[2.3 - PSC]Gladiator Cleave(Lacerate) Block/Dodge build - Budget/Atziri/Tier 14/15 maps down
This will be my first build post, so I'll keep it short and clean.
The build is based around block/dodge and decently high dps for the gear that it uses. You can run it with 5link, but for Atziri it's better to have a 6link otherwise the damage might not be enough. You get a lot of resistance from skill points/jewels which allows you to basically almost not need any resistance on your gear. Note: I can do without the cold resistance on my chest and I'll still be with over 80% cold res more. Defensive SS: Without flasks - http://imgur.com/UdNgHsg With flasks - http://imgur.com/BwAxQGj DPS - Varies depending on whether you are using conc effect or increased area of effect and whether you have any frenzy charges or not. DPS is between 70-80k up to 150k Pros: Really easy to level build. You can easily hit lvl 90 with this build. Unlike other builds with this build you will be OP during the whole leveling process and not only once you reach lvl 70-80 like most other builds :P Cheap. Easy to play. Cons: It's melee Might lack clear speed if you aren't using 6l, so you can have increased area of effect gem It's annoying to do Temporal Chains with the build
I'm sure you will notice flickering/lag on the videos... well I haven't upgraded my video drivers for a while and there seems to be some issue with my PC at the moment, but hopefully it doesn't affect your viewing experience. Haven't had any issues with any map except for Wastelands(Tier 13) with shocking ground... apparently it's hard to kill the Emperor with shocking ground with melee build haha. Tier 8 Canyon Tier 9 Gorge Atziri - Vaal Bosses(1st boss) Atziri - Trio(2nd boss(es?) Atziri(3rd final boss) Izaro - Merciless Labyrinth final fight Tier 11 Springs - Full Clear Tier 12 Overgrown Ruins - Loathe Tier 14 Shrine - Piety fight Tier 15 Collisseum - Ambrius, Legion Slayer - Corrupted map - Enfeeble, Temporal Chains, Elemental Reflect, No Regen, Immune to Curses, Skills Chain. Note: The whole point of the Ambrius video was to show people that even with the worst possible mods for this build it can still kill Ambrius, but apparently some people are thinking that I'm showcasing an "amazing" fight... no not really... with normal mods it's a faceroll vs him. The Enfeelbe, Temporal Chains and Immune to Curse makes it 10xtimes harder to kill him because the damage is almost halved, while the ele damage reflect, no regen, poison on hit and skill chain make it really hard to survive because the build is based around reged(which we don't have in this fight) and life leech(which we barely have because of the enfeeble and temporal chains).
Leveling/Complete Skill Tree
Note: Forgot to pick Mana Flows on the skill tree. You will need it for the extra int+regen, so pick it early on. Probably around the 20-30 points mark you should pick it! Ascendancy: Pick Painforged from Normal Lab Pick Versatile Combatant from Cruel Lab Pick Gratuitous Violance from Merciless Lab My current Skill Tree(lvl 91) Probably my end tree(lvl 100) 37 Points 59 Points 91 Points 99 Points 110 Points And here are some end build variations: 117 Points 117 Points 117 Points
Required and Bonus Gear
You will probably ask yourself why Wings?? Well first they are cheap - you can get high roll Wings for 1c. Second they give A LOT of block and it's a 2 handed weapon that counts as Dual Wield, which mean we can benefit from both 2handed and dual wield skill tree points. Note: 1handed skill points have no affect on the build since the weapon is 2handed. Bonus: You don't need Alpha's Howl, but the helm allows you to run Hatred + Herald of Ash + Arctic Armor. Without it you can run only Harred + HoA No need to explain.... more block = better :P When I use it I have 51% chance to block attacks and 72% spells. When you use this lovely flask you will have 50% chance to dodge attacks and 40% to dodge Spells
My current Gear
Got Alpha's Howl for 15 chaos, Normal(white) 6l for 108c(now there are probably even cheaper 6links), Rumi 15-20c(can't remember), the rest of the gear(including jewels) for 1c each.
Budget Gear
Basically everything costs 1 chaos
Chest/Weapon 5 link: Cleave> Added Fire Damage> Faster Attacks> Melee Physical Damage> Multistrike
Chest/Weapon 6 link: Cleave> Added Fire Damage> Faster Attacks> Melee Physical Damage> Multistrike> Increased Area of effect/Concentrated Effect depending on the situations. Boots: Cast When Damage Taken level 12> Increased Duration level 15> Molten Shell level 16> Immortal Call level 14 Helm links doesn't matter. Here you will put your Hatred + Herald of Ash + Arctic Armor(If you use Alpha's Howl)+ Blood Rage gem, so they don't have to be linked at all. Gloves: You can put CWDT+Temporal Chains+ Cold Snap or whatever you want basically or better put Vaal Grace + Increased Duration and don't use second CWDT combo. You should have some place where to put Leap Slam > Curse on Hit> Warlord's Mark(if you have space for 4th gem put Fortify as well) You should also put somewhere the Stone Golem gem(Max level) Jewels: Check the skill trees you can see what jewels I am using there, but generally all costed me 1c or less and they give mainly %increased dmg with Axes + dual wield and some type of resistance or all resistance. If they can also give all stats/intellect it would be great. Of course you can use max hp and resistances jewels. The idea is to get a lot of resistance from the jewels, so you don't have to have any on your gear. Bandits: Normal - Oak help Cruel - kill all for extra skill point Merciless - Kill all for extra skill point Short gameplay explanation: Run your auras - Herald of Ash + Hatred + Arctic Armor(If you use Alpha's) and summon your Stone Golem. Pop your Blood Rage and start jumping around with Leap Slam in the middle of packs and kill all. If the packs are more threatening jump to the edges of the pack and not in the middle. Extra tips: For the Quartz flask I suggest rolling movement speed and increased duration. It will make moving in between tougher mobs easier. Also if you use Alpha's Howl you won't need Immunity to Freeze on your flasks(I'm too lazy to reroll). For the HP flasks I suggest Instant recovery when on low life and normal instant recovery Don't bother with Alpha's Howl before you get high level like at least 80-85 since you might not have the necessary mana. You can try to DW 2 Varunastras if you have 2 corrupted with block chance. Might be better ot it might be worse, no idea. I'll add other stuff at a later time since I can't think of any at the moment. Feel free to ask questions. I'll try my best to answer, but generally I'm a newb, so don't expect much :) Last edited by Xingbairong#7790 on Jun 12, 2016, 6:36:14 AM Last bumped on Sep 6, 2016, 3:49:28 AM
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Made some tweaks.
