Quick fix for the labyrinth: Orb of Enchantment

Emphasy wrote:
You expect this Orbs to be cheap do you... they wouldn't. Farming enough currency to buy one would likely take longer than doing the labyrinth. Considering the power they grant they likely be 1exalt upwards, at least if I would be GGG I would ensure that they are.

Okay, this simply isn't true. The effort to get a merciless enchant orb would NOT be even REMOTELY close to the effort to get an exalt. These enchant orbs would be easily farmable... So, there WOULD be MUCH higher supply of said enchant orb... And, yes, there would be much higher demand, but it would not even come CLOSE to the demand of an Exalt. Honestly, in terms of usefulness and rarity, the enchant orb could be compared to a fusing (okay, maybe, maybe a little more useful). So, yes, I would predict the price of said enchant orb (the merciless one) to be around 2-3 fusings. Which, is almost equivalent to a chaos.
First, I do kinda like this idea... mostly because it's actually not that different from what we have now, and would allow those that don't like the Lab to avoid it, while also making it even better for those that do enjoy the Lab... but, I don't like the idea of funneling people into 1 area for end game grinding. I also don't like that that's already what they are doing: Lab seems like the best place for gear and profits at the moment.
I think that a better solution might be to add a chance of the enchant orb showing up at the end of Lab (with, the guaranteed enchantment like we have now). That way, it's just like a normal currency option. Maybe even give it them a small chance to drop outside of the Lab. I think forcing people to complete the Lab is a bad idea.
Yaay, another thread of a random guy thinking that he knows how to fix what ain't broken. And who of course, is better then a whole developer team that has spent months working and balancing the labyrinth. And who knows better then the GrindingGearGames team what the lab should be. Really impressive.
IGN: LarsPunkNado (dps ts/punture)
IGN: larshuijskens (max dps auramancer)
I would think that this forum, "Feedback and Suggestions", was created by GGG for exactly the reason that this thread was started. If one disagrees with a suggestion being made in the Feedback and Suggestions forum then I'd think the best response would be to say something like, "I disagree with this suggestion because of XXXX."?
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
Willemoesium wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Before: if you don't run the lab you can't enchant yourself, but if you trade you can buy enchanted items off players who do

After: if you don't run the lab you can't enchant yourself, but if you trade you can buy enchanting items off players who do

In all honesty, the only impact of this suggestion would be that it makes lab-running (and flipping off lab-runners) better. Instead of storing a 2x2 item to sell, you store ten of those items in a 1x1. Instead of lab-runners taking the risk of RNG, you push it onto the end-user of currency.

Do I think PoE needs even more trade-centric advantage? Noop.

So no to this suggestion.
For my build i need a hat with very specific stats:

I spend a long time finding it, because getting the mods right, can be extremely hard. As it is now, if i do not intent to (or are not able to) run the lab, i have two options to enchant it:

1. i can find another one, with the stats i need, and the enchantment i need. The chance of this even existing is extreamely slim, and the chance that it would be impossible to pay, is quite large.

2. I can hand it over to some stranger, paying him to enchant it. This might work once or twice, but at some point, i will run into a scammer, and never see my hat again.

With the changes i am sugesting, i can do something similar to the later, but in a much safer and more logical way. My point is, that there is a huge difference between your before and after scenario, and buying pre-enchanted items is only really possible, when you are looking for a unique.
If this is a problem which needs fixing - IMHO, a big if - then this is why. I'm not exactly confident Willemoesium has a very niche helm here, but the point is that niche enchanted items aren't really readily available for trade.

However, even in that case I would be strongly against having such a currency as a reward for completing the Labyrinth, and definitely wouldn't have it drop from monsters under any circumstances. Instead, an Orb of Enchantment currency which can only be acquired by vendor formula would be the better route.

If I was GGG, I'd probably make the formula 1 each of Merciless-level enchanted helm, boots and gloves, and the Orb would only be available in Merciless enchantment form (for Normal and Cruel enchants, just get over it and run the Lab). Repeatedly running Lab would still be preferable for targeted helm enchants, as each formula use would require 3 Lab runs. Maybe or maybe not make the Orb a non- tradeable quest reward; this wouldn't really change anything because people would just trade the recipe components, but it would make Orb of Enchantment not a good method for stockpiling trade wealth in one's stash.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
ACGIFT wrote:
Tin_Foil_Hat wrote:
Theres a huge difference between storing enchants and selling an enchanted piece of gear, lmao.

Explain the "huge" difference, "lmao."

You didn't think it through.

A) Trade enables people to specialize. The person who has the best item to enchant and the person who can run the labyrinth the fastest may not be the same person. With trade, the players who are most efficient at running lab provide enchants to those who are most efficient at crafting which increases the efficiency of the system.

B) Trade bypasses the order of operations. Today, there is a structured order of operations:
1-acquire enchantable item
2-run lab
This places a bottleneck on the first task which increases its opportunity cost. It is more efficient with trade because you can do these tasks out of order, or even in parallel. Additionally, if you get unlucky (eg. 300+ lab to get your desired enchant), the inefficiencies of the opportunity cost are more acute in the non-trade system where you must pay with time and it is not fungible.

C) Since the system's overall efficiency is improved with trade (from above points), the cost of the currency to get comparable results is less than the time equivalent of that currency's value in the pre-trade world.

For an intuitive explanation, think of it like this:
Imagine 2 POE Communities. Community 1 trades items only, but they never trade orbs. Community 2 trades both items and orbs. Which community gears up faster, all other things being equal?

Enchants currently work like an orb owned by Community 1. This topic's suggestion proposes the orb in Community 2's hands. (edit: fixed typo)
Last edited by PolarisOrbit#5098 on Mar 21, 2016, 5:14:33 PM
I would not be surprised if some player already started 'lab services' just like 6L services or uber services.

For example: 'Pay XX Ex, give me your item, and you get target mod, average delivery time Y days'.

If GGG makes an Ench Orb it would not be such a big mess.
Roma timezone (Italy)
Last edited by HellGauss#6525 on Mar 22, 2016, 6:17:49 PM
I like this idea.

You're sick and tired of running the Labyrinth ? Buy these Orbs and try to get whatever enchantment you want.

You're in need of currency but have no issues with running the Labyrinth ? Sell those Orbs of Enchantment.

Sounds like a win/win to me.

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