[2.5] Freezing Pulse Inquisitor. Perma-Freeze everything including Tier 15 bosses. 250K DPS.
So I have a question in what to pick between the 30% projectile speed for FP or the 25% increased damage enchantments? Also controlled destruction vs faster projectile? my crit chance with no charges on my FP with faster projectile is 72% and with controlled destruction instead its around 63% with no charges. What to do? :3
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"Glacial Cascade would work, but I don't think it would work as well as FP. The main thing is that Glacial Cascade does multiple hits, of mixed cold/phys damage. So you won't be able to freeze as well as with FP, which does one big hit of pure cold. Realistically this only makes a difference on bosses, so if you like GC more than FP you can go ahead with it. GC also has a lower crit chance than FP so make sure your daggers have a lot of crit on them, I'd try to get at least 150% spell crit on each hand including the implicit (the Kris is the best base-type since it has the highest crit implicit btw). Here's a 112 point tree for GC, the only thing I changed was to drop some damage clusters to get the AOE clusters. And for gem links, you probably want GC - Echo - Crit Strikes - Crit Multi - Inc Aoe for the 5-link. Then the 6th link has some options: controlled destruction, added cold, conc effect (which you could also swap for iAOE against bosses), faster casting, just pick whatever you like. Oh, one last note, there's a helmet enchantment that converts GC's phys damage to cold damage, that would be a great pickup if you can find a reasonably-priced one. "Great, that sounds like a pretty good health pool. On those daggers, yeah I don't think they're better than Divinarius, so you can just stick with the divi. Upgrading your other gear first is probably a good idea yeah, and then save up a couple exalts to buy a really good dagger with added cold, spell damage, spell crit and/or crit multi (%inc attack speed is also nice, for faster whirling blades! but it may not be a priority for you). "I like the proj speed enchant. If you can get the enchant then the proj speed gem is less important -- after a certain point, more proj speed isn't necessary! 20q on the gem, 30% from the proj speed enchant, and a little bit from the passive tree should be all you ever need. For fast proj vs. controlled destruction, remember that inquisitor's Righteous Providence node gives +100% crit chance against enemies not affected by status ailments -- this is NOT shown on the tooltip, but it perfectly offsets CD's 100% reduced crit chance. So with charges up, you should be close to crit-capped even with CD in. The More damage multiplier is so good, it's hard to ignore, and imo CD is the better choice for that reason. Hope you find this advice useful! :D builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1663570/
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Hi! I am trying an Ice SPear inquisitor instead of FP and I love it. Would you suggest a single target set-up? I was thinking maybe vortex to freeze the boss
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Im guessing that using one or 2 snakepit rings would be to much of a sacrifice huh?
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Hey man, thanks for the build.. doing great so far!! One question, isn't it better to use assassin's mark with blasphemy instead of using it on herald of ice? And removing Arctic Armour, not a big fan of that aura lol.
Actually i got those mana reserve nodes next to the life + chaos res so I'm using Clarity, Herald of ice and Blasphemy + Inc. Aoe + Assassins Mark Since I'm only 57 so far i wanted to test out a few Setups: Blasphemy + Assassins Mark OR blasphemy + Inc. Aoe + Assassins Mark Herald of Ice OR Blasphemy + Enfeeble so it only uses enfeeble to whoever gets close Herald Of Ice + COH + Assassins Mark OR Discipline Herald of Ice + COH + Assassins Mark CWDT + Enfeeble What do you guys think it's best?? IGN gubert Last edited by Gubert#1144 on Oct 5, 2016, 8:41:59 AM
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Can this be done as an assassin? How much different will it be ? and WIll it reach the same potential ?
