Path of Building: Offline Build Planner [v1.4.71]
" I imported the character, then the jewels, then the items and configured it first without any buffs, then finally with all possible buffs. Flasks, power charges, frenzy, endurance... because that´s what it actually can have. I don´t care about the possible maximum dps.... I wonder why PoB shows more than double the "standard" dps unbuffed than the ingame tooltip. All other values seem to fit perfectly. Ok then...nevermind. Don´t want to steal your time! I´m probably too stupid to do it ;) |
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"I'm seeing 57k when unbuffed, which is close to what you reported. Where exactly are you looking for the unbuffed DPS in Path of Building? The DPS in the sidebar factors in a lot more than the in-game tooltip does, such as enemy resistances and damage taken modifiers (Shock, Augury of Penitence, etc). If you want the most accurate values without buffs, go to the Calcs tab, select Spark, and change the "Calculation Mode" to Unbuffed; if the DPS shown still differs significantly from in-game, then there's a problem. |
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" Oh I guess that explains it then... at the moment I re-geared to vaal spark with speed gear for a few fun runs so I don´t know if this is the 57k you´re looking at. I regeared 1 hour ago or so... didn´t think you would reimport my char. Well, I just went back to my saved config in PoB and did what you told me to, switched Spark to unbuffed and YES, there it does show something very similar to the ingame (not in hideout) stats. Close to 70k, just like I remember it. I´m sorry for wasting your time there... but now I know where the difference comes from! So - just as a suggestion - maybe call the "Total DPS" "Effective DPS" and add a little "info" icon? So dudes like me won´t ask stupid questions ;) Your tool is awesome though... already found a few possible upgrades to my build that I wouldn´t have found otherwise. |
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I do not know it this was asked before, but is the dancing dervish implemented?
I tried to make something around it but the skill does not appear when i equip the weapon |
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"Not yet, although it shouldn't be too long before I get around to it. |
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Hey there, I just try to check out path of buildings, even tho im late. But i have a realy hard time connecting my character / account with PoB. My account name contains some ASCII character but using the converted is impossible due to the lenght of the code outnumbers the possible input characters. Using my POESESSID i only get Failed to retrieve character list. My Account is not private. Any help / idea´s would be appreciated.
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Just returned from a 2-3 year break. Wish I found this tool earlier as it would have saved me a ton of currency trying different things out. Its great! But I have a question/issue...
I have an Ice/Lightning witch that uses Heretic's Veil/Blasphemy to apply Enfeeble,Frostbite, and Assassin's Mark. I noticed by deselecting Enfeeble, my "Skill Hit Damage" goes up by 12,000. Actually disabling any curse does the same. While playing the character I have no problem casting constantly. I am assuming the tool believes my build will constantly run out of mana and is knocking my total damage to compensate for it. |
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Hey, have you thought of adding a checkbox in the skills menu to only show skills with synergies to the main skill? (I.e the skills with check marks when adding support skills)
BTW massively appreciate this open source project. Such an incredibly useful tool! Edit: Sorry if this has been requested a million times before me. Last edited by XbenobiX#1144 on Jun 28, 2017, 10:31:25 PM
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"Sorry about that; I'm not sure why I put a limit on the account name field. The next update will remove that, which will allow you to import (and I did verify that). "Having imported your character, I believe what's happening is that you're exceeding the enemy curse limit; when that happens, Blasphemy curses take priority over other curses, in this case your self-cast Elemental Weakness. So when you disable one of the Blasphemy curses, that Elemental Weakness starts to apply again, resulting in the DPS gain. Incidentally, the program doesn't calculate or even care about your mana sustain while casting, as it assumes you'll have some way of replenishing it (whether through regen, leech or flasks). "That's on the list of QoL improvements that I'm working through. |
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Very nice tool, thanks for the work!
But I have a few questions: - Is it possible to increase the font size? - Im searching for a summary in the skilltree like poeplanner - I have a problem with Inquisitor I cant find anything via google Inevitable Judgement if I allocate this your formula adds only 10% pen for non crit What is zero resistance in numbers ? I cant fill it in manually in enemy resistance :( Thanks for your help. |
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