How to turn off the background loading properly if you have performance issues

MeechKahn wrote:
Any updates on this?

Lost my rank 40 character while using noasync, the issue still exists attackign into a mob, I've tried noasync, I've tried nosound, I've had countless phonecalls with my ISP.

I'm literally getting nothing other than there is no issue. Yet here I am, constant latency spikes, constant disappointments, and no real answers.

If this has to be the end of poe for me, by all means it will, Its just unfortunate that no legitimate fix for something that wasn't broken prior to these amazing performance fixes is provided outside of quitting or playing the game without sound, or sacrificing three goats.

I've nearly had it, their idea of fixing this is leaving us with the task of adding an annotation "--noasync, nopreload, waitforpreload" whatever is their awnser. Their awnser is to patch that in so players aren't spending their time fixing the game their suppose to play.

and thats the point.. we should be playing the game and not TRYING endless fixes that lead to more unplayability.
Without --noasync my hdd seems to be choking by PoE. I use this command only for my peace of mind. Game works okay, but not perfect. Fast loadings bring worse performance. When I launch the game, now in just few seconds I can't play it anyway for next few minutes, because of huge stuttering issues. Not to mention loud sounds my hdd makes during the whole process (no other game causes such problems). With --noasync I have very long loading times, but at least it's quiet and after it finally loads the game works without much problems. The last few patches completely broke performance for me. Since Ascendancy crashes and freezes came. With latest patches my hdd started to choke. What next? And game was running so good before all of that new shit...
Gosen wrote:
With latest patches my hdd started to choke.
Well if they coded it so it tries to read data in many threads simultaneously (this is my Impression of what they did based on some vague statements) that's understandable - such an approach is okay for SSD but totally fucks up HDD because of random/contiguous reading latency differences between this two types of drives. GGG most probably knew beforehand about problems with HDDs that'll bring, the only question is why the fuck they didn't implement noasync option from the fucking day one.
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
vio wrote: works fine here with standard settings. loading times are amazing. i think a ssd is standard even for most work pc's now and a 780gtx should be stated as the minimum requirement to play the game.

Load times are "amazing" because you have an SSD. That's your sole saving grace. Until recently, I had PoE installed on a 7200 rpm Seagate hard disk and the load delays made the game almost unplayble. I completely agree that an SSD should be listed as a highly recommended, if not required, prerequisite for playing PoE on a regular basis.

As for graphics cards, any recent Nvidia or AMD card should work fine, though not necessarily with all graphics options at max quality. Before I got a GTX960, I was using a GTX260 at minimum quality, and the game ran fine, even when zoomed in with my Volls-powered Discharger.
so, if you want to play PoE u must have the last generation PC, i can play crysis 3 but i can't play path of exile with soo low and poor graphic style. i think there must be a post where we could say GGG to remake the game with a good engine, not a copy from diablo II engine. the game broke 2 hdd and 1 ssd. i love this game but i am starting to get upset cause of these problems.
Last edited by SlaveDominator#7704 on Oct 5, 2016, 10:11:50 AM
I put --waitforpreload and --noasync on my launcher and I'm having no issues with loading instances now, but I have 150 latency constantly when I've been always playing with 23-30 latency. Any suggestion?
Couple months I didn't use --noasync and it ran ok. Not fine, but it didn't make me pull my hair out. But recently it has gotten so bad that I had to start using noasync again.

Long loading times are ok, because after the load, I can at least play.
With async on I might get disconnected just by accessing stash, or if friend joins my hideout with his mtx skinset.

Seems that async loading was a step backwards for us running older machines.

Wish there was an option to have "solo mode" for towns, especially Sarn and Highgate.
I don't want to get those mini lagspikes from people running in and out of city with their custom skins. Totally breaks my immersion and feel for the game.
The launch command doesn't work for everything and for example map bosses and boxes can cause the usual stutter for the PC to load their models and animations (while in the meantime the mobs on the server side are attacking the player).
Also the command can increase load times, giving them random lenght (from 20 second to a couple of minutes, especially when entering Highgate). This causes party-runs to be very difficult to keep up in, as players with better load times get in and rush onwards.
SodanKerjuu wrote:

Wish there was an option to have "solo mode" for towns, especially Sarn and Highgate.
I don't want to get those mini lagspikes from people running in and out of city with their custom skins.

This. So totally this. I get that showing off the MTXen in town helps sell them - heck, if nobody ever sees them why do they matter. And since MTXen are the only way GGG gets money for a game that beats the tar out of the commercial competition, I want to buy and see them.

But not if I can't play the game...
i know this is an old thread but for anyone having load issues or using a slow hdd, i recommend looking into ramdisk. if you have 9 gig to spare its better than ssd, game is fairly small and if you are a real gamer you should have 16gb or more ram anyway.

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