Cospri's Will - My Unique Story

Lol Im shocked it was allowed into the game in that state :P. Ignoring hexproof was dank enough. +1 curse why not? poison? sure.

Looks good, the game needs more uniques that actually feel powerful.


what happens if i attack with curse on hit gloves. does the poison already apply or do i need to hit again, i.e. is the curse applied first or is the check from the item coming first
RIP King of the Forest view-thread/1738625
cmphx wrote:

what happens if i attack with curse on hit gloves. does the poison already apply or do i need to hit again, i.e. is the curse applied first or is the check from the item coming first

I'm guessing the Curse would be applied 1st and then the mod would check if it's applicable, however that's something GGG will need to confirm as I'm not 100% sure.


Edit: You cannot poison with the same hit applying a curse in a CoH set-up.
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Designing Cospri's Will:
Designing Cospri's Malice:
Iron Heart/Iron Fortress too!
Last edited by LostArtz#3044 on May 27, 2016, 8:42:24 PM
Thank you so much for making an end-game Evasion chest, absolutely perfect stats for eva (minus life, but let's not get greedy) (enfeeble basically is life anyway).

Only thing I'd improve: add +60% curse effectiveness against unique monsters :3
gdi I didn't realize there was a tl:dr till I got to the end =/

But in hindsight I'm glad I read it, and had I skipped to the item I probably would have gone back and see what I missed. I too love multi cursing, so there's a good chance this chest will factor into something I play in Prophecy.

Thanks for making the item, and for sharing the process. :P
Interesting item but ....
How is that not completely broken ? I know it has no life, but the ignore curse mod is just too much, remove it and it would be balanced imho.

Right now, it looks OP as hell, I would expect a nerf later on if I were you.

I like the picture, will it have a 3D art already ?

Zephryl wrote:
Alexlulz wrote:
can i curse with this chest in curse immune maps or no

There's now going to be two different mods for immunity. "Hexproof" will replace the current map versions of "Curse Immune", which this chest will ignore. "Curse Immune" will be a complete immunity, probably reserved for some bosses and a mod for rare monsters.


Most likely maps that are currently "Curse Immune" will stay as "Curse Immune" and not change to "Hexproof" after the patch though.

Wait .... will it not apply to the map mode ?
If not ... it could still be somewhat okay I guess.

I wish ( as mentioned earlier in this thread ) that Hexproof was just a curse resistance instead of an actualy immunity.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz#6137 on May 28, 2016, 2:02:32 AM
Fruz wrote:

I like the picture, will it have a 3D art already ?

Zephryl wrote:
Alexlulz wrote:
can i curse with this chest in curse immune maps or no

There's now going to be two different mods for immunity. "Hexproof" will replace the current map versions of "Curse Immune", which this chest will ignore. "Curse Immune" will be a complete immunity, probably reserved for some bosses and a mod for rare monsters.


Most likely maps that are currently "Curse Immune" will stay as "Curse Immune" and not change to "Hexproof" after the patch though.

Wait .... will it not apply to the map mode ?
If not ... it could still be somewhat okay I guess.

I wish ( as mentioned earlier in this thread ) that Hexproof was just a curse resistance instead of an actualy immunity.

I covered the difference between Curse Immunity and Hexproof in my OP. Go back and read the 'READ ME' section. As for the map mod, any pre-existing maps will more than likely be updated to the Hexproof mod. Furthermore any map that is rolled after Patch 2.3 cannot roll Curse Immunity and it's being replaced with Hexproof.

3D art - someday. I've considered asking Chris what sort of rates GGG charges to 'sponsor' the 3D art, however at the same time I know it'll get 3D art eventually so I'd kind of just be throwing money away. If I'm going to spend more money on POE at this point I'd rather save up $1000 and do another unique as I greatly enjoyed the design process and seeing/hearing everyone's reaction. I've laughed harder and more in the past few days than in a very long time.

Also if I design another unique I know it's going to be end-game viable and something I'd actually be interested in using across multiple variations of builds.
Designing Cospri's Will:
Designing Cospri's Malice:
Iron Heart/Iron Fortress too!
Last edited by LostArtz#3044 on May 28, 2016, 3:07:13 AM
this is unique that everyone says 'i want to use it'

it is the same story as with 25% blasphemy. but this time GGG wont have a chance to fix this abomination before release

it is not only powerful. it is pretty much BiS for EVERY build out there. that one free curse == enfeeble. this makes LC look like kids' toy.

this alone would make this item great

and then we have curse-immunity-penetration AAAAND that poison (with new Assassin's 100% more poison to boot..)

this is NOT a build enabling item. it is just power item without a drawback (no, lack of life is NOT a drawback worth talking about in this case).

BrokenForth, than this. there is yet another chest in the queue - the prophecy-only '50% reduced damage taken if you havent been hit recently'. on an evasion base..

the itemization reaches Diablo 3' levels - there is literally no point in using rare chests anymore and then we get this?

glad you've made the unique the way you wanted but be wary that you've helped to Diablo 3'ify this game - Uniques in every slot..
LostArtz wrote:

I covered the difference between Curse Immunity and Hexproof in my OP. Go back and read the 'READ ME' section. As for the map mod, any pre-existing maps will more than likely be updated to the Hexproof mod. Furthermore any map that is rolled after Patch 2.3 cannot roll Curse Immunity and it's being replaced with Hexproof.

3D art - someday. I've considered asking Chris what sort of rates GGG charges to 'sponsor' the 3D art, however at the same time I know it'll get 3D art eventually so I'd kind of just be throwing money away. If I'm going to spend more money on POE at this point I'd rather save up $1000 and do another unique as I greatly enjoyed the design process and seeing/hearing everyone's reaction. I've laughed harder and more in the past few days than in a very long time.

Also if I design another unique I know it's going to be end-game viable and something I'd actually be interested in using across multiple variations of builds.

I read part of the OP, but not the whole thing, my bad.
If the map mode becomes Hexproof and thus can just be ignored by this unique item, then it will be completely over powered I think.
Since (most, if not all) rare monsters and the mapmod will be hexproof, that will leave ... just some unique monsters ... which represents basically nothing.

And if you are ranged, you can still just blasphemy enfeeble + temp chain easily forsurvivability ( if you do not use a manual on Curse on hit offensive curse without another + 1 ).

Another way to balance this item :

Add a "Your curses have 70% effectiveness" mode.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz#6137 on May 28, 2016, 5:28:02 AM

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