[2.6] The Curse Whisperer - Tri-Curse CI Whispering Ice Elementalist - Viable for Everything

BVB_1909 wrote:
Wow - started this character as my 2nd this league in LSC (casual player, 1-3h a day, weekends more) and just hit lvl 90 yesterday and my little witch just rocks. I pretty much only die because of bad PC / connection issues, but apart from that: super tanky and kills everything (even bosses) within seconds. Enfeeble, EE Core map with some more map mods - ez game...!

My gear:

Thanks to some wiggling with my jewels I was able to put my resistances at 132 for all 3 elements - so
not only helps with extra penetration but also with a nice reduction to all incoming elemental damage. With end. charges and the flask ele weakness maps aren't to much of a problem either.
Next I will try to get the jewel socket in the shadow area, try to get some better jewels in general and hopefully claim my gfs PC on one of the upcoming weekends to try my luck against the guardians (and shaper). With 8.3k ES, 6.5k Icestorm damage (with golems, sulphur flask and pend. of destr.) I should have a chance, right? Would be my first shaper kill ever, so I'm hyped.

So a big thanks to Kelvynn for this great build and guide!

So you are uncapped on resists in Merc without wise oak up? Is that normal for this build?

Currently level 78 and unable to get all 3 capped in merc due to gearing being difficult and very pricey!
Could someone looka t my gear and tell me what I should improve? Hydra always beats me up.
Kelvynn wrote:

If not for the upcoming 3.0 that will probably change too many things, I'd likely be playing another new class in 2.6, and I was considering a Ranger. The choice there is obvious: Raider. None of the 3 Ranger classes have much for elemental damage, Deadeye is 100% archery, Flaskfinder is all about flasks which is not something I'd like to build around. But Raider can be something of a cross between the Scion and Templar versions of this build. Immunity to ele status ailments is really nice, Frenzy/Onslaught is good too. Tree would be pretty much the same as the Witch, just replace 3 nodes at the Witch start with 3 nodes at the Ranger start.

I already played raider WI this season, before respeccing that char into howa. Raider worked fine for WI, but I'm not sure its a better class than elementalist or even berserker.

The movespeed and the immunity to freeze and chills is very nice. With 6 frenzy charges (i.e. only taking the one at the shadow start on the tree), the charges provide us with 24% more damage. This more or less sets off the loss of massive amounts of %increased damage from the elementalist ascendancy. Not needing a freeze flask frees up a flask slot to use wise oak, which sort of replaces mastermind of discord.

But raider has its drawbacks as well. First, you need at the very least 2 passive points to pick the shadow area frenzy charge, and another one to pick the frenzy charge on the merciless bandits quest. so compared to the elementalist version, the raider tree loses 3 passives plus 16% increased spell damage. more importantly, you lose 12% all res from the elementalist ascendancy. you no longer have quasi-immunity to reflect. you are quite far away from unwavering stance. it might actually be more sensible to use heart of oak plus the 80% chance to avoid stun boot enchant than to pick up US. and ofc the 6 frenzy charges plus perma onslaught provide 44% increased cast speed, which is nice for selfcast takes on the build, but completely wasted on cwc. raider basically forces you into how I prefer to play my WI: selfcast with the boot enchant instead of US. so I'm kinda sceptical you will like it. ;-)

another drawback is dieing in bossfights: keeping frenzy charges up during mapping is no problem, and if you go into a bossfight with full charges, you will have no problem sustaining them. but if you die during a bossfight and go back in, you're at no charges. each icestorm as a whole has a 20% chance to gain a charge on hitting the boss, i.e. you would on average need 30 icestorms to get back up to full charges. so essentially you have to rely on orb of storms filling up the charges, but that is kinda unreliable against bosses that move a lot like shaper or core malachai. and ofc you are no longer freeze and chill immune without max charges. so against shaper in particularly, its either "get it done in one take after going in with full charges", or "get fucked, get fucked real hard".
Last edited by Black_Gun#7476 on Apr 3, 2017, 9:16:28 PM
I'm sure it's mentioned somewhere in the 300 pages of thread here, but could someone tell me how shavronne's wrappings would work as armor? I've copied the build and have mainly endgame gear, but this just dropped and I'm pretty stoked to use it if it would work. Thanks.
Hey guys quick couple of questions! Will you check out my character sheet and tell me what should my next upgrade be that i should work for? Also I'm not noticing that culling strike on my second staff is auto killing bosses below 10% hp... do i not have it linked right ? Thanks guys!
Godzillafucker wrote:
I'm sure it's mentioned somewhere in the 300 pages of thread here, but could someone tell me how shavronne's wrappings would work as armor? I've copied the build and have mainly endgame gear, but this just dropped and I'm pretty stoked to use it if it would work. Thanks.

