Some Ascendancy Statistics

I have never completed the labyrinth, due to unstable latency and massive fps drop when around a burning trap =(
I've done a little bit of lab here and there (not enough to give conclusive results or sway things either way), and while I wouldn't say I dislike lab... it does have it's issues. Tons of people are too afraid to even bother going for ascendancy classes in the first place, either because it's too long, or too unforgiving, or by the time they would feel comfortable (at least in Hardcore) they already moved on to better things (another character, maps, etc).
I mean, sure it's not an absolute necessity to get your ascendancy (because it isn't bar some specific builds), but there are some cool things you can do with it but. Why would people risk their characters (in HC) or a large chunk of time (in SC) for it.

Which gave me some ideas. I did like ZiggyD's idea of having the lab "Broken" in each difficulty (up to 1st Izaro in norm, 2nd in Cruel, entire lab open in Merc).

I also was thinking what if shortcuts were *always* available for the lab?
This would let people skip stuff if they want and people that want to full clear it (say because of corrupting tempest shrines, or guaranteed uniques, etc) can. Overall I think a lot of people would be happier if ascendancies weren't locked behind lab (or give them the entire 6 points in norm but have only a single key (from Izaro) and no enchants, let cruel/merc be for enchants/shrines/treasures and respecs.

I don't know, just brainstorming stuff and not really sure what direction it could go without it being super easy or super difficult (maybe it's already perfect now and there just isn't enough information).
Qarl wrote:
The Labyrinth content has been quite divisive. There are a lot of players that have loved the labyrinth and sent us very positive feedback. There are players who are very heavily engaged with it (and I suspect that will go up when ladders get added).

We also have players who have disliked it. I'm not sure of the exact breakdown, but it certainly is enough in each camp that it feels too close to call in either direction. I haven't seen many neutral opinions about it.

I, for one, am desperately hoping this ascension business isn't a permanent addition to the game... because if it is, that's one step closer to making it a mandatory addition to the game, and that would make me very unhappy indeed.

But then, this is just one player's opinion.
"People ask me why I do this at my age. People are rude."
narbays wrote:

At the VERY LEAST you should have made "check points" in the Lab so it wouldn't boot you to town on death. The checkpoints are already in the game, it's the small room with the stash box that you encounter three times right before the three Izaro fights.

This ^^
Let's also get a statistic of players killed by Izzaro during the stutters he causes, lmao.
Guardian running with low life and low mana. i think that he should have passi "chaos damage can't bypass energy shield" or an unique armor STR-INT with "chaos damage can't bypass energy shield" , reduced mana reserved
Last edited by ecivot#4711 on Mar 19, 2016, 5:12:21 AM
Thanks for continuing to disregard Standard/SHC. Nothing to see there, carry on!

Look upon the field where our fucks are sewn
and see that there are none to reap!
Last edited by SpidaFly#4619 on Mar 19, 2016, 4:52:18 AM
ecivot wrote:
Guardian running with low life and low mana. i think that he should have passi "chaos damage can't bypass energy shield" or an unique armor STR-INT with "chaos damage can't bypass energy shield" , reduced mana reserved
lol we have one (although it is pure str)
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
I'm really enjoying these data posts. Keep em' coming GGG!
I am just tired of the random lag spikes and FPS drops while fighting izaro. It cost me way too much time going through Cruel lab. So far I've had to have much higher level help just to finish both normal and cruel.

I went from level 55 to 62 trying to finish cruel lab and now the rest of my drops in zones seem lessened.

Before I went to cruel lab I had only 4 deaths on Softcore. I am up to 30 now. my frustration with the HARD CORE aspect of the lab is extreme. having to restart after spending over an hour in there is annoying as hell especially when a lag spike is what kills you.

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