[2.3 - PSC]Gladiator Cleave(Lacerate) Block/Dodge build - Budget/Atziri/Tier 14/15 maps down
Thx for giving me the detailed guideline. I am pretty happy with this build, makes fun to play.
But I have a few questions again. 1. How do you aquire INT for running the auras and level up the gems? 2. Which stats are important for which item, is there a priority like for example: Boots: 1. Life 2. Resistance 3. Movement Speed Would be great to see such a list, to see which would be best in slot. 3. Which stats are important for boosting the dps? 4. Do you have completed the endgame labyrinth with this build? 5. You haven't used all your ascendancy points, in which talent would your invest your last points? Thx for helping me with answering these questions. Gambler92 Last edited by Gambler92#1932 on Jun 29, 2016, 2:33:06 AM
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" Generally you won't need that much intelligence. 111 is the intelligence you need to have max conc/increased area of effect gems. As for curse on hit and vulnerability... just level them as much as you can. Truth be told curse on hit doesn't even matter whether it's level 1 or level 20. While leveling you can spend 1 point on Wisdom of the Glade node. It gives 30 intellegence. Later you can remove it and use the skill point somewhere else. 1. As for which items are most suiteble for intelligence. I personally try to get a Turquoise Amulet(gives dexterity and intelligence) or Agate Amulet(gives strength and intelligence). Also I usually enchant my gloves with intelligence. Later when you have enough intelligence you can replace the enchant with mana leech, but generally other than mana/life leech intelligence is the best enchant for gloves on this build, so you might as well just stay with that. If you are still a bit short, you can get on 1 of your rings a bit of intelligence and that should be enough. 2.The best stats on items in my opinion are as follow: Neck: (Turq or Agate amulet)Adds Physical Damage to Attacks, Maximum Life are the 2 main stats. Accuracy Rating is also good. As for other stats, you can get the resistences you are missing, also you can get intelligence as well if you want. Any other stat is a bonus. Rings: Adds Physical Damage to Attacks and Life are the 2 main stats + Attack Speed and/or Accuracy Rating if possible. Finding a ring with all those 4 stats with decent rolls will be expensive, so just focus on having 3 out of the 4 stats + whatever resistence you need to cap yourself. Helm:Either Alpha's Howl(which I recommend for higher levels, like 80-85+)or just get a helm with high Life, resistences. You can if you want find a helm with A LOT of intelligence(40++) and that way you can skip looking for int on the rings/necks. Boots:Pretty much high Life, the resistences you need, movement speed are the main stats. Bonus stats are intelligence, strength, dexterity, armor or evasion depending on whether you are focusing on any of those 2 or not. Belt:Rustic Sash - As high as possible physical damage, + high life roll + fill the missing resistence you need. Increased Elemental Damage gives a decent boost to damage as well, so you want to enchant it with that. Chest:5 or 6 link is what matters here. As for stats try to get HIGH Life, Incresad Armor and the missing resistence you need to cap yourself. Bonus stats are high life regen, strenght for more life. Gloves:Adds Physical Damage to Attacks, Attack Speed, Life. Those are the 3 main stats. Bonus stats is intelligence OR you can enchant them with intelligence. Increased Armor/Evasion. The most important items in the build are the rings, neck and gloves. They have to have a lot of "Adds Physical Damage to Attacks" and if possible life, attack speed, accuracy rating.(it would be good if it can have all those 4 stats, but if it can't aim for at least 3 of those 4) Example: Bare in mind that those are "budget" items and each one has costed me only 1c. If you are willing to spend more you can find obviously better items with better rolls. Sadly this league I had time to play only the first 2-3 days and since then I haven't had time to play, so I haven't had the chance to try the end game labyrinth, but I believe that there shouldn't be any issue doing it. The damage is high enough and the survivability of the build is quite good, especially when you have in mind that you have A LOT of regeneration, so if you take some damage you can just not use Blood Rage and you will be regenerating like mad and won't have to use flasks. Also when you attack you heal like a madman as well. As for which ascendancy skill to pick. Both Blood in the Eyes and Outmatch and Outlast are good. Generally Blood in the Eyes was the better option before the prophecy league, but then they changed Outmatch and Outlast to give increased physical damage/reduced physical damage taken, so now both are decent. I haven't had the chance to test them out, but my thoughts are that Blood in the Eyes is better for long boss fights like Atziri for example, while Outmatch and Outlast is better for clearing maps. Last edited by Xingbairong#7790 on Jun 29, 2016, 5:30:08 PM