Hi. It's not somewhere, but in the first page :) See Q & A.
Hi all!
I wonder if it possible to get Emperor's Mastery or Emperor's Wit via Orb of Chance? They are really great for this build imo, but pretty rare and expensive to buy...
And maybe any sugessions about Fertile Mind farming? :) Wiki says that card for it can be dropped in The Gardens - is that true?..
Last edited by MadBoot#2639 on Apr 4, 2017, 5:05:39 AM
Black_Gun wrote:
Kelvynn wrote:

If not for the upcoming 3.0 that will probably change too many things, I'd likely be playing another new class in 2.6, and I was considering a Ranger. The choice there is obvious: Raider. None of the 3 Ranger classes have much for elemental damage, Deadeye is 100% archery, Flaskfinder is all about flasks which is not something I'd like to build around. But Raider can be something of a cross between the Scion and Templar versions of this build. Immunity to ele status ailments is really nice, Frenzy/Onslaught is good too. Tree would be pretty much the same as the Witch, just replace 3 nodes at the Witch start with 3 nodes at the Ranger start.

I already played raider WI this season, before respeccing that char into howa. Raider worked fine for WI, but I'm not sure its a better class than elementalist or even berserker.

The movespeed and the immunity to freeze and chills is very nice. With 6 frenzy charges (i.e. only taking the one at the shadow start on the tree), the charges provide us with 24% more damage. This more or less sets off the loss of massive amounts of %increased damage from the elementalist ascendancy. Not needing a freeze flask frees up a flask slot to use wise oak, which sort of replaces mastermind of discord.

But raider has its drawbacks as well. First, you need at the very least 2 passive points to pick the shadow area frenzy charge, and another one to pick the frenzy charge on the merciless bandits quest. so compared to the elementalist version, the raider tree loses 3 passives plus 16% increased spell damage. more importantly, you lose 12% all res from the elementalist ascendancy. you no longer have quasi-immunity to reflect. you are quite far away from unwavering stance. it might actually be more sensible to use heart of oak plus the 80% chance to avoid stun boot enchant than to pick up US. and ofc the 6 frenzy charges plus perma onslaught provide 44% increased cast speed, which is nice for selfcast takes on the build, but completely wasted on cwc. raider basically forces you into how I prefer to play my WI: selfcast with the boot enchant instead of US. so I'm kinda sceptical you will like it. ;-)

another drawback is dieing in bossfights: keeping frenzy charges up during mapping is no problem, and if you go into a bossfight with full charges, you will have no problem sustaining them. but if you die during a bossfight and go back in, you're at no charges. each icestorm as a whole has a 20% chance to gain a charge on hitting the boss, i.e. you would on average need 30 icestorms to get back up to full charges. so essentially you have to rely on orb of storms filling up the charges, but that is kinda unreliable against bosses that move a lot like shaper or core malachai. and ofc you are no longer freeze and chill immune without max charges. so against shaper in particularly, its either "get it done in one take after going in with full charges", or "get fucked, get fucked real hard".

Thank you for your feedback! I'm already exping my Witch :)
Kelvynn wrote:

Zagreb1987 wrote:
A last question, when the ball lighting activate from Cwdt, is it consider like "using a lighting spell" from the ascendensy node "Mastermind of Discord"? Because sometimes i forget to cast the orb of storm, not a realy big deal, regarding the large amount of dammage this build can inflict, but i wonder?

Only self-cast skills can trigger Mastermind. Forgetting to use Orb of Storms can be fatal in the endgame boss fights, especially the ones where you use Purity and delegate all curses to the Orb. Get used to popping a fresh Orb every 10 sec against bosses, it will be a very good habit to have.

Ok thanks! i train myself to use it the most possible! In your opinion, Rainbowtride are a good option for boots? I dont find any goods boots while farming map for the moment, and i'm short of currency for the moment to buy rare boots with int bonus, ES, movement speed and rez. But with Perandus 2% int bonus per unique, it's like Rainbowstride can give a light int bonus isn't it?
Zagreb1987 wrote:
Kelvynn wrote:

Zagreb1987 wrote:
A last question, when the ball lighting activate from Cwdt, is it consider like "using a lighting spell" from the ascendensy node "Mastermind of Discord"? Because sometimes i forget to cast the orb of storm, not a realy big deal, regarding the large amount of dammage this build can inflict, but i wonder?

Only self-cast skills can trigger Mastermind. Forgetting to use Orb of Storms can be fatal in the endgame boss fights, especially the ones where you use Purity and delegate all curses to the Orb. Get used to popping a fresh Orb every 10 sec against bosses, it will be a very good habit to have.

Ok thanks! i train myself to use it the most possible! In your opinion, Rainbowtride are a good option for boots? I dont find any goods boots while farming map for the moment, and i'm short of currency for the moment to buy rare boots with int bonus, ES, movement speed and rez. But with Perandus 2% int bonus per unique, it's like Rainbowstride can give a light int bonus isn't it?

I used them for a while until I could afford int boots - they're not bad, but without int they're not that good for the build.

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