SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]

Xavathos wrote:
And you wonder why GGG hasn't given this thread any more attention? Look at you guys whining to each other about what people have previous said that goes against your wishes. Grow up and have a real discussion, would you? Then maybe this will get the attention it deserves and something might actually be achieved.

Having characterized about 95% of the anti-thread posts in here in a very brief bit of satire, I knew I'd offend at least one* of you. Thank you for not disappointing me. :)

(Yes, it was for your benefit this time, not GGG's.)

(Yes, I am making fun of you guys' arguments, not GGG.)

(Protip: If you lighten up a bit, life will be a lot more fun.)

*Edit: Two of you! Hurray!
Wash your hands, Exile!
Last edited by gibbousmoon#4656 on Jul 5, 2017, 7:48:19 AM
Xavathos wrote:
And you wonder why GGG hasn't given this thread any more attention? Look at you guys whining to each other about what people have previous said that goes against your wishes. Grow up and have a real discussion, would you? Then maybe this will get the attention it deserves and something might actually be achieved.

Pretty much.

Some comments really are pathetic ( even unexpectedly from some, some others ... its more usual ), at best.
And I am only using this word because others would get the post edited, of course.

And no, trying to use "satire" does not allow you everything, neither does it make you look smart.
Twisting something and call it "satire" falls in the exact same category that what I was saying right before, here.
It's like insulting people and then call it "humour", or just throwing shit-related analogies and then thinking of oneself being smart.
It's just facepalm material at this point.

And the "oh, I see that you are personally offended :)" is particularly .... worthy of the same attention.
I was hearing that when I was in primary school I think.

Phrazz wrote:

What can possibly that be, you ask? Well, here we go:

Backtracking... "universally" disliked. While it IS a labyrinth, one possibility could be more than one exit that leads to the next segment, a part from the occasionally secret ones. OF course, you could just "read up" on third party sites, that will tell you where to go. But what is the point of the lab then?

...Aren't fair. You build your character from scratch, takes a lot of choices regarding defenses, just to have the traps ignoring a lot of those choices. This CAN be tweaked, by letting evasion, dodge, block etc. have some kind of impact on them.

Boss encounters...
...Are one of the main reasons we play games like these. Remove some traps, and have an extra boss or two in there.

Add more options...
...To "change up" your run. Prophecies letting you create one portal? More prophecies adding monsters? Create more "personalizing".

More random...
...Stuff, to TRY and make each run interesting. Monsters "breaking out" from the walls, treasure hunts, fragments - by collecting all, you activate a treasure. More FUZZ!

(1) If there is little chance to get "lost" or find the wrong way, there is no point having a "labyrinth" anymore, and if there are still *enough* opportunities to get lost and such ... people will still bitch about "backtracking", unfortunately.

(2) All of those have effects on some particular kind of traps. you are forgetting (could it even be on purpose ? since I pointed it out many times, and at least once or twice to you) movement speed, which is a kind of defense and is even more important in the lab.
If you make defenses have more impact on traps, if it is to the point that you end up just trivializing them without troubles by over leveling or by the number .... then it goes against the whole point of traps.
If you don't .... it could be more interesting, it definitely could, but I expect that bitching people here will keep bitching all the same.

(3) Why not, I have seen some complain about having too many bosses in act 4 though, so ... having a little bit less trap ( too much and it goes against the point that it still can be dangerous, even over leveled ) would ease the "pain" of some I guess though, not that I find it necessary.

(4) why not, that could be fun if well tweaked.

(5) Definitely yeah, that would also make it more interesting

However, I agree with Raics, if changes are not likely to make the laber haters actually like it ( or stop crying rivers ), it isn't likely that those will be implemented, unless ...
They don't cost much
+ They stick to GGG's vision well enough
+ They serve another purpose, or at least satisfy more players

SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Jul 5, 2017, 8:25:43 AM
gibbousmoon wrote:
Xavathos wrote:
And you wonder why GGG hasn't given this thread any more attention? Look at you guys whining to each other about what people have previous said that goes against your wishes. Grow up and have a real discussion, would you? Then maybe this will get the attention it deserves and something might actually be achieved.

Having characterized about 95% of the anti-thread posts in here in a very brief bit of satire, I knew I'd offend at least one of you. Thank you for not disappointing me. :)

(Yes, it was for your benefit this time, not GGG's.)

(Yes, I am making fun of you guys' arguments, not GGG.)

Protip: If you lighten up a bit, life will be a lot more fun.

You completely misunderstand me. I don't feel personally offended at all.

I decided to reply in order to halt a conversation that would under no circumstances do any good for the thread or what it's trying to achieve. I'm trying to help you to get your feedback and suggestions heard in the right way, if that's even still possible.