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"Honestly, for single target I'd recommend FP. You're already grabbing projectile damage, speed, and crit, and FP has really high base damage. You could try Frostbolt but you might not like it, the projectile is really slow and the crit is not very good on that one. "Nah, if you can somehow fit snakepits into the build while still capping your res and having enough life then you should! It will take some tops gear to do that though. I think snakepit was basically made for FP. "AM on blasphmey is what I'm doing personally. I like it better, HoI doesn't add that much damage and I like being able to count on my curse vs bosses. I strongly recommend against using Inc Aoe though, just spend a few passive points if you need more aoe, I mean if you're already spending passive points to fit iAOE onto blasphemy then it's probably straight better to spend those points on inc aoe instead. The idea with close-range blasphemy, long-range HoI+CoH+AM isn't a bad one; you'll want to keep blasphemy low-level if you do that so that HoI applies AM more reliably. I actually used a similar setup on a previous FP char, where I used blasphemy temp chains, HoI+Frostbite+Poacher's Mark on mobs at range. It worked well enough for me, but was slightly unreliable for generating charges. "I think the Inquis version is better than Assassin, not by a lot but it is better. The main thing is, after you get Deadly Infusion on assassin, the rest of your ascendancy points are kinda meh. Whereas on Inquisitor, you get Inevitable Judgment which is better than Deadly Infusion imo, and then the other two ascendancy notables you get are also very good, increasing your damage and attack/cast speed and/or giving regen and status immunity. The advantage I can think of for assassin would be on a build that wants to go down into ranger to get the projectile speed and evasion, and maybe the flask nodes. Or maybe Acrobatics/Phase Acro. Anyway, for Assassin to have the advantage over Inquisitor, I think you have to be looking at a pretty different build, yeah. Actually I just thought of something cool you could do as Assassin that would be impossible as Inquis, and that would be to add a crit Herald of Ice setup (probably using Essence of Horror on gloves for the +3% base crit chance). Even then, I question whether FP is the best spell for a build like that? Vortex or Ice Nova seem better, since those are both AoE spells. All that to say, I think Inquis is better than Assassin, but if you have your heart set on Assassin then it is also viable, just (in my opinion) slightly worse than Inquisitor. builds: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1663570/
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Made some changes to raise the DPS and overall changes, doing pretty good
I was using double curses using a Doedre's Ring instead of a regular rare one (CWDT + Warlords mark + Enfeeble) and HOI + COH + Assassins Mark + Warlords Mark for endurance charges, but I'm starting to think it's not worth it My main problem is getting power charges on bosses... cause it's really the only hard thing in this build, clearing is insanely fast and easy It looks like this: - CWDT + Immortal Call + Inc Duration - CWDT + Warlords Mark This is to leech life and mana from usually bosses, cause they are probably the only ones that deal damage on you, some mobs can also cast it and - Orb of Storms + Increased Crit Chance + PCoC + Faster Casting (that gives me 4 power charges in 2 sec from a single target, 0,5 sec on pack of mobs) - HoI + COH + Assassins Mark - Whirlwind Blades + Faster Attacks + Fortify Clarity and Flame Dash on the missing slots Made a little change on the 6L as well Freezing Pulse + Spell Echo + Faster Casting + GMP + Increased Crit Chance + Empower (was using Iron Will before it) DPS is higher this way Oh, and there's an opal ring with cold dmg + max life and increased crit chance that can be crafted which makes dps much higher, but I don't have that much money to get one yet IGN gubert Last edited by Gubert#1144 on Oct 19, 2016, 10:14:03 AM
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Hi all! I made a complete update to this guide. I changed a lot of things because prior version of this build proves to be not reliable after T13 because survivability wasn't good enough with an hybrid Life/ES pool. After tons of regrets (literally) and testing everything I could I was finally able to perma-freeze all Tier 15 bosses with this new version of the build. Yes, Malacai, Daresso, Kaom, all of them. Is so nice to see T15 Malacai perma-freeze, and truth is, I can't imagine that was even possible. But it is.
I know that there's a lot of changes and mostly the passive tree change a lot because I now take to route to CI and Vaal Pact, but worth every regret. Survivability becomes incredibly good and dealing with the whole Atlas is more easy now that I can't even imagine. I don't take the route to Consecrated Ground, but I tried it. I tried a lot of things to finally reach this version of the build. On time, I will answer all pending questions indicating why I decided to go this way and not another. But I will need some extra time. In the meantime, new version of the build posted covers everything you need to change your char or start it from scratch if you're new to this guide. I'm really sorry for those who already started this build and have to face so many changes now on regrets and gear, but I'm happy because finally the purpose of this build was achieved: reliable survivability for all map tiers and perma-freeze on almost any boss including all Tier 15 (yes, including Malacai! I have to say it again!). |
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I try to collect most important issues pending on Q&A section during these weeks. From now on, Q&A will be updated on regular basis.