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Hi, can i use this build on HC? For example with iron reflexes without acrobatics
Last edited by ughwyr#0442 on Jul 1, 2016, 12:38:11 AM
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" Truth be told I wouldn't recommend this build for HC. Late game is viable, but reaching lvl 75-80 without dying might prove hard(or really slow if you play it safe). 99% of the times I die is usually when I kill a mob that explodes and kills me, so basically you will have to take it really slow and careful around this type of mobs. As for killing bosses and normal packs you won't have any issue while leveling. Basically 1-50 shouldn't be an issue. Doubt there is anything that can threaten you. Most of the bosses you can just facetank. 50-60 might be a bit slower and more annoying if you don't have gear to max your ressistences and get some decent amount of life. And 60-75-80 will be dangerous mostly because of the mobs that explode as I said. 99% of my deaths are usually because I kill mobs instantly and some times I don't see that they have that mod. After level 85 I don't care for explosions anymore unless there are mods in the map that would amplify their effect. TL;DR - Late game is viable, but reaching it might be problematic. Iron Reflexes should improve your chances in doing that though. |
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why not slayer?
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" You can go Slayer. At the early levels Slayer might be easier to kill, but at the higher levels(80-85++)it should be fine. Generally Gladiator = More Block, While Slayer = More Damage. At the higher levels once you have high enough damage the block you lose will matter less since you oneshot everything, but then again you will be oneshotting things with Gladiator as well. Btw you won't lose that much block(about 7-8% block), but you will lose like 39-51%(without Rumi's) spell block from missing the "Versatile Combatant" talent. Still as I said high damage = survivability as well. When you are at a point in the game where you kill everything instantly it doesn't matter if you have more or less hp or more block, armor, evasion etc... :P Last edited by Xingbairong#7790 on Jul 6, 2016, 7:35:25 PM
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look at my edits for skill tree on hc
Probably my end skill tree
Can u improve sth mb? or point me on mistakes |
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" Looks solid. The only thing that I'm a little worried is that you aren't picking the Life Leech nodes. I'm not sure how that will effect the build. Generally the build gets 2.4% Life Leech, 50% increased Life Leeched per second and +5% of max life per second to max Life Leech rate. Thanks to that whenever you lose any amount of hp it's practically restored instantly after only 1-2 hits. Still since you will probably have at least 5.5k-6k hp I think that it won't matter much and you should be fine. Btw you "might" have to pick the "Mana Flows" intelligence skill node in the Duelist part of the tree since you might be low on intellect at the beginning. Later you can remove it of course. Also you will need to get at least 0.2% mana leech so you can sustain your spells :) Other than that. Good job. Looks solid and should do well later in game. P.S. Just remembered. Since you are doing HC build on Merciless perhaps you should help Oak for +1 Endurance Charge. That's an extra 4% physical damage reduction :) Last edited by Xingbairong#7790 on Jul 7, 2016, 5:34:12 PM
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Maybe a dumb question, but its been a while. Would this build+woe work just as good with Lacerate gem instead of cleave? Someone was telling me cleave isn't as good.
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" Not a dumb question. Generally this should work with any melee gem that can be used with an axe. I personally prefer Cleave because it's easier to clear mobs with Cleave due to the wide attack range. If you do decide to go with Lacerate you will probably have to choose an armour that gives armor+evasion, so that you can easily roll the colours you need. You will need 2 greens, 3red for 5link and as for 6link I'm not sure... I haven't played Lacerate, so I'm not sure how beneficial increased area of effect/conc effect gems are. I mean Lacerate is "aoe" so they will work, the question is though if they are your best choice for 6th gem or another gem. You will have to test it out. Last edited by Xingbairong#7790 on Jul 13, 2016, 3:30:48 PM
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