A satire describing the opposition in a discussion or debate is completely uncalled for and does not contribute constructively at all to the overall goal of the thread.

Simply put, all I'm trying to say is: Let's do this right from now on and we may just be heard enough to make a difference.

(And I know I've also been a part of the problem. I've fully admitted that a few times already in the last couple of pages)
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
Fruz wrote:

(1) If there is little chance to get "lost" or find the wrong way, there is no point having a "labyrinth" anymore, and if there are still *enough* opportunities to get lost and such ... people will still bitch about "backtracking", unfortunately.

(2) All of those have effects on some particular kind of traps. you are forgetting (could it even be on purpose ? since I pointed it out many times, and at least once or twice to you) movement speed, which is a kind of defense and is even more important in the lab.
If you make defenses have more impact on traps, if it is to the point that you end up just trivializing them without troubles by over leveling or by the number .... then it goes against the whole point of traps.
If you don't .... it could be more interesting, it definitely could, but I expect that bitching people here will keep bitching all the same.

There is still "little to no chance to get lost", as GGG decided to make one daily layout, and that layout appears on 'poelab' in a matter of seconds.

You pointed it out to me? I've pointed out myself several times in this thread that movement speed is important in the lab. Did YOU choose to forget that? People ARE trivializing traps with movement speed. They ARE trivializing it by health regeneration. They ARE trivializing it with bleed immune/physical reduction. What is so wrong with letting them "trivialize" it with character specific defenses, so it would be fair no matter where you happen to start from on the tree?

Everyone knows Marauder area (and ascendancies) has nice access to health regen and physical reduction. Everyone knows Ranger has nice access to movemenspeed nodes. What has Witch access to, that the others don't?

Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Some people definitely are (somewhat) trivializing traps with a very specific setup, which is exactly why I used "without troubles" in the previous message, because most people can't do that with their normal build.
Which pretty much invalidates half of your post already.

Phrazz wrote:

Everyone knows Marauder area (and ascendancies) has nice access to health regen and physical reduction. Everyone knows Ranger has nice access to movemenspeed nodes. What has Witch access to, that the others don't?

Energy shield, and its recharge rate.

The lab is probably the most "fair" piece of content in a sense that it does not "discriminate" in many cases, you could be a glass canon or a full low-dps tank, but you need to avoid the sawblades to a certain extent all the same.

Fairness can be interpreted in many ways.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Someone on reddit suggested I post here to be officially added to the list of people that hate the labyrinth.
lawl0r wrote:
Someone on reddit suggested I post here to be officially added to the list of people that hate the labyrinth.

Yeah theres a dude doing a compilation of people that hate the lab, well technically they don't have to hate the lab, only criticize it slightly.

I'll save everyone some time.

Thanks for your post genericuserhere

It seems like you joined before the lab came out and I can understand why you might dislike the lab. Here is a list of all the people like you (or not) that also dislikes the lab so ima compile a list so that GGG bends and caters to people that whine about something, instead of giving feedback on what they can possibly do to make it more enjoyable for you.

(im doing this off memory, so ima miss something)

genericuserhere is a supporter of the game, even purchasing packs after the release of the "shitty lab", for some reason this user felt compelled to give GGG more money even after the lab came out

genericuser only has 49 post, so its serious when he takes the effort to make a post, but when he does finally make the post he doesn't include anything useful to the dev at all, just that he hate the lab, because that is clearly useful information for the devs to consider

Maybe these improvements GGG have made to the lab in 3.0 will help make it more enjoyable, not likely because I didn't post what i disliked in the first place


Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF.
Watch your grammar, be more polite and you are nearly there. Who would have thought that goet could be a useful forum poster at last?
I'm a forum warrior, i was born to post, raised to defend my league. Now my post has been removed, chained and exiled by mods who Ban. Ban is my brother; i do not fear it. I see it in the eyes of men and beasts that i troll. It will take me to play the actual game when i am ready and i am not ready.
goetzjam wrote:
genericuser only has 49 post, so its serious when he takes the effort to make a post, but when he does finally make the post he doesn't include anything useful to the dev at all, just that he hate the lab, because that is clearly useful information for the devs to consider

Thanks you that is very helpful and I'm grateful to be added to that list. I'll also quote Jonathan off memory from the Frontseat Gaming Podcast:

Not and actual quote but paraphrased from memory from what Jonathan said on the FrostSeatGamer Podcast

We prefer short feedback. People are usually pretty good at telling us when something is wrong but they're absolutely horrible at suggesting how to fix it.

Let my ascendancy points go!!!
I dont see any any key!
Last edited by k1rage#5701 on Jul 5, 2017, 12:39:12 PM

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