Quick fix for the labyrinth: Orb of Enchantment
I don't like the labyrinth. I'm really bad at dodging the traps, and I die all the time in there, and it's really fustrating. But, even if I were good at it, and were able to run it fast and consistently, I don't think I would, simply bacause I think it is boring. I know im not alone with this feeling, but I also know that a lot of people really like the labyrinth, though I will never understand them. This made me think of an idea, that would give people who don't like the labyrinth, a way around it, and at the same time make running the labyrinth more rewarding for players who like to do so.
The idea is very simple. When you finish the labyrinth, you dont get to enchant a gear piece, but instead you gain an orb of enchantment. This orb will have the ability to enchant an item, exactly as the skull thing does at the end of the labyrinth. This will enable players who don't like the lab, to buy these orbs, and the players who like to run the lab, to sell them, if they don't need them for their own gear. To keep the system of the enchantment being more powerfull in higher difficulties, normal could give a "lesser orb of enchantment", cruel an "orb of enchantment", and merciless a "greater orb of enchantment". This system just have one problem. The lesser orbs would not be needed as much as greater, but it would probably be aquired more frequently (as more people are able to run normal and cruel, than merciless). This means the the marked would be flooded with the orbs from normal and cruel. This is easily fixed however, by making some vendor recipes. One recipe trading 3 lesser orb of enchantment for one orb of enchantment, and another recipe trading 3 orb of enchantment, for one greater orb of enchantment. Last bumped on Apr 1, 2016, 2:25:47 PM
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Nah, that just promotes laziness and promotes players from ever learning. Also the idea of being able to sell enchants just doesnt sit well with me because the entire point of the labyrinth and all the enchants would instantly be devalued because theyd get over farmed by people looking to make money. Rare enchants would then become all too common especially since you can store said orb for a better piece of gear that you dont currently own.
Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!
Labyrinth salt farm miner. "But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years. |
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" You can already trade enchanted items. They're not bound to your account. Similarly, you don't have to enchant a piece you're wearing: you have your damned stash right there next to the altar, so you can pick an item out of there. (And since Normal/cruel enchants are weak and worthless, you're GOING to have advanced a lot when you get to the Merciless altar) That kind of destroys your entire argument. Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
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"No it doesnt. Theres a huge difference between storing enchants and selling an enchanted piece of gear, lmao. Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!
Labyrinth salt farm miner. "But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years. |
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" Explain the "huge" difference, "lmao." You didn't think it through. Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
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It depends on whether the orb of enchantment would show what its enchantment would be or whether it doesn't. It does alter the situation in either case, but if it shows what its enchantment is, I am strongly opposed to this. Otherwise I think it is kind of okay.
You can, btw, also just pay someone to enchant your gear, but it requires you to trust that person. Remove Horticrafting station storage limit. Last edited by Char1983#2680 on Mar 20, 2016, 12:31:10 PM
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"Uh i already did, maybe you should read before being all "hur dur your argument is invalid". You have to own a piece of gear in order to enchant it, thus what you dont own cannot be enchanted. If you have orbs that can enchant it removes that aspect. Anything you dont have at the time can now be enchanted. When you run a labyrinth as it currently stands, you need to have that piece of gear on you or in your stash. A orb defeats the purpose of running it, on top of that it would allow you to enchant anything at any given time regardless of owning said piece or not. That makes all future finds easily enchantable without having to put any time or effort into it and would devalue the enchants respectively. Or do you really not understand the fact that what you dont own cant be enchanted ? Do you really not understand that theyd be introducing an entirely new piece of currency by doing so ? If youre doing labyrinth, chances are thats a piece of gear you need, after all the reason youre running a labyrinth is to get what you need. Can you run it to enchant other pieces of gear to sell ? Yes. This is not the same as introducing a new form of currency, because someone is running and enchanting it at that moment of time. And before you try and say "well you can just give someone your gear and have them run it, then pay them". Good luck with that, scam city. Thats the risk of being too lazy to run and learn the labyrinth yourself. The difference between that and a orb is huge, youre creating an entirely new piece of currency whilst also removing any incentive of learning or doing the labyrinth yourself which will have future consequences when it comes to the ilvl 75 enchants which will more than likely be from maps, and in addition to that you wont understand the labyrinth for speed running and will miss out on unique items from winning the fastest run of the day. The entire point of the labyrinth is to reward players who run it, GGG isnt going to remove that because you cant take 5 minutes to run through to enchant things yourself. Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!
