downhill.
The program works perfectly for the vast majority of users on Windows 10, so it's not the OS that's the problem. I'd suggest updating your graphics drivers, as they're often the cause of this issue.

Installing the latest graphics driver fixed it. Many thanks!
DiamondSnake wrote:
Very nice tool, thanks for the work!

But I have a few questions:

- Is it possible to increase the font size?
- Im searching for a summary in the skilltree like poeplanner
- I have a problem with Inquisitor I cant find anything via google
Inevitable Judgement if I allocate this your formula adds only 10% pen for non crit
What is zero resistance in numbers ? I cant fill it in manually in enemy resistance :(

Thanks for your help.
- Not currently
- There's no concise summary of the stats granted by the passive tree, but you'll find all the relevant totals in the Calcs tab
- Inevitable Judgement is automatically taken into account when calculating the damage of crits, although the effect isn't visible in the Calcs tab because it only shows the calculation of non-crit damage

MadHookUp wrote:
Thank you for the reply. I currently have Whispers of Doom and Malediction, which allows me to apply 3 curses. Is there a reason its not taking that into account?
It is, but you have 4 curses in total (3 Blasphemy curses and 1 self-cast).

Strykjarnet wrote:
Celestial Punishment does not show any increase in damage, so it does not appear to work at all since I have Shaper of Desolation. Pendulum of Destruction does also not work for me.
The damage bonus from Celestial Punishment doesn't apply unless you select one of the "Enemy is Frozen/Shocked/Ignited" options in the Configuration tab. Likewise, Pendulum of Destruction has an option in the Configuration tab to enable the buff.
my download speed is 1mb/s but i can't download at gibhub, very sowly 1kb/s and can't complete, why? can you give me other download link ? thanks you.
quiet18121989 wrote:
my download speed is 1mb/s but i can't download at gibhub, very sowly 1kb/s and can't complete, why? can you give me other download link ? thanks you.
That's odd; I had no trouble downloading the installer just now, so I don't think the problem is with GitHub. The project is hosted entirely on GitHub, so the installers aren't normally available anywhere else; but I've made the latest version temporarily available here.
i got it, ty bro:D
Hey man, thank you for your hard job.

is it me? or you recently added an antialiasing filter ?
to me the tree looks completely washed out, i need to use the sharpen filter of my screen to the maximum to get a decent picture. It's not normal

This tree was a bit aliased when zoomed out but atleast the colours werent washed.

So i'm unsure... is it on my end or did you add such filter?

If you did added this feature, could you add an option to remove the anti aliasing? to me the tree becomes a horrible "grey" washed mess and was very better without. It looks similar to an upscaled/downscaled image or an unproperly gaussian filtered shit on gimp.

i also keep in mind that there is the w10 anti aliasing for no fullscreen programs, i desactive such things because they reduce details. I believe it's called sub pixel anti aliasing.

I do agree it seems to be good on the UI, but the tree is not excluded...
I will never be good but always I try to improve.
Last edited by Geisalt#1772 on Jul 1, 2017, 2:45:58 PM
Hi there,

Noticed some issues with the math on PoB bewtween the interaction of Scorching Ray and both the "rapid decay" and "efficacy gems". Each says that it would give me a smaller damage boost compared to an "increased fire damage" gem.

This should not be the case as the former supports boast MORE multipliers while burning damage is simply an INCREASE.

Since Scorching Ray is listed as a Fire/Duration/Spell/Channeling skill it should be affected by all the modifiers on Rapid Decay and Efficacy when it only appears to have a small impact.

(This is of course on the 3.0 beta version)

Hope this helps!


e/ It's litterally a 100k dps difference between Rapid Decay and Increased Burning...

Unless Increased burning has been changed into MORE multiplier in the new update (haven't seen it yet) this seems way off.

e/e/ It totally is a more multiplier now.. never mind :D
Last edited by o7z#2782 on Jul 1, 2017, 8:43:26 PM
I cant import my character list im kinda lost if you could help would be awesome

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