Medallion Race Season Details
I wish this races would work diferent.
Races that are timed should be open all day. You would enter a race anytime during the day and timer would start to count to zero. Once time is up for you, your time would be put on ladderbard. At the end of the day, best ppl would be given points. You would get 1 char slot per race, if you die you remove that char and do another, but timer would still go on... If race is 2h then once you started with 1st char timer is counted, and 2nd char does not reset it. If you have more races per day, just open more slots... The way it is now, sux I work for 12h a day and I miss most of this races... Why can't this be like Lab run thing? You still can have those party or PK races on a fixed time, but let more of those timed be free for ppl that work and SUPPORT YOUR GAME WITH MONEY THEY MAKE IN REAL LIFE... Thanks IGN: xSiCKoWx
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BLAMT hype
And now for something completely different..
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" I tend to agree to a certain extent with these comments. With all the changes to racing and its different "types" now, it would be nice to have a frequent race type where people could race against others to win certain prizes and then continue on after the race with their character in the current league. Having these daily races which are not part of a race season would be interesting at least at first and then depending on their popularity they could be adjusted to a useful time and frequency. It would also be nice to have race seasons that are by time zone so that lets say "EAST" had only races that were in prime time EST, "WEST" had races only during PST prime time, etc. for Euro, Asia and anywhere else deemed appropriate. Of course those that wanted could participate in all of them but at least those with a life could concentrate on their time zone races. Perhaps racing could be broken down into short sessions for sporadic racers and "signature events" that persisted over a period of days or weeks where people could retry over and over to do better. Just throwing some ideas out there. I am sure others have their own ideas they could share. |
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Ascandancy classes will be viable on race:D?
Now since few patch ascendancy classes are big part of the game. Why we can't get them on race? Let's say you choose your class on town and getting +2 points for every few lvl. That would be so nice and also more classess more winners. In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great. Last edited by PsVRTwo#1022 on Jul 11, 2016, 6:51:40 AM
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Yet again another race season where having a full time job and living in the UK gives me access to about 15/125 of the total events, GG.
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eww cuththroat
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact | |
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Happy to have another race season, disappointed that there are only 4 BLAMT races, 3 of which are at 4 AM, and all of which are party.
Still, looking forward to the thrill of racing again :-) Not-a-Cockroach |
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So if you place well do you have a chance to win a demi in every race, or only some of them? I'm asking because i'd like to start practicing, but not sure which to practice for. Only interested in demis. I imagine 12min burst only gives points - what do you think?
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