[2.5.0*] Jagarnath, Destroyer of Maps (Cyclone-CoMK-Discharge) *Budget Build* *DEMO VIDEO*

D0omsdaymachine wrote:
One thought for improvement though (i dont like the wasted points in strength to get the charges at the far bottom) that might work: the Fireborn Jewel to convert the 2h dmg slots Destroyer and Wrecking Ball to fire.

Thx for the heads up!
just bought one to check it out:

When socketed the damage node read
"XX fire damage with two handed melee weapons"
So does not work on discharge.

the balance scale

Let's write it down, If we take your suggested route it would be:

2 nodes 20 str + Rare jewel+ 1 skill **VS** 3 nodes 36% WED

If we add destroyer, it's
2 nodes 20str + Rare jewel + 2 skill **VS** 4 nodes 61% WED 5 IAS 20% acc

But since this build has some jewel slots to take up to lvl 9x? orso. it's actually
2 nodes 20 str + 2x rare jewel + 1 node 10 abil **VS** 4 nodes 61%WED 5 IAS 20% acc

Destroyer is pretty good. But we're not heading over to wreckingball and lava lash.
2.3 will tell if the cyclone damage is too low. If that would be the case this is a nice option. Althought there are many options; like templar's Catalyse.
My gut feeling tells me we're not going to lack in the damage department.
Thank the gods!

Example: Do not under esitmate the "Add 6% dmg each endurance chance" from the upgraded unrelenting

About the str, when endgame finetuning begins, you might find yourself equipping repentance for Iron Will :)

Atm I'm brainstorming about flasks. perhaps I shouldn't roll them with increased duration, but with more charges (ample?) combined with a belt that has reduced charges used. And the witch flask nodes look atractive.

Last edited by MinstrelShadrak#5606 on Jun 1, 2016, 12:52:44 PM
I really like the look of this! The defenses seem a bit lacking for my my 'relaxed' playstyle though lol. Especially since you will be in melee range a lot of the time and I haven't played many melee builds.

Do you have any suggestions for how to make it a bit more tanky? Would dropping a curse for enfeeble or AA work?
DonMagicJuan wrote:
Do you have any suggestions for how to make it a bit more tanky? Would dropping a curse for enfeeble or AA work?

We'll know when 2.3 has arrived.Then it'll be apparant how much damage sources you want to take. AA could easily be added with a reduced mana reserved source.
If you drop Flammability, you'd loose damage and abit of chance to ignite. It won't affect
the mechanic in any significant way. So you can freely customize there.
Added a beginners video guide about mechanics.
What you recommend for bandit quest ?
Darkeraz wrote:
What you recommend for bandit quest ?

Points (probably anough attack speed, still fine if you take it)

Last edited by MinstrelShadrak#5606 on Jun 4, 2016, 2:36:27 AM
just wondering when is the best time to start using cyclone? im lvl 39 now and dont think i can maintain the mana usage.. cheers
keenbean wrote:
just wondering when is the best time to start using cyclone? im lvl 39 now and dont think i can maintain the mana usage.. cheers

For leveling you are not limited to any build whatsoever.
Cheapest is something with a similar tree.
If you want to go melee, Earthquake is king.
Can be used with Axe and Mace.
If you happen to find a GG sword. cyclone might be a good option.
The mana can be sustained with warlord's mark.
Sorry for the noob questions
Gg sword? Whats gg mean an why sword for cyclone?
Also is "leveling" until you get to merciless?
I guess my question is when does this build actually become fully usable.. hope i make sense
keenbean wrote:
Sorry for the noob questions
Gg sword? Whats gg mean an why sword for cyclone?
Also is "leveling" until you get to merciless?
I guess my question is when does this build actually become fully usable.. hope i make sense

This build uses a unique sword called Oro's Sacrifice
It's level requirement is 67.
So you have to level up to level 67 before you can start using it.

You can ofcourse try and do it earlier with any other weapon.

Most efficient way would be with a good leveling strategy.
(can find this in the forums, made by other people)

a GG sword, is a sword with really high dmg (relative to it's level requirement.)

I hope this info helps.

P.S> How to make abit of currency to aqcuire Oro and the other items, check
the topic [build requirements] I've update it.

Buttom post I've got a spoiler with my character at level 53. It's using Earthquake for leveling.
Last edited by MinstrelShadrak#5606 on Jun 5, 2016, 12:09:05 AM

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