Mechanical Questions Thread

Hi mark!

I believe there is a major UI item description issue in PoE and it have never been properly awnserd or solved

There is currently a system to show global and not global stats. (critical strike uses this)

but this is not used anywhere else; il show you an example;

Item name
50-100 (base)
50-100 cold
5% crit chance (base)

+50-100 cold damage (added above)
+50-100 cold damage to spells
100% Increased elemental damage
100% Increased physical damage

Now i use my physical damage spell (EK that deals 50-100 phys dmg)
how does the above stats explain what it gives to this spell???
also, if the elemental effects my melee hit damage, same as phys, why doesn't phys effect my spell? SAME WORDING! :/


This is how it is;
Item name
50-100 (base)
50-100 cold
5% crit chance (base)

+50-100 cold damage (this is local)
+50-100 cold damage to spells (this is only spells, sure its explained)
100% Increased elemental damage (this is global... okay...)
100% Increased physical damage (this is LOCAL?! what?)


This is how is "should" say imo.
Item name
50-100 (base)
50-100 cold
5% crit chance (base)

+50-100 cold LOCAL damage (added above)
+50-100 cold damage to spells
100% Increased GLOBAL elemental damage
100% Increased LOCAL physical damage


How this is not solved is beyond me,

you cannot even make an item that gives 100% phys dmg local, and 50% global without changing it to spell or something else.

There absolytelu no reason to not add GLOBAL and LOCAL to all increases. you even did with Crit (where its only global if it says it is)

(40-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance

Maligaro's Virtuosity:
50% increased Global Critical Strike Chance


so my question is;

Why isn't global/local tags implemented everywhere. it is very confusing for a new player to understand:
100% Increased elemental damage (this is global huh?)
100% Increased physical damage (this is LOCAL?! what?)
IGN: Nivius
Ty for scam <3
Nivius wrote:
Why isn't global/local tags implemented everywhere. it is very confusing for a new player to understand:
100% Increased elemental damage (this is global huh?)
100% Increased physical damage (this is LOCAL?! what?)

Because there's a simple rule that governs it, if the item type has the relevant stat that could be boosted by the mod, it will specify when it's global. If it can't be applied to the item it won't say anything because it can only be global.

Well, that's the reason and I understand if they don't like overcluttering the tooltip, but I suppose there would be no harm in giving that kind of info even if you don't need it anymore when you understand the game better.

MrokPandy wrote:
There is difference. Radius of cone(lenght) per increased area increases more than in circular aoes, or so it should.

No, it shouldn't, though it does seem so at first glance. You aren't applying a percentage of the original circle to the cutout, the cutout area is boosted by a percentage of itself.

Bloodmila wrote:
Why Spectres don't spend frenzy charges to keep using Flicker Strike, but can spend to discharge?

Monsters don't use exactly the same skills as players, sometimes they work differently. Discharge needs to use charges for basic functionality, it's just an extra for Flicker and it wasn't always able to spend them (or need to in the first place).
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics#7540 on Mar 13, 2017, 9:21:15 AM
Wiki says shock status deals 50% increased damage. So its not 50 % more but increased.
Is it true? I always thought enemy takes 50 % more when shocked.

That is why I confused valako's sign. and thought it buffed shock effect 40% more.

Wording makes me confused.
Muksu123 wrote:
Wiki says shock status deals 50% increased damage. So its not 50 % more but increased.
Is it true? I always thought enemy takes 50 % more when shocked.

That is why I confused valako's sign. and thought it buffed shock effect 40% more.

Wording makes me confused.

'Increased damage if the enemy has state X' is a fairly common stat nowadays, it does what it says gives you an increased damage bonus when you hit the enemy with the specified state. Compare with the 'enemies frozen by you take increased damage' on Taryn, that's a debuff to the enemy, not a bonus to you.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Muksu123 wrote:
Wiki says shock status deals 50% increased damage. So its not 50 % more but increased.
Is it true? I always thought enemy takes 50 % more when shocked.

That is why I confused valako's sign. and thought it buffed shock effect 40% more.

Wording makes me confused.

It is "more" damage. Which stacks additively with other sources of increased damage taken (e.g. vulnerability curse, wither, some ascendancies). You can view this as a separate multiplier. So yes it is "more" damage.
Last edited by Curufin#1038 on Mar 13, 2017, 9:31:35 AM
ShinigamiKller wrote:
How many magam orb can hit 1 target maximum? Because i dont know it worth to use with lesser or greater multiple projectile with magma orb jewel or only 2 magam orb jewels against 1 enemy. So what is the best outcome?

The skill is a bit different from other ground splash projectiles because only one splash will hit an enemy. It will be able to hit again only if an orb bounces against a wall or an obstacle.

VikingWizard wrote:
Hey can i get confirmation on EE buffing ignites and thus also working with inquisitor. For example, i put orb of storms down, I deal fire damage crit with inquisitor. The hit will ignore resists but the ignite can still be buffed by orb of storm's ee proc right ?

Yes, only your crits ignore resists, but orb will have to hit the target again after the fire hit to debuff it.

Hizsoo wrote:
How does added/converted damage of a random element from different sources (Doomfletch,Veteran Bowyer, Elemental Hit, Wildstrike) interact with each other? I prefer them to be the same element in case of using Elemental Equilibrium.
Would taking Point Blank and Far Shot effect tooltip dps?
Can Decoy Totem Apply curse on hit?

- Fully random.
- No, PB and FS have no effect on the toltip because they can't know where the target will be.
- Decoy totem doesn't hit (even if it did, totems can't use the support).
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics#7540 on Mar 13, 2017, 9:45:40 AM
Hey, can I chance Headhunter in LSC league when in a map with Nemesis leaguestone on?
raics wrote:
ShinigamiKller wrote:
How many magam orb can hit 1 target maximum? Because i dont know it worth to use with lesser or greater multiple projectile with magma orb jewel or only 2 magam orb jewels against 1 enemy. So what is the best outcome?

The skill is a bit different from other ground splash projectiles because only one splash will hit an enemy. It will be able to hit again only if an orb bounces against a wall or an obstacle.

Then i was totally wrong way about this skill... Thanks the answer!


It would seem that there is no gained elemental damage from the Incandescent Heart + Doomfletch's Prism combination.

The 10-20% Ele to Chaos gain, is not proccing on the doomfletch prism 330% total.

Using only the main gem + poison, on a hit to almost kill a monster, returned close to no poison damage, solely based on the tooltip of 100 chaos damage added.

Is this intended?

Not talking tooltip damage but the actual feel.

Are the devs willing to test this interaction?

Not talking about poison, but the chaos damage gained.

I oneshot monsters with shrapnel in most cases, chaos dmg didnt make this any more often.
Last edited by doubledu#4375 on Mar 13, 2017, 12:09:57 PM
concerning desecrate in maps:

The monster corpses spawned by desecrate have some sort of interaction with raise spectre. I would like to know exactly how it is effected.

Without raise spectre the corpses spawned by desecrate seem to be tied directly to the mobs that currently inhabit the map. With spectres in play desecrate seems to look into a pool of monsters that could potentially spawn in the map and see if your current spectres are included. If a spectre is on the list desecrate will gain a chance to create a corpse of that type.

Are there any pieces to this hidden behind the scenes that I am missing or is my description accurate? If it is accurate is this interaction intended?

Are there any tricks to knowing what types of spectres you can spawn in a map beyond trial and error?

Thanks in advance.

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