Labyrinth salt farm miner. "But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years. |
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" So you just want to regurgitate the same broken claim, and have me debunk it AGAIN. Got it. Unlike with other folks... The "just repeat yourself and they give up trying to reason with you = win by default" strategy doesn't exactly work against me. " You DEFINITELY don't need to own a piece of gear to buy it pre-enchanted. I mean, what did you think it was, the game would go "You can't buy this enchanted Rat's Nest because you do not yet own a Rat's nest?" That's what it looks like if you'd bothered to think on that for a moment. " Aaand you just contradicted yourself. Your ENTIRE ARGUMENT relies on an assumption that is not only invalid (That no one sells/trades enchanted gear) but you outright ADMIT it yourself. You should've saved yourself the time here. " That's a very, very, very flimsy claim. In either case, someone has to go and run the labyrinth. And guess what? If you're set to actually speed-run it in 10 minutes, you're going to be wealthy enough to afford items to enchant. " Oooor... You could just buy an enchanted item, which you hilariously keep trying to deny is a thing, in spite of outright admitting it. " Now you're just inserting a red herring. The unique item for the fastest run of the day? Is a reward of its own. I don't think anyone reading your post will agree with your logic (or rather, lack thereof) that somehow making an ENTIRELY SEPARATE element (enchants) easier to deal with will somehow make a DIFFERENT aspect (specific prizes for speedruns) somehow lose their importance. Seriously, anyone here? I'll delve in a little deeper: your arugment is that labyrinth should be mandatory BECAUSE of those prizes? Isn't a game like this supposed to be about picking what you want to run? You seem to be confusing "What I'd personally recommend in how players should play" with "what the game should do to be balanced." " "The entire point of Uber Atziri is to reward players who run her, GGG removed that because you can trade her drops." It's a free economy, bud. Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
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Lmao you literally understand nothing at all, but whatever dude. Feel free to keep thinking that, also love how you ignored the part about the upcoming ilvl 75 enchants entirely because you know its right. Also like how you call it a red herring, you dont know what youre talking about. Atziri uniques arent one of a kind, the items from the trial speed ones will be completely unique but it doesnt surprise me that you didnt understand that.
Also, good luck finding that piece of gear to buy for a price that isnt completely absurd, and it will be. Someone who cant take 5 minutes to run for their own enchants isnt going to have enough currency to buy a pre-enchanted piece of gear. This stands especially true when the ilvl 75 enchants release. Keep on feeling free to think what you want though. Harvest sucks! But look at my decked out gear two weeks in!
Labyrinth salt farm miner. "But my build diversity" , "Game is too hard!" - Meta drone playing the same 1-3 builds for years. |
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" Um, no, because it makes absolutely zero difference, as they are just one more tier above. I mean, after all, we already have 3 tiers ALREADY. " They'll be as unique as racing items are. And again, you failed to illustrate how it impacts the particular effect of the enchantment. People who WANT those prizes will seek them out. Those that don't won't care. It makes ZERO impact on the question of enchantments. " If you can afford to spend hours and hours and hours grinding labyrinth in hopes that RNG will reward you with a valuable enchant... You can afford to spend the same time making orbs to BUY it. You utterly failed to comprehend the economy here. That's what the currency would be about. If it was easy to just run for your own enchants, they wouldn't have much value. That's why some people run it to make items to sell. That's why having the end result be an orb would make zero impact on the overall scheme: those orbs would be VALUABLE, and equate to the time (5 minutes as you exaggerate your own prowess on) spent doing that. " Thank you for semi-graciously (albeit not humbly) conceding that you have no clue what you're talking about. I know you'll never change your mind, but I know that everyone ELSE that reads this thread will make up their own mind. Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
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