-Added Tier 9 Gorge map and Tier 10 Volcano map video -Added Izaro Merciless Labyrinth final fight video - had major lag issue in there which aren't that noticable on the video and still managed to faceroll him. -Added some new gems/links. 04.12.2016: -Added Tier 14 Shrine - Piety fight -Added Tier 15 Collisseum - Ambrius, Legion Slayer - corrupted map fight -Added some tweaks and my current/future Skill Tree. 04.19.2016: -Added Tier 11 Springs full clear map for people to get an idea the clear speed on packs/rares etc.. -Added Tier 12 Overgrown Ruins boss fight with Enfeeble, aka A LOT less damage than normally the build would do. Last edited by Xingbairong#7790 on Apr 19, 2016, 9:07:14 AM
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Very interesting build, I'm in the process of leveling with it. What do you think of a daresso's defiance with this build, would it work well, or should I just stick with a a good armor based rare chest? |
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" Hey sorry for not responding for so long but I was out of the country and just got back home. Generally I think that literally any armour will do. Truth be told I picked my armour not because I wanted "armor" but because it was easier to get the colours I needed and it was cheap for 6link. It was a white armour which I just alched few times till I got it to give a lot of hp and never even bothered with it again. As for Daresso's Defiance I also had a thought of trying the build with that armour, but a 6l would have/will cost me too much currency that's why I never gave it a try. The idea was to get a fun and easy build that can clear almost everything for a fairly cheap price. Truth be told with Daresso I think that the only thing worth talking about is the Onsluahgt buff which is nice and will speed up the clearing speed, BUT I'm not sure if it will proc enough to make it worth it because generally most packs(even in tier 14-15 maps) die from doing 1-2 cleaves and you basically don't get hit that much. Not sure if it's noticeble on the videos, but the build have quite big range as well so if you want generally you can kill packs without even being close to them. The 6% dodge is quite nice, but again mobs die fast, so you don't get hit a lot. The dodge will be nice for boss fights, but other than that not really worth the 10ex + price. Still if you want you can try it. Generally any unique armor that gives life should be fine to use the only reason I chose the white 6l was because it was cheap and I didn't have much currency at the time. Last edited by Xingbairong#7790 on Apr 30, 2016, 6:59:33 AM
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" Thanks for the reply. Yeah I figured the only reason for that chest was the fact that its really hard to roll 4 red sockets on something that isnt armour based. |
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" Yeah pretty much. I'm generally a lazy person, so I always choose the the items that require the least amount of work. How lazy I am you can see from my chest... Currently apart from the hp, none of the other rolls are good/needed, but I just can't be bothered anymore. :) |
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wtf your skill tree is dual wield but you're using a 2h axe?!?
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" Yes because Wings of Entrophy(the weapon) counts as Dual Wielding, so all Dual Wield(note not One-Handed, but Dual Wield)nodes work for it. Also since the weapon is actually two-handed, all two-handed nodes work for it as well as you can see in my skill tree. The reasons I use this weapon is: 1st. In each league this weapon pretty much always costs 1 chaos orb and the chance for you to find 2, one-handed weapons which are as good as this one for 1 chaos is IMPOSSIBLE. 2nd. It gives adition block chance + 25% of your block is applied to spells, so it's a great defensive weapon and in this build's case possibly the best option. 3rd. Only with two-handed weapon will allow you to use this gem setup: Leap Slam>Fortify>Curse of Hit>Warlord's Mark. Without using a two-handed weapon you can't use Fortify. I mean it's not really that much of an issue, since once you get to high end it's pretty hard to die, but it's still nice to have it for extra survivability. Note: The buld is fine as it is for 2.3, but in few days I'll correct if there is anything to correct, though from what I'm seeing nothing needs to be changed. Last edited by Xingbairong#7790 on Jun 4, 2016, 11:57:48 PM
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very nice idea.
Have you ever think about making a crit version of this build? Of course using the wings, cause they are cool (i dont know why people hate them, cause i like them a lot:D) YES I support the game, NO I don't agree with many GGG decisions
Lab still sucks balls. I miss Zana already. |
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