[2.5.0*] Jagarnath, Destroyer of Maps (Cyclone-CoMK-Discharge) *Budget Build* *DEMO VIDEO*
Ayy got my 6-link astral plate now and am indeed destroying maps, can't wait to find the remaining trials and give uber lab a shot. So would you say immortal call + cwdt < stone golem and vaal lightning trap? I've never used vaal lightning trap, is it mainly for additional single target damage from shock?
Last edited by an1drag0n#7399 on Jun 11, 2016, 7:14:11 PM
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" I didn't need IC. The uber traps don't hurt with fortify + endurance. Can tank non-insane map mod bosses. Porcupines don't shoot much because of Pyre ring. I did miss the IC triggering animation, it's a good warning sign you're taking hits. " Yes, it's a boss killer. 50% more dmg on a boss. Needs souls to charge, cannot be used on Izaro, but can be used on map bosses & Argos. Use a level 1 gem (cheapest mana). linking it to increased duration, will increased the shocked ground duration. @Minstrelshadrak Last edited by MinstrelShadrak#5606 on Jun 12, 2016, 6:38:10 PM
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I'm leveling up my Jagarnath and just about to throw down on an Oro's and the rings, but thinking of going a different route w/ the gem setup. I really like the idea of CwDT->Blade Vortex->Curse on hit to curse w/ Warlord's Mark and Flammability. For two curses it needs a 5-link, so the Single-Target Fortify Cyclone would be sacrificed.
Granted, I haven't even played the main build yet so all of these links are untested. But here's what I'm thinking: 6-Link Chest Cyclone->Cast on Melee Kill->Discharge->Fire Penetration-Prolif->(Inc. AOE?) 6-Link Sword Cast when Damage Taken(1)->Blade Vortex(1)->Curse on Hit->Warlord's Mark->Flammability->(Inc. Duration? Inc. AOE? Blind?) Link colors are an issue here... 4-Link Blood Rage->Vaal Haste->Inc. Duration->Rallying Cry 4-Link Leap Slam->Faster Attacks->Vengeance->End. Charge on Melee Stun (Fortify?) 4-Link Summon Chaos Golem->Minion Life->Arctic Armor->Purity of Fire The Blade Vortex curse system seems to proc Elemental Overload much more than standard Cyclone, and at a low level blades will always be up. It also frees up reserved Mana from Blasphemy, allowing Arctic Armor and Purity of Fire to be run. I'm really hoping to be able to run reflect maps. Rallying Cry is really powerful. It requires Jagarnath to stop and cast, but would only be used for boss fights or large packs, giving more of a damage boost than the shock from Vaal Lightning Trap(I think). The Prophecy unique Deidbellow could also make this setup really powerful w/ 20% move/attack speed bonus after using the warcry. Opinions? I can't play much today, but I should be able to test the links out soon(tm)! Last edited by Deaner3D#4994 on Jun 13, 2016, 11:48:54 PM
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NiceNice :)
" Cyclone->Cast on Melee Kill->Discharge->-Prolif->Inc. AOE (firepen) If you are going for prolif, gotta take inc aoe. since the inc aoe works on the prolif radius. " With Sibyl's Lament I had no problems with reflect. Could drop purity of fire. Determination? Grace? " Haven't used rallying cry in a long time. Back then I used it for the mana regen mostly :). It still gives increased damage, while the trap gives MORE dmg. The difference is huge. Interesting idea's, would love to hear about the vortex cursing! @Minstrelshadrak
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Ahhh, quite the education. You're right about the CoMK links.
The wiki has a "shock" mechanic description that might be a bit misleading. The actual patchnotes indicate fully that shocked status increases damage taken by %50, so it is a multiplier, not an increased number from damage dealt. I tried that Blade Vortex cursing mechanic, but it wasn't working too well with my limited tests. First, I wasn't receiving enough damage to make it "up all the time". Second, I underestimated the size of Discharge AoE, so monsters without a curse on them were dying all the time. Although, Arctic Armour and Determination were nice to have until I improved my gear. I'm sticking with the Rallying Cry->Increased Duration though. Mostly because I scored a Deidbellow helm with 20% additional chance of a Frenzy charge on kill with Blood Rage enchantment. I might have to figure out a way to increase my frenzy charge cap... Last edited by Deaner3D#4994 on Jun 15, 2016, 10:43:49 PM
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Hi there,
just started lvling a Jagarnat for fun not far but still good idea. I had a question about the ascedency. I know juggernaut is best for defence but if we only deal fire dmg could chieftain be an alternative. get Tawhoa then Ngamahu and Hinekora/Ramako. we get leech 40% armour, fire pen and endurance charges on kill. I know that the AS from 200accuracy is nice the same with double body armour(dont know if its more then 40% increased AR from all pieces). I hope i didn't forget anything. I'm not very good at theory crafting so hope you can help me why juggernaut not chieftain. thx for great build |
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" you're welcome. About the ascendancy class. Juggernaut is chosen for Unrelenting. Instantly gain 8 endurance charges to discharge and repeat that very very fast. It still works without unrelenting. It just works better with. (demo video was made with poe 2.2 version without new unrelenting.) from chieftain you get: Totem Leech 1% fire leech 10% fire pen 20% chance endurance charge on kill Very similar to warlord's mark aura. The bonus gained is not unique anough for it to be the best option. Getting leech from your ancestral totem is nice for boss fights. I'm sure Chieftain will work. You might even be able to drop warlords mark for something else. In my opinion Juggernaut will be the best option, just because of Unrelenting. @Minstrelshadrak Last edited by MinstrelShadrak#5606 on Jun 17, 2016, 6:20:57 PM
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just wondering if you can suggest what sort of jewels you should aim for? feeling a bit squishy so any unique defence jewels worth buying? any help appreciated.. cheers
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I'm just starting to play PoE, so sorry if it is a noobish question, but what do you think of using Kaom's Heart? It would lower your armour ofc but would grant nice ammount of hp. It would be so terrible or it is an option to play this build?
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I've played this build a lot, even before we had ascendancies. Its of course much stronger now with ascendancies. Single target is no problem, you'll just need a separate single target setup with conc effect and maybe elemental focus. The real key it getting higher dps is getting flat fire and WED on gear. I had no problems reaching 70k+ tooltip with cyclone and 80% fire pen which will end up melting most bosses. The real problem with this build is survivability in higher level content, although that might be easier now with ascendanies plus new flasks.
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