Mechanical Questions Thread

Linck wrote:
If I grab an "Evasion" node on my passive tree, which grants "12% increased Evasion Rating", and I have "Iron Reflexes", will the percentage be applied and then converted to armor? Or will the Evasion passive have no effect?

Neither of the two options you gave :p POE does this neat thing with conversions and added-as stats where bonuses apply after conversion, but they "remember" all the types that something ever was.

In this case that means your evasion rating is converted to Armour, then your Armour bonuses, Evasion bonuses, and Armour and Evasion bonuses are added together to boost that converted Armour Rating. (Armour and Evasion Rating bonuses only apply once.)

X% increased evasion on jewelry and x% increased evasion on tree are exactly the same.
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Hello, i'm curious about the mechanics of items with the modifier "increased experience gain". Do those items affect players, or the global experience, and how does it interact with the experience penalty? For example- having a +2% increased experience gain affecting players' experience before penalty could mean that, under the maximum exp penalty, they get 2.02% exp; whereas if it is 2% affecting players' experience after penalty could increase that to 4% under maximum exp penalty, which would be much more beneficial to players; Or if it's global, and the exp affects the mobs' experience values (for the party?).
Hi, Ppl. Have some questions:
1. Zana opened for me Uniq map Poorjoy's, full clear didnt count for atlas :/
2. After third Labyrinth I got a mod "Reduced Clarity mana reservation" on helmet and ... it doesn't work :/
3. After new mechanic of "Arctic Armour" + "Enlighten" = doesn't work. I mean no reduced mana reservation from Enlighten. :/
4. One of Canyon bosses killed my CI char Ohp but 611es left. Just BOOOM! and I'm dead :/

Is it ok?
PS Have screens.
Last edited by Baka_Sensei#5221 on Nov 9, 2016, 9:24:06 AM
Baka_Sensei wrote:
Hi, Ppl. Have some questions:
1. Zana opened for me Uniq map Poorjoy's, full clear didnt count for atlas :/
2. After third Labyrinth I got a mod "Reduced Clarity mana reservation" on helmet and ... it doesn't work :/
3. After new mechanic of "Arctic Armour" + "Enlighten" = doesn't work. I mean no reduced mana reservation from Enlighten. :/
4. One of Canyon bosses killed my CI char Ohp but 611es left. Just BOOOM! and I'm dead :/

Is it ok?
PS Have screens.

Just saying, this would be more fit for the bug report forum.
Telperion_sr wrote:

Just saying, this would be more fit for the bug report forum.

found dat thread & reposted, ty
Hi Mark.

I got 2 questions:

Mark_GGG wrote:
Elemental equilibrium does not trigger on hits dealing all three elements of damage.

This is from a post on June 11, 2012. Is that still working in that way?

2) Let's assume the following scenario: I have the Elemental Equilibrium node taken. An enemy is burning after I ignited it using flameblast, and 1 second after that (the mob is still burning), the same enemy is hit by orb of storms (only lightning damage), If I'm correct, the mob will gain +25 to lightning resistance, and -50 to Fire and Cold. Does the lowering in fire resistance while still burning makes the mobs take increased damage from the burning damage????

Thanks in advance for your efforts answering intrincated question that help us to better understand the game.
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Hi Mark
i have aquestion

I have lvl 20 and 22 quality temporal chains gem linked with lvl 3 enhance, all the curse effect nodes from passive tree and a helmet with 30% increased temporal chains effect

So i have 75% temporal chains effect?

Hi Mark,

Question that i asked to support, they were sadly unable to answer it and they told me to post it here.

i need clarification about a combination of ascendancy passives & the usage of uniques.

Let's list what is working for sure :
1°) I know that drillneck provides up to 100% increased damage depending on the pierce chance of a character : "Arrow damage increased by projectile pierce chance".

2°) I know that it works very well in combination with, for example; "Siege ballista" skill; that has an in-build "100% pierce chance" with the line : "Arrows always pierce".

3°) The same wording is used on "powerful precision" with pierce chance (but this time it gives up to 100% critical strike chance) : "Projectile Critical strike chance increased by arrow pierce chance"

4°) The wording "Always pierce" is used also with "Slivertongue" bow after a successful chain : "Arrows always pierce after chaining".

The questions linked to all the things i told before are :

- If i use an attack that is not automatically piercing (nor i have 100% pierce chance), but i use "ricochet" ascendancy node in order to get at least 1 chain (and let's say pierce is not procced first on this scenario), how will be calculated the crit chance & damage bonus of the next & further hit(s) ==> automatic pierce through "Slivertongue" bow ?
- Will i benefit of the increased damage (at 100%) of Drillneck & 100% crit chance of powerful precision?
- If yes to the previous question : The crit roll is rerolled with the new crit chance once after the first hit (that is chaining first hit scenario), a bit like ice spear 2nd effect?

Of course, if it works as intended, i don't expect to see it on the tooltip.

Other questions linked to "power precision" ascendancy node :
When will the projectile return to me :
a°) only when the projectile has hit the maximum range he can go (a bit like spectral throw) and only if he doesn't have one of the priority effect (chain/pierce/fork)
b°) when the hit hit first (probably not, wouldn't be logical) <== that's not it with my own test
c°) only if he doesn't hit a wall <== seems it stop the projectile as usual and not like "Spectral throw"

Does "return" works exactly like spectral throw (following us if we move to another location)?


Edit : Wording
Last edited by mout#5926 on Nov 12, 2016, 9:04:11 AM
Hi Mark,

Few days ago I bought a realm ender. It was already five sockets, I wanted to six sockets it but when I use jeweller's orb, I got a message this item already maximum socketed.
I used Vorici master crafting to two sockets it, it works so I try again to six sockets it and it stop to five sockets and I got the same message this item already maximum socketed.

When I look on there few realm ender whitch are six socket and six links.
I don't understand, I shoud be able to six sockets it (six links if god want it lol).

I contacted support but they arent able to provide this information unfortunately, can you help me?

Each item has an item-level, which is determined by where it's found. The item level determines the maximum number of sockets; wiki link with a little table.
You can check the item level by holding the Highlight Items key (default: alt) whilst looking at your Realm Ender.

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