SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
Something for TencentGGG to consider
Why there is no outrage about blight while there are still new threads popping up against labyrinth So dear TencentGGG, have you even considered that? Like, have you even thought of it for the slightest of moments? You make a whole new league/content that is basically vanilla poe with the option to play TD once in a while or fully commit to it. Key word here option, you are not forced to, just made some content that has no connection to rpgs in any way possible and made it optional as you should. Look at labyrinth now, its the exact same concept as blight, a mechanic that has no place in rpgs still though you made that mandatory cause you gated character power/customazation behind it. And character options are core in any rpg to be locked behind some frogger madness..... Do we need to point out again how this is just bad, contradicting your own creation? I applauded you back then for experimenting with new ideas, shit on you for making it mandatory, i applaud you again for the same thing with blight but also I can see blight as legit decision and design because its optional content, why cant we have the same for dumb lab? Seriously you are pushing new content all over the place, 90% of those new areas and mechanics and events and fights etc are 100% better suited for ascendancy points than what we have now how can you NOT see that after making blight and seeing the reactions compared to lab? Cause people got used to a shitty part of the game (like trade is also) does no mean that they are content or there is no room for improvement. Inundated with cockroaches, I am - labyrinth rework ideas/suggestions |
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good thread hope they hear us labi sux
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" Thank you for sharing your opinion that lab sucks. I've added you to the list of 1038 account names that have voiced a similar opinion here in the Feedback and Suggestions forum. Over 420 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1030 posters in support Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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thank you u can add my french post in feedback section, its a petition against the lab :
there is the traduction : Hello, I wish to launch this petition against this cursed labyrinth that I hate forever. The labyrinth has made me leave several times, of course I come back, the game is more formidable to each new league (free). But there is the record labi ... which makes me hesitate every time to give a little change to GGG. I see it as a chore, not only I have no fun what is serious when playing a video game but in addition I really have a massive hatred when I do it or nothing but the idea that it is mandatory while all other difficult content is optional. It's a question of gameplay, rhythm and frustration more than difficulty, I did not look for it in a dynamic arpg, the bosses are very hard yes, laby no. This annoying and frustrating labyrinth ruins the game and makes you lose money. You should make a change as you often do, but that sounds like you do not want to admit by pride that this labyrinth is a problem since its release. Thank you. |
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" What a very French thing to do :) There is another guy who has been waving his own petition around the forum since the lab was added, relentlessely (has not changed anything, don't expect it ever will), I expect he's going to jump in and add you to his petition very soon. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Sep 5, 2019, 9:14:44 PM
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I think a lot of users don't understand just how detrimental removing a challenge to get something would be to their experience and the overall player retention of the game, If you do not feel accomplished by anything you do it is very likely you will get bored quickly as everything you want is already in your hands and you have nothing left to work for and then you will quit and be much less likely to return.
