Cospri's Will - My Unique Story

Cospri's Vortex
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sidtherat wrote:
this is NOT a build enabling item. it is just power item without a drawback (no, lack of life is NOT a drawback worth talking about in this case).

BrokenForth, than this. there is yet another chest in the queue - the prophecy-only '50% reduced damage taken if you havent been hit recently'. on an evasion base..

So there's the new chest you mentioned, LC, Belly of the Beast, Shavs, Volls, and Kaoms just off the top of my head that are all competing for the same item slot. While you're right that it's a shame that rares have been rendered inferior for chest slot, the lack of life will be a factor as to whether you use it or one of the other uniques. So in this case it IS a drawback worth talking about.

But comparing Cospri's to a yellow, sure the lack of life is easily worth the power in other areas.

Given the competition for this slot though, I can't see this chest being on the level of Skyforth in terms of rarity/price.
Volls and Shavs are build enabling items and as such are not contenders

Kaoms.. is a niche item that is not very popular and this does not surprise me at all as the 500 life (while good) is a huge price to pay for NOT using better chest

Belly of the Beast is a chest for Mathil and Mathil-minded players (crit-damaga-damnthelifenodes!) as it gives them life% that they did not take from the tree. classic players do not use it as the LC is just better and they can live with .9mil dps instead of full million

so this leaves us with LC (a noob trap in many cases as it protects ONLY from phys damage - damage that people overinvest into and then die to elemental damage due to false security LC gives), the new chest (prophecy chain item.. i hope that at least 10 people manage to complete these - hello warbands drop rates!) and this abomination

it seems that its designed drawback is.. the base. all green. but guess what fits 'all green' sockets perfectly? chaos meta support gems! bladefall, trap, cluster trap.. should i list remaining slots? it is as if creator wanted to make a BiS chest for bladefall miners but accidentally made a BiS chest. period.

people will ofc use other chests (availability, coloring, general gameplay habits) but this one is absurdly strong and made poe closer to d3 than ever

Honestly, if it didn't have the Hexproof Immunity, it wouldn't even be my first choice for curses.
With Victarios, I could stuff in an extra blasphemy, and with a corrupted amulet, there's probably enough curses to go around already.
I can't see how this would potentially be good on someone that doesn't need multiple curses, as in, more than 2, and uses, say, elemental spells. I really don#t get the ruckus.
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
UnDeaD_CyBorG wrote:
Honestly, if it didn't have the Hexproof Immunity, it wouldn't even be my first choice for curses.
With Victarios, I could stuff in an extra blasphemy, and with a corrupted amulet, there's probably enough curses to go around already.
I can't see how this would potentially be good on someone that doesn't need multiple curses, as in, more than 2, and uses, say, elemental spells. I really don#t get the ruckus.

The bypasses hexproof is the culprit here, basically.
It goes through some of the game limits like it had never done before ( on monsters I mean ).
What would you say if you had an item "your maximum elemental resistances can not get reduced/decreased" ? That would be another example of a mechanism that goes against strong map modes ( only it is only about a map/area instance's mod there, bypassing hexproof, even if it has less impact most of the time also means many rare monsters ).
I bet many builds are using blasphemy + curses as a main charges feeder, and maps where you cannot get your charges in a build strongly using them is a big handicap.

That plus the fact that it basically have no drawback, as mentioned before ( or no really significant drawback, about the lack of life ).

As for those who always like bringing "if there is no armor, the secondary defense mechanism is shit" : just LOL.
We're arriving in 2.3.0 and some people still believe that evasion mechanism is worthless .... like seriously ://.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz#6137 on May 29, 2016, 5:50:48 AM
Fruz wrote:

It goes through some of the game limits like it had never done before ( on monsters I mean ).

You mean like ignoring enemy evasion or elemental resistances?
I don't see it, as far as I've gathered from the endgame meta I don't partake in, curse immunity basically just meant spending another chaos on that map. Now you don't. *shrugs*
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
UnDeaD_CyBorG wrote:
Fruz wrote:

It goes through some of the game limits like it had never done before ( on monsters I mean ).

You mean like ignoring enemy evasion or elemental resistances?
I don't see it, as far as I've gathered from the endgame meta I don't partake in, curse immunity basically just meant spending another chaos on that map. Now you don't. *shrugs*

I personally find that such hard counter are not a very good design ( it makes PvP completely inconsistent as an example, not criting is really a small cost ), about RT of course.
I do not think that complete curse immunity is a good design either, I would rather see curse resistances instead of those hexproof things.

Ignoring elemental resistances ? like what ?
There are many ways to reduce elemental resistances, but I do not know any way to ignore it ( and since we can reduce it, reducing it to 0% would not seem very far from it, so known mechanism and not just black or white ).
But maybe I'm missing on an unique item, or there is something that I have not thought about, I don't know.

It makes you ignore completely one map mode, and sparing a chaos ( or many more ) when you have a very welled rolled map is nothing small I think.

Just saying that curse immunity is a map mod that you would completely avoid by rerolling it tells already a lot about how strong it is, don't you think ?
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz#6137 on May 29, 2016, 7:11:32 AM
I would honestly love more reflect (there, I said it) with a lower %.
I wouldn't mind if breaking Hexproof left the curses at 50% reduced effect.
I would have no problem with RT just reducing the targets chance to evade by 0.2. So, agreed on all those points, hardcounters are boring. But so is the resistance system an equipment check.

Regarding your question:
Inevitable Judgement
Critical Strikes ignore Enemy Elemental Resistances
Global chat: Mechanics for A work one way, B for another, C for a third but also with A, B uses C but not A, and D uses A&B but not C

Isn't a "no" better than an ignore?
Just started playing around with a multicurse/singularity occultist (for sipping tea while watching, e.g., Izaro doing his >3-second pirouette-slash), and was thinking about the hexproof piercing that this chest introduces. I think it's indeed OP for a particular set of builds - Using elemental spells (2x resist curse, of course...), I can only poison with death-explosions from Profane Bloom and Abyssal cry, so that particular mod is not particularly useful for this character. On the other hand, every Hexproof+Resist rare I meet... -_-, forces the chest to be BiS for any high-end play for that one mod.

So- it's not ideal given the current meta and availability. I would suggest the following modifications if the opinions don't change after release (i.e. let Cospri's Will have it spot in the limelight for a while):

- Have several methods to bypass hexproof immunity (say three, this unique, another one, and a keystone).

- However, this bypass comes at "You can curse hexproof targets, with 30% less effectiveness." It makes the mod on monsters/maps not completely useless. I'm generally against absolute hard counters like "Unwavering" unless it on lore-uniques like Atziri and Argus (GGG's evidently reserving the full curse immunity for later use).

Last edited by zharmad#7992 on May 29, 2016, 10:20:49 AM
Why would GGG add an item like this?

It outright bypasses a map mod completely, has the ridiculously strong poison on it, and even gives +1 curse. I just don't understand how stuff like this gets given the ok.
Killed Core boss - lv93 Disfavour Cycloner - waiting for achievement to be fixed please..

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