" You're right. With Q20 Freezing Pulse is more than enough projectile damage to be effective. Controlled Destruction support takes is place. Cold Penetration is useless, mob resistances are set to zero thanks to Inevitable Judgement ascendancy point. " Uber Lab is really uncomfortable, but can be done for sure. Izaro life for freeze threshold consideration is so high that cannot be frozen ever. So you have to deal with it, with Slower Projectiles + Elemental Focus and Blasphemy + Warlord's Mark. But you don't need to rush it. Fourth ascendancy point is great, but not mandatory. I will post the Atziri tips section when I got the time, is one of my pending issues. " Inevitable Judgement ascendancy point on Templar is just too good for this build. Crit Chance is mandatory to always freeze and setting highest tier bosses resistances to zero for a 100% cold elemental damage based build is incomparable with any other ascendancy class choices. " Not anymore. Having a high ES pool around 9.5K and using a Sapphire Flask, elemental reflect mobs are not an issue. There's no need for any workaround either (like traps). " Going CI proves to be mandatory for great survivability during all tiers. Hybrid Life/ES pool was ineffective after T13. CI allows to keep budget relatively low too. I try a lot Consecrated Ground ascendancy points but finally I decided that ES regeneration is not good enough and not reliable for final tiers T14/t15 imo. Final decision was to take Vaal Pact with dual curse using Warlord's Mark on HoI setup and CWDT. On stronger bosses, I exchange HoI for Blasphemy + Warlord's Mark for constant ES replenish. Instruments of Virtue (using WB with dagger) gives almost the same Spell Damage/Cast Speed boost and WM + Vaal Pact covers all your needs for ES replenish and mana. Plus, Augury of Penitence stats are really great, that 16% increased damage taken on enemies helps a lot. Beast Fur Shawl is out of the question because is too expensive to consider on this build. I tried to keep the budget as low as I can. " Additionally to was stated before, you get the damage increase from Instruments of Virtue. But most important, using Consecrated Ground makes sense to get ES regeneration (instead of life regeneration thanks to Zealot's Oath) but imo is ineffective against hardest tiers like T14/T15. Vaal Pact set life/ES regeneration to zero, but gives incredible survivability, so Consecrated Ground is kinda poor with it. Just consider instant 2% damage leeched as ES with Warlord's Mark using a 250.000 DPS attack (instant replenish). " This, I have to say, is the key that unlock T14/T15 perma-freeze capabilities. With this, you just nailed it. Freeze Duration is the only way to "scale damage" for Freeze Threshold considerations. I explain this now on "Truly important considerations about Freezing Pulse mechanics" section. I tried going for Breath of Rime but proves ineffective imo. Is just a poor increase for the cost in passive points. Instead of this, I go all the way with jewels (five of them) and got Freeze Duration on each one. Finally I got a +85% increased freeze duration that proves to be enough to freeze all T15 bosses. " I never played HC, but you don't have to worry about elemental reflect mobs anymore with new version of this guide. 9.5K ES pool plus Sapphire is really comfortable to deal with them. Survivability with Vaal Pact and Warlord's Mark is great while clearing maps and dealing with strongest bosses. BUT, when dealing with bosses that cannot be frozen, this could get uncomfortable. Mostly Plaza and Uber Izaro. I can't imagine not dying a single time against Uber Izaro, at least I wasn't able to do it on first try. But, on the other hand, fourth ascendancy point is great but not mandatory at all. " I guess I would leave out Controlled Destruction initially. You need to get all your passive nodes plus gear required with Crit Chance to sustain its drawback. " T15 Core Malacai, T15 Abyss Kaom, T15 Colosseum Daresso and T15 Overgrown Ruin (just one time, so can't assure that any warband spawn will be easy to deal with). " True that. Now I consider VLT as mandatory when dealing with hardest bosses, works perfect with the build. Improves freeze capabilities and boost damage a lot. " Q20/L21 Freezing Pulse gem is a truly great improvement to final damage output. " I tested Gifts from Above while playing with Consecrated Ground and didn't found it truly useful. Valyrium ring is totally mandatory to deal with stunning hits going CI. " 40% inc. FP damage is the best enchant because will help you with damage output plus freeze capabilities. But of course, others like projectile speed are good too. Controlled Destruction boost your damage a lot if you can manage its drawback. Faster Projectile is removed from setup because proves to be ineffective. For Crit Chance consider Diamond Flask as a great boost. For example, if you got 70% Crit Chance then, after using Diamond you got 0.7 + (0.3 * 0.7) = 0.91 (91% Crit Chance). " Auras changed a lot on last update. Going CI, Discipline is mandatory. Then Clarity for mana regen and HoI with dual curse setup: Assassin's Mark (for power charges) and Warlord's Mark (for ES instant replenish). When dealing with hardest bosses, exchange HoI setup for Blasphemy + Warlord's Mark. " Just rely on Diamond Flask, will boost your Crit Chance a lot when dealing with bosses. For example, if you got 70% Crit Chance then, after using Diamond you got 0.7 + (0.3 * 0.7) = 0.91 (91% Crit Chance). " I tried it, but I prefer HoI for clearing maps and then Diamond Flask for bosses. " I didn't tried Empower. I will give it a try soon. |
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