[2.6] The Curse Whisperer - Tri-Curse CI Whispering Ice Elementalist - Viable for Everything
" Hey guys can you all take a quick look at my char for me and give me some instruction on what to upgrade next! thanks |
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You can't chance things that aren't drops. Also, as a general rule of thumb, anything rare that can be chanced would cost you roughly as much currency in chance orbs as the final price ends up being.
It would be more effective to simply buy Fertile Mind. It's not very expensive for a low roll, and you can upgrade later. |
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Since a few days, i got heavy lag while playing my whispering ice witch, I know I have a bad pc but was thinking about server issue or something.
I'm lvl 71 starting maps but with those heavy lag, i can't really play. I tried my other charr ( Ancestral Warchief Berseker) in map to know if it was server issues or my pc, or worst the whispering ice skill .. With my Berseker.. no lag .. I already put all the options to the lowest :'( Think I'll have to stop playing this build that i loved, and have so much fun with :/ Is there anything else I can do to be able to play this build ( option settings) obviously not changing my PC ^^ Thanks for your answers ! |
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" So there was no lag and it suddenly appeared? No patches have been released recently. Strange. Anyway, people often use SSD for OS, so if u have it move your PoE to SSD. Last edited by Windgaming#5308 on Apr 5, 2017, 6:21:24 AM
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Here's my setup : - Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
- Intel Core 2 CPU 6420 @ 2.13Ghz, 4,0GB RAM,NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT Really old/bad pc :D I think that's the spell Whispering Ice wich make me have huge lags. With the Ancestral Warchief spell, it's pretty smooth. |
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" Yes, of course, tons of animation: icestorm, ball lightning, tricurse etc. This build is definitely not for slow PCs. Isnt it a good reason to change your PC for a new one? :P Seriously, u pay once and get a good PC for years! |
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" It is, indeed ! I really should change :) I feel really frustrated to level up my witch only to don't be able to play here at maps 'cause of my PC .... |
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Hello there
First i want say this build is awesome, very tanky adn easy to learn. But now have moment when dont know what next :( actually have 6,5k es with discipline is low to uber lab and end game content. Iry dont know how pass 8k es :(, 82 lvl and there is my gear: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCAAPuBAcOSBBYES0RUBGWEzUV1xekGS4abBqBHNwdFB1PHb4fAiftKPopTyo4LJwsvy0fM4c1uTbFOtg8BT0PPV9FR0ZxTLNRdFJTVkhWY1cNXfJfal-wah5qO20Zb558u3_GgpuCx4MJg_eExYauh2WOvo8aj0aP-pD6ksGTJ5Ugl_SbtZ2uns2fy6EvoqOmmacIpyunMK-Nr5uvp7QMtQS4k76KwGbBxcHzwzrEFcT2ykrK09DQ0iHUB9Wm2CTZYdyN323fsOQi6-7sGOw473zyL_Ob Have 1 ex budget to change some , so pls of feedback :D |
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I got a last one question about perdanus gift effect, did the unique flask gems count as a unique piece of equipement for the int bonus? If yes it could be very usefull to put one ore two unique flask into the belt, like one unique sulphur lask and wy not, Rumi's?
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" You need more Int. Your chest has zero Int, i.e. that's not a chest for this build. Your boots are very low Int as well. Your rare jewels are weak too. What's your Int with that stuff? Something like 1300? I don't think you are quite ready for the Hydra yet. " Rainbowstride is OK for leveling, but I always skip straight from Shav Pace to some cheap rare boots. 2% Int bonus from Perandus just for being a unique won't be enough to use Rainbowstride over a 5-10c pair of rare boots. No Int is a serious drawback for any boots. 60 total resists you can easily find on rare boots on poe.trade. And for 40-50c you can find far better boots for the endgame. " Find a chest with good Int. Zero Int = bad. Find better gloves too. Start trying to make a better belt as well (with Shrieking Spite; keep yours, buy another base and roll it until you get 2 res mods). You are exactly where you should be at 85. Keep leveling and grab more sockets. " 6.5k ES is not low at all for lv 82. It is enough for Uber Lab as well, if you don't let Izaro max buff (he has charges + curses today; don't do that with 6.5k ES). But your tree shows that you skipped both of the Brute Force jewels! Ouch. That means you have a ton of Str unconverted to Int. Grab those ASAP. That Int will give you ES and DPS. It will likely push you over 1300 Int too, time to switch from Doedre's Scorn to Black Sun Crest for even more Int. And just keep leveling. " No, only the worn items count for the Perandus bonus. Last edited by Kelvynn#6607 on Apr 5, 2017, 2:28:37 PM
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