Cospri's Will - My Unique Story
You guys act like there aren't already 17 things in the game that hard counter map mods. Temp Chains counters Fleet. Enfeeble counters the crit map mod. Traps, totems, chaos, and chaos conversion counter both kinds of reflect at once. Overcapping your resists hard counters a mod.
That's a poor reason to not like this item, or to want it changed. If you don't like it b/c of "power creep" I don't know what to tell you. In the game's history the game has swung on a pendulum of getting easier for a few patches, then getting harder for a few patches. If 2.3 or 2.4 don't make the game harder, we'd have to see it as a new direction for the game, because Ascendancy did kick off a big power surge that hasn't been pushed back the other way yet. |
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I love this unique. So many builds I can make with this *drools.
I just hope it is really rare. Otherwise nerf hammer next league for sure. |
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Don't understand why everyone is drooling over this. It's a good chest, BUT...
The creator chose Evasion to satisfy his one character - Ranger. The REAL Curse builds that run multiple curses are usually Occultist and Guardian. Both of them go Energy Shield, so this chest is worthless for people who actually go multiple curses. Then the fact it caters to the current meta of Chaos builds, which is about to end. It has "Poison Enemies on Hit", so he wouldn't have to use Snakebite for the typical Voltaxic Rift build. Again, this is to make his life easy because Snakebite requires this little effort to reach maximum charges. Sorry, but I consider this a weak attempt. Caters to his character rather than what the game needs. When GGG announced there's one Hexproof unique incoming, I really expected it to be ES based and non-Chaos related. Aren't we all sick and tired of poison/chaos? Ugh. |
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" You're forgetting to take into consideration that Physical Damage can apply poison too. You don't need to deal any chaos damage at all to gain the benefit of that mod. As for the Evasion topic you are correct; I did choose it because caters to my play style. Evasion scales extremely well with the Enfeeble curse as enemies lose accuracy which is rolled against Evasion when deciding if an attack hits. A 20/20 Enfeeble reduces an enemy's accuracy by 47% before factoring in curse effectiveness. Link it with Blasphemy or Curse on Hit and it becomes 51.7% reduced accuracy. It's like not like you can't take IR and make this an armour chest too. Having that functionality is more interesting to me than a purely armour chest. If it was ES based it would be OP as hell and I wouldn't have let it into the game as is. And yes, I pretty much only play bow characters. I fail to see the issue with that. I have over 6k hrs played on POE. If I was interested in other builds I'd be playing them. Tri-Curse pure physical Poison & Bleed build anyone? " More options should be added over time, however that's up to GGG and other supporters designing uniques to implement. I've done my part. Designing Cospri's Will: Designing Cospri's Malice: Iron Heart/Iron Fortress too! Last edited by LostArtz#3044 on May 29, 2016, 11:42:43 PM
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you forgot to mention that Enfeeble reduces damage taken by 30% at lvl20. it is Lightning Coil in a curse
so you have one free curse and a pretty damn good chest AND free poison.. and you think this chest is just 'ok'? it is BiS and will end up replacing LC (for the rich because i expect it to be of highest rarity tier) chaos meta, bows meta.. ride the meta bandwagon for a while and make a game a sad joke in the long run Voltaxic build (Demon Hunter from Diablo 3) Helmet - unique Gloves - unique Chest - unique Bow - unique Quiver - unique Boots - unique (i do not need to write names there, we all know these, dont we?) rings, belts, amu and jewels - to cap resists. We are closing on 100% unique BiS meta. not there yet but so close. sure, build wont have lots of life but we all know it wont be a problem - given how braindead easy bow gameplay is |
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I never said it was 'just okay' I'm well aware of how good it is. Back before Talisman and the redesign to being a Curse Chest I had a 15% less Crit Chance mod included because I knew Crit Voltaxic was going to become a thing once people took notice of the Spine Bows higher Crit chance after 2.0 was released.
The thing that bothers me though is that you act like people already can't use a LC and Enfeeble or LC + Enfeeble + Temp chains. Is it BiS? Perhaps, some people don't feel that way, but clearly you do. Designing Cospri's Will: Designing Cospri's Malice: Iron Heart/Iron Fortress too! Last edited by LostArtz#3044 on May 30, 2016, 12:25:17 AM
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Lost Art of creating balanced uniques.
sorry, but you just try to downplay the abomination you managed to skyforth into the game :/ ofc you can do similar things already - but this chest combines them ALL for a 'high' price of no life roll. balanced. i understand youve shelled 1k and wanted to be remembered and recognized for that - but you have selected the easiest way to do so - create an item everyone wants (as long as another supporter does not eclipse your item with his BiS 'creation'). you are happy - thats ok, youve played along the rules set by GGG so no qualm here. but game got worse with this (and other similarly engineered items - BiS on purpose, catering to meta), dumber, shallower, more 'slap all uniques and be good' like D3 is. we all know how 'well' this went for that other game. btw new unique jewels introduced today.. made ALL rare armor pieces JUNK. i wonder how people with mirrored armour chest pieces feel today :) |
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" To explain my previous post further, the problem is that this chest expects people to take the more defensive route which won't happen (especially when it comes to Bow builds). It's easier said on paper that you would run multiple curses, but how exactly would you accomplish that? Let's have a look, a Bow build typically runs: Hatred + Herald of Ash Wrath + Herald of Thunder (current meta) Now if you decide to run 2 curses with Blasphemy, that's 70% mana reserve. 62% with Heretic's Veil. That means you can only run one of the Heralds to go with it (no Herald if 3 curses). Losing a 50% aura over additional curse is a big dps loss, which Bow players won't accept and that's assuming you run Enfeeble + Assassin's Mark to make up for the loss of Lightning Coil. Second option, run curses with Curse on Hit which is typically done with Herald of Thunder. First thought, is Herald of Thunder still going to be popular next league? Even if it still is, that means you would need a 4L on Herald of Thunder to run dual curses. 5L for three. Not doable if the build uses Herald of Ash and many users don't like to spam a second skill for Curse on Hit. Automated cursing (especially multiple curses) is where it's at for clear speeds. Third option, manual cursing or CWDT cursing. Bow players are too fast for that kind of crap. Now it brings to the bottom line that Lightning Coil, 1 Curse and Snakebite will still be the better option. Faster clear speeds is what Bow players prefer. That's why I said a Curse item like this really belonged to the real Curse classes which are Occultist and Guardian - who have access to ES and reduced mana reserve nodes to take better advantage of additional curses. Last edited by FierceAgent#0799 on May 30, 2016, 1:11:10 AM
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" Have things changed? Can we just force whatever we want into the game now, or does GGG still have 50%+ of the design process and 100% of the approval process? |
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" I agree, and that is a balancing factor for this chest. You CAN run multiple curses via Blasphemy, however it ties up a large amount of your Mana that's otherwise spent on auras & heralds. CoH is possible but like you said, but considered too slow in the clear speed meta. You could probably just kill something in 2 attacks anyway rather than wasting one on Cursing then a second to deal damage. As for snakebites - I guess? Personally I hate anything that reduces charge duration. No thanks. Can't say I understand the circle jerk for Heretic Veil. It's a pretty good helmet and the extra reduced Mana Reservation is nice, but I feel like Alpha's Howl is superior outside of lacking ES. Designing Cospri's Will: Designing Cospri's Malice: Iron Heart/Iron Fortress too! Last edited by LostArtz#3044 on May 30, 2016, 1:24:30 AM
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