Medallion Race Season Details
48h solo self found event <3 yaaaay
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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Amazing job guys! Truly. Everything I could've asked for is included. Amazeballz, gents. And ladies, ofc.
IGN: Daario__Naharis, Captain__Harlock, Paul__Atreides
Marty__McFly, Silk__Spectre. Kylo__Ren |
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Holy shitballs, 1000 points is an alternate-art voll's devotion?!
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something is not adding up here guys. from the one side i have your race plan and from the other I have regular mapping. both can give me the same monetary value. how can i select which is the best for me?
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" It's a race season, not a league. There are 125 events in the season, and you accumulate points from the various races, and if you hit the set amounts, you get alternate art uniques for it. Please contact if you need any assistance.
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Can you plz make it realistic for player that can play 10 hours a day to get the 1000 point reward plzzz
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season looks awesome, cant wait.
innervation is right, way too much little lord Arryn bitty whinging going on in here. We do need a somewhat consistent race schedule so that no matter where you live and when you want to play you get an equal amount of races you can take part in, for sure. If you are an adult though with a full time job and you just cant do enough races for the top prize no matter what then how you deal with that is by being an adult who got over swallowing reality and the concept of winners and losers when they were 8 years old. I dont get to have the top prize, you dont get to have it, the top guys who put in the most time and effort get it. Ive sold the first and second prize rewards for multiple exalts before, virtually everyone who does a couple of races gets something in return. You dont need the big top prize to be rewarded with something meaningful. We all complain about the things that bother us, and we need to just vent sometimes while we are at it, but ppl need to recognize that negativity can be a perpetual, self replicating thing. Theres being critical, being very critical, and then theres being a vent addict. Be real with yourselves and find a happy place, 9 out of 10 times things will turn out better for you if you dont burden all your communication with hostile negative emotions. Have a little tantrum now and then, sure, but recognize it for what it is and make a conscious effort to not become an addict who lives exclusively in that mode, for your own happiness if nothing else, this is your life you are filling with negativity. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" i race.... and i agree with those that have spoke up against the time schedule. i have a job that begins at 7am until 4pm. i have a child that is active from 7am and i work until about 8pm. i have a wife that fills in most of the gaps bettween, leaving 1 to 3 hours a night to hopefully log on. to say that "those who cant make the race because they didnt plan their days around" is the most ignorant statment possible. i am curious snapfire what do you do outside of wraeclast? do you have a job, a wife, or significant other, a family of your own? if you do, please share some insight on your scheduling, for those of us that cant seem to find that 25th hour in a day....i truly would like to hear/read what you have to say outside of "make it work or its on you" I am really not as bad as they say I am.
I am actually a really nice person. Haaahahahaaahahahahahahahahahaaaahahahaha |
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