[2.3] Bleeding/Poison EQ Gladiator -- Budget, Tanky, Reflect Proof! -- T15 Core Down!
Thanks! I'm gonna attempt it on my char when I hit 90 tomorrow, just in case. My unbuffed Conc EQ is at 10k (3142-5074 phys) and I'm at 6.3k life.
IGN: MyOtherRangerDied // DontBeStupidAndDieAgain // GenericSporkerWitch
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" Grace + enfeeble for sure, esp when you get in high 80's/90 and can get a lot of the damage nodes. Having a good enfeeble and high armor makes you a beast. |
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" Ah gotcha. So basically shield charge + riptose proc is enough to kill packs. Was confused with what you said at first. Why thousand teeth shield? there are many better rares you could get. I get that it's got nice block, but i don't feel like the reflect is worth it imo. Also, was playing around with setups last night. Eventually I think im going to use a CWDT + IC + Tempest + BR in one. That way, you'll pretty much have uptime on tempest, as well as have a IC. The BR would be leveled up, so it'd still be self cast in this scenario. Coupled with this, would be the other 4 link setup - Endurance charge on stun + Riposte / reck / veng + Enduring cry self cast. You should have enough end charges to have decent IC. I know it may not be needed, but it still is a nice save my ass in scenarios where you take a huge hit. |
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What would a 6l look like with the new Voidheart ring? Does rapid decay linked with EQ benefit the DoT ?
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" i like the 3D art of it and it's not bad ^^ i will upgrade it for sure at some point tho |
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" Yes, it does scale the bleeding and poison damage if linked to EQ. And it also shorten the aftershock duration. :) |
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Since this build can seemingly do everything, my only question is this:
what is the best way to deal with single target? |
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Hi all ,
seems i've the same idea but i've developed the build in a little different way . I'm using aurora and a different tree . Yesterday at lvl 79 i've easy do Uber Izaro ( 2 key but even 3 is possibile but was the first uber lab run so i was carefull ) I post the tree : https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAQCAAHnBS0FtQaLBx4KJgz3DkgRLxGWFCAUTRR1FewWvxiRGNsaVSDjITQhYCP2KCoppSsKLiMvzDB8Nj026Ds7QKBBP0d-SVFNRk2SUEdRR1HmVvpXDV3yX9phIWKsYuxlTWyMbNh07XTxdoJ2rHdTd9d5OXrvfNl-4n8rggeE2YTvhVKK8ItPjX2Nv5L3lS6XeZtqnaqexZ7Nn8unMKmVrK-tjbQvtMW00bVIuR28n702vni-p8C_wYLC7MgMypDPftIh2WHaweRR6Ubp1eoY62PvDvDV8kH3MvgC_EuP-lxAVL0V7ZaL1bkmlWHiVUsGcE6fen9fPw==?accountName=Fobes&characterName=Sinedouche i've added the point i'm sure i will use Equip is nearly the same , i miss the ring but got the propechy find Bemeth will be a bit difficult ^^' here the equip If you have any hint feel free to tell :D NGI RULES !
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How difficult is it to farm voidheard? Or is it more a trade item, because you never get the right prophecy?
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" Normally linked Conc Effect (130% more to DoTs) to EQ and throw a vaal lightning trap (125% more to DoTs) is enough to handle any boss fights. If you want to maximize your single target dps, just add an Ancestral Warchief 4L setup (MPD + Less Dur + Conc Effect). Last edited by insobyr#6496 on Jun 14, 2016, 4:40:37 AM
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