[2.3] Bleeding/Poison EQ Gladiator -- Budget, Tanky, Reflect Proof! -- T15 Core Down!

Llyrain wrote:
How difficult is it to farm voidheard? Or is it more a trade item, because you never get the right prophecy?

Both getting and fulfilling this prophecy need quite some RNG....

It needs you to kill one of the Beyond bosses (Bameth), it will take you some beyond maps until you finally get him.
insobyr wrote:
Llyrain wrote:
How difficult is it to farm voidheard? Or is it more a trade item, because you never get the right prophecy?

Both getting and fulfilling this prophecy need quite some RNG....

It needs you to kill one of the Beyond bosses (Bameth), it will take you some beyond maps until you finally get him.

And then you find him when you really don't want to - like 3 times in the same vulnerability + fleet map with your squishy caster...

insobyr wrote:
broseidon07 wrote:
Since this build can seemingly do everything, my only question is this:

what is the best way to deal with single target?

Normally linked Conc Effect (130% more to DoTs) to EQ and throw a vaal lightning trap (125% more to DoTs) is enough to handle any boss fights.

If you want to maximize your single target dps, just add an Ancestral Warchief 4L setup (MPD + Less Dur + Conc Effect).

Why less duration on the warchief?
Would you not recommend knockback anymore to scale the bleeds?
insobyr wrote:
The tree is flexible, the only must-takes are the two DoT wheels in duelist area.

Is the Bloodletting wheel really worth it? To me it seems like it is inefficient for the points spent.

I also question the point of Unwavering Stance when you're looking at 7k+ life and 75% phys reduction from armor/end charges. I dropped it and haven't had a problem at all. It also gives the option of using a Stibnite for the smoke cloud.

I also really dislike the Lust for Carnage wheel, its 2 dead points for some leech.

My suggestion would be to drop your current route from Duelist to Marauder and go around the outside as follows:


This gives access to Hematophagy, which is vastly superior to Lust for Carnage, giving a whole 1% more leech, as well as damage. As I'm using mace, I'd move Bloodletting points into the 3 points to Skullcracking, 52% increased phys triple-dipping for the initial hits, bleeds & poisons.

At higher levels it also gives the option to move into Rampart.

Finally, I'm really torn over the last 2 ascendancy points and am simply burning regrets as I can't make my mind up. Blood in the Eyes seems the least RNG and most stable choice, but does anyone else have a definitive opinion on the matter?
Last edited by Lylz#6536 on Jun 14, 2016, 6:47:26 AM
Llyrain wrote:
How difficult is it to farm voidheard? Or is it more a trade item, because you never get the right prophecy?

i bought the prophecy (on SC) for 15c and the base item for 1c and got bahmeth from global 820
it's much cheaper than buying it (~40-45c at the time i got it)
Great guide and build.

I'm currently level 80 in the Hardcore Prophecy League

Changed a few gems around so I can dual curse with my corrupted Anvil.

This is my current setup.



I've had trouble getting enough Int and Dex! Resists was a pain too when using The Anvil & Voidheart.

How would you guys set this up to run dual curse & Grace? Would you change anything in my setup?

Last edited by gwizzer#4421 on Jun 14, 2016, 7:56:08 AM
I switched to mace and it is awesome. Breath of the council is so cheap.
is leveling with 2h best?
Fobes wrote:
Hi all ,

seems i've the same idea but i've developed the build in a little different way . I'm using aurora and a different tree . Yesterday at lvl 79 i've easy do Uber Izaro ( 2 key but even 3 is possibile but was the first uber lab run so i was carefull )

I post the tree :


i've added the point i'm sure i will use

Equip is nearly the same , i miss the ring but got the propechy find Bemeth will be a bit difficult ^^'

here the equip

If you have any hint feel free to tell :D

I mean this is quite an interesting build, but do you actually notice the poison doing much? From what i've seen EQ does most of the damage, with the remaining dying off soon after.

Any chance you'd do a video? like to see it compare.
Last edited by kallell#0789 on Jun 14, 2016, 1:12:02 PM
Has anyone thought of using cherrubim's maleficence for this build? Minor chaos damage bonus, good life and as good armour/evasion as you can get without a GG rare. But you get the big life leech rate boost, and it's dirt cheap. Obviously would need to get capped resists from elsewhere.
Last edited by Carlovski#7040 on Jun 14, 2016, 1:18:04 PM

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