[2.6] The Curse Whisperer - Tri-Curse CI Whispering Ice Elementalist - Viable for Everything

FYI, everyone.

This article shows a drastically cheaper way to get off-color sockets in your gear: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/62dq39/alternative_way_of_getting_fully_offcolored_items/.

I off-colored my rare gloves and Black Sun Crest today for a total cost of around 150 jeweler's orbs and 50 chromatic orbs. (As usual I was very unlucky -- I off-colored a couple other pieces for about 15 jeweler orbs and 25 chromatic orbs each.)
Last edited by Graiaule#7461 on Mar 30, 2017, 10:26:04 PM
How are you able to run 2 golems?
honeytraps wrote:
How are you able to run 2 golems?

Elementalist ascendancy perk.
Hi, at first I would like to thank to Kelvynn for this nice build. It is my first CE build and I think, that I couldn't choose better one. Then I wanted to ask, if someone could check my eq and recommend me, what items should I try to upgrade first.


Currently I'm using these flasks:

My biggest problem are ressists, as I have uncapped all of them :-/ but I really don't see a way to cap them without getting gear for several ex :(
Anyway I know, that I'm not quite done with lvling, atm I'm doing tier:10-11 maps without problem, which is nice, but obv I don't wanna stop there.

Thanks in advance for any answers.
This is my second time playing WI build, my first with AoF. It`s very powerfull.
Currently at level 74 doing t10`s and 11`s easy. Gear and gem setups still need adjustments,
wil lget to it when something good drops or i`m able to buy some.

With this current gear i have about 8.5k ES, leech is excellent!

Note: The staff is 5 linked because rng.. used 1 fuse to get link or two for cwc..

Question: Do u, guys and girls, have issues with CWC crashing the game? My game crashes from time
to time. I believe it`s because SR-CWC setup.
IGN: VodeniZec
Hello, I did this build and it is awesome!
Got some questions though:

1) Why do I keep Ball Lightning at lvl 4 in:
CWDT (lv 1) - Ball Lightning (lv 4) - Curse of Hit (20/20) - Enfeeble (lv 20) - Temporal Chains (lv 20)?

2) I don't think my Enfeeble works properly:
When I get hit, Ball Lighentings are getting cast correctly but no Enfeeble as far as I can tell. But sometimes random Enfeeble cast just appear out of nowhere and it keeps on casting forever until I move. That's pretty weird. How should that work exactly?

3) CWDT - Immortal Call - Summon Flame Golem - Summon Ice/Chaos Golem:
It doesn't seem to work on me. I did let get myself hit, but no Golems will Spawn.
I don't understand how this works? And why not keep this CWDT at lvl 1? I mean the Golems will Spawn even harder with higher CWDT, don't they?

Can someone explain this to me in Detail?

Still enjoying this awesome build :cleared all tier15 bosses. This is the first time i am even seeing these bosses :)

Thank you again Kelvynn. Today i found a good chest for a very cheap price. Now i have a
blue empoty socket. Not linked though. Can you recommend a gem ?

Also i badly need resists so can't use doedre for now. Can you also recommend a gem for the linked chest instead of vulnerability/temporal

Last edited by codari1#3761 on Mar 31, 2017, 7:54:05 AM
I have some problem with Hall of Grandmasters, i cant kill scoli and mull gubben. Icestorm deal so low dmg ... All other exiles no problem - only this two :(

I have 8.4k es and 6.5k ho dmg (1653 int), some advice?
kozelpepa wrote:
Hi, at first I would like to thank to Kelvynn for this nice build. It is my first CE build and I think, that I couldn't choose better one. Then I wanted to ask, if someone could check my eq and recommend me, what items should I try to upgrade first.


Currently I'm using these flasks:

My biggest problem are ressists, as I have uncapped all of them :-/ but I really don't see a way to cap them without getting gear for several ex :(
Anyway I know, that I'm not quite done with lvling, atm I'm doing tier:10-11 maps without problem, which is nice, but obv I don't wanna stop there.

Thanks in advance for any answers.

Hi a had same problem with rezists but i remove deodre ring and replace him with 2-stone ring 100%+total rezistsd+49int(5-20caos) u don't need rly 3rd curse if u don'try hard bosses. But if u try t16,t15 and need 3rd curse swap perandus whit deodre.


But now i buy more rezist and beter EQ soon that ring will be useless
Last edited by Kazid33#5170 on Mar 31, 2017, 9:25:53 AM
Kazid33 wrote:

Hi a had same problem with rezists but i remove deodre ring and replace him with 2-stone ring 120%total rezistsd+50int(5-20caos) u dont need rly 3rd curse inf u tond try hard bosses but i ha e all if i need i swap perandus whit deodre if i need 3rd curse. But now i buy more rezist and beter EQ soon that ring will be useless

Thanks, I'll definitely try it out, once I get the second curse from the passive tree x)

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