Race Event Season One announced!

(...) And I've lost all interest in racing. You should have this system in place ON TOP of the old

Agree. Basically the event- or season-wide rewards with the point system should be aimed at the more serious player base and the most skilled players. I wouldn't mind seeing Kripp on his stream wearing some cool looking crown or whatnot showing his achievements in the game, while also myself as a less skilled player who ahs no chance to ever be in the top of the ladder in any single race, to be able to meet some threshold and earn a little something and have the incentive to get better at the game.
I just looked at the race times.. and I don't even know what to say. Thank you for completely excluding anyone with a normal work schedule that lives on the East Coast of the US.
Really excited for the Race Season to start!
Is there a possibility you could put this on google calendar, so we could all sync the race times with our google calendars?
Thanks from a US East player. Glad I can't run any weekday races due to the horrible scheduling.
RoTaTiNgCaPs wrote:
damn, I like currency rewards, it made it feel like I was accomplishing something. I don't really wanna be tied down to racing a ton, which is what would be necessary for someone not in the top 1% like me just to get enough points for a redbeak that I'd never use or never want to use because of its "value".

velrac wrote:
I'm sorry to say,but I was also super excited when I logged in and saw the announcement on the races starting up until I got to the prizes. Please bring orbs back as rewards for the races.
For the many of folks that have the "normal" crap luck in drops the orb rewards for races was something that was at least guaranteed and was actually fun working towards those rewards.

Fully agree with these views.

I'm no expert PoE player with multiple high level chars running end game maps (never seen a map yet), but it was fun knowing that I could join a race and have a hope of getting something if I managed to stay alive. Now there is no point bothering in the slightest.

Still I guess I'm not the "dedicated super hardcore expert player" this is aimed at.
cronus wrote:
to all the whiners and complainers about price nerfing:

please recognize that the race prices in closed beta were higher because ggg knew everything gets wiped finally.

running a stable ingame economy for a longer duration (avoid inflation) is much more complicated as you can't force people to use orbs and there is no ingame tax system which allows the devs to reduce the amount of orbs.

many people will only play one char and stop playing when they can't improve it any further. the cheaper the orbs the earlier they reach that point.

for those who don't know what inflation is: prices for gear in trading go up to amounts which are not affordable by the average player.

Dude, in the current form there are NO PRIZES except for the new Demigod and 1 retarded ilvl 100 coral ring. U get absolutly NOTHING ELSE!
OMFG This is way too epic, just gave me more incentive to keep playing.
This sounds awesome... but all of these times during the week are terrible for EST! The latest one starts at 5pm it looks like, but most people don't even get off work until then (plus travel time home). I'll miss almost every weekday event, and I'll miss the first hour of the few that I can participate in. :(
Wow this is cool, so happy you are catering to the casuals like me! I wont get top 20 but ill get something eventually :)
The fairest flowers bloom in the foulest places.
Faenrir wrote:
Mortiferius wrote:
My Two Cents :

I'm probably the exception ,but I find this whole race system rather unnapealing.

Never was one for rushing anyway, so a mode that glorifies skipping content, imho, hurts the game in the long run. You're basically training your fanbase to be uber-efficient at skipping everything the game has to offer, which drills into the collective mindset that what's important is not the enjoyment of questing and discovery, but rushing to endgame content/to as fast as you can for prises. Why even build a decent game if all you ever do in it is rush it the to point of no return ? [...]

You miss the point.
This whole game is about optimization. (...)

I see his point of view but the reason he missed the point is that the races is simply another game mode. You play races from scratch with temporary characters. Races are a different mindset. Every decision you make with your equipment and skill choice etc are like moves on a chess board. I never raced or tried to compete on ladder before POE, and even with just a couple races it got me thinking more deeply about the game mechanics, and this benefitted my experience with the game overall.

That said indeed for some players the mindset is the same in and out of races. It s always about optimization for them and maximizing time invested, they see all the maths behind the pretty pixels... but you can see both sides and enjoy both sides.

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