I develop content for a few games and have hosted servers for many more and one thing i really dislike about both of these things is it tends to have a negative effect on your need/want to do things as a normal user in a game as often you are working with creative tools developing content or as an admin spawning things in for various reasons that are generally unavoidable you and devalue the experience of playing the game normally, This is a big reason i play POE as here i have no control over what i can do outside of what i earn myself and trade for, I am here to be that powerless exile reaching for the sky. I would agree making the lab more engaging and interesting to run might be something that should be done but by no means is it so cumbersome that it legitimately stops you from being able to unlock your ascendancy if you are the proper level and decently geared, in many ways the labyrinth is almost a skill and gear check, despite this carrys are extremely abundant for lab, myself and many others often carry people through lab for no fee whatsoever, I simply ask of them to pass the favor on if they can when they too are strong enough to do so. Many games have checks like this to gate unlocking classes and especially in this case an advanced class and if anyone here thinks Labyrinth is an example of a difficult gating method i could refer you to several games in which were much more difficult and threads like this were not common if they ever existed at all, Imagine if you had to run the Lab solo and you could not be carried.. even then i would still be making roughly the same arguments here. Innocence forgives you Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Sep 5, 2019, 9:17:41 PM
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" That's true! And I'm fully on your side with that statement in the general view. But - and that is the important part - the TYPE of challenge is important. Putting the Ascendancy behind challenging boss-fights or interesting and challenging (for the specific state of progression) content is fine, and something people usually like. The current situation though is that we're moving from an ARPG more into a platformer-type gameplay with Lab, not as a side-mechanic (where it would be fine once again) but as a core-progression system. That's not good. Instead offering a challenging fight up-front to unlock the Ascendancy and then allowing the movement through the lab to get the enchants and other rewards is a viable suggestion. " Exactly, 'engaging and interesting' is the main gripe here. Lab isn't hard... it's just a major bother, one where people start thinking 'ugh... I have to go through it again? Man, that sucks!' no matter the stage of the game. Also Lab isn't a very 'good' skill-check, it's remembering the timing of the specific puzzles for weaker character and just rushing through for well-build ones. This doesn't go into the same category as the split-second reactions some of the bosses tend to require at times. Simply memorizing the layout and then moving according to the spawned traps isn't a challenge for an ARPG-style game, it's a chore here. Some like it, others absolutely don't as they are here for... well... ARPG-stuff and not platforming. " Also absolutely true. Though the majority also keeps 'true' to the 'core' of their experience. Just take Grim Dawn as an example. You need to get the shrines there to build up your character, nonetheless the shrines are 'kill a bunch of mobs which spawn' or 'bring a crafting-related item to me', the HC-style dungeons are actually challenges, get through and get big rewards by killing a fairly strong boss at the end, kill stuff along the way. The same happens in the majority of games. Remnant from the Ashes unlocks stuff by killing bosses, Dark Souls does the same + rewards exploration (as that is a big part of the game). None of them suddenly tell you 'Oh well, let's have you play a building-simulation' for example, they stay true to their play-style. Lab is the contrary of that. GGG balance is like getting a pizza which is burnt on the sides, raw in the middle and misses the most of the toppings.
Then upon sending it back you get a raw side, burnt middle and enough toppings to drench everything in grease. Everything fixed but still broken. |
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"I'd suggest reading through the OP before chiding others. A number of the suggestions given there for alternative ways to earn ascendancy would make the process of earning them harder, not easier. Like many others, I find Mario's Maze to be an out-of-genre borefest. As well, the lore is ridiculous and gameplay is disconnected from the rest of the game, which makes the experience feel non-immersive. At this point even fighting Izaro, which used to be the highlight of an otherwise boring experience, has become stale. The only good points about Mario's Maze are that it doesn't take much time anymore and you get useful rewards at the end. I find it unfortunate that we define our characters in such a generic and disappointingly boring way. I also find it disappointing that GGG doesn't aim higher, doesn't even try to make the lore make sense, and doesn't seem to care that a *LOT* of POE players find defining their characters to be a low point in their POE experiences. Now that prestige classes will finally leave lab in 4.0, will GGG get it right this time or will they find new ways to repeat old mistakes? Last edited by EnjoyTheJourney#0109 on Sep 5, 2019, 11:41:17 PM
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" I'd suggest reading before replying as well. " Anywho ^ I've had the game on mute since like 2014 and reading wont get me more exalts so lore is only something i occasionally get into. I'm really only against just giving you the ascendancy for free without any Gating mechanism with some level of difficulty to it, What that mechanism is i do not really care, I absolutely hate running the lab for anything other than ascension. Innocence forgives you Last edited by SilentSymphony#3358 on Sep 6, 2019, 2:54:41 AM
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" The complaint is NOT that lab is too hard. The complaint is that it is horrible boring content that doesn't make sense. The game is supposed to be fun not boring irritating crap. Oh, there's a burning floor with a bunch of levers. wait for floor to cool, run to lever, flip lever, wait for floor to cool, run back to where you came from, wait for floor to cool, run to next lever, boring crap, the only thing challenging about it is resisting the urge to quit the game. Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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