SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
" Many more people got hyped, finding that the game is actually pretty Niche, many new players didn't stay. You .... 50% of the new players ..... Brutus ..... etc .... Most players according the Chris don't even reach the lab anyway. What matters is the more constant player base. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Aug 25, 2016, 1:40:46 PM
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" And post-ascendancy/post-prophecy steam player numbers declined rapidly (from an all time high) to below the base that PoE has maintained throughout most of its history. Whether or not this also happens after AoW launches (probably to another all time high) remains to be seen. Proud member of the Vocal Minority
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" If you check the "average player" values, there were many times where it was lower. The number on the graph for right before Prophecy is low tho. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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" Before ascendancy, I see maybe 3 months out of 29 where the maximum weekly player count dropped below 8K (May-Jun 2014, May 2015---and the May 2015 drop was 10 months after the release of the most recent expansion, Forsaken Masters), whereas it dropped below 8K within 3 months of both the ascendancy and prophecy launches (and, again, ascendancy started with record numbers). By the way, the weekly number gives the peak number of players over that week. The monthly averages (however they're computed) aren't as informative because they even out the data over a significant period of time, and the data is quite "spikey" to begin with given the big jumps when new content comes out. That said, the second month after ascendancy came out had the 5th highest percentage drop in monthly player averages out of all 34 months, the third month after ascendancy came out had the 2nd highest percentage drop, and the second month after prophecy came out had the 4th highest percentage drop. Now I'm not claiming any of this is conclusive (it's not that long since ascendancy came out, more new casual players may be buying PoE on steam than before, steam player numbers may not reflect total player numbers, etc. etc.) but, so far as it goes, I'd say there are some worrying indications in the steam numbers about player retention since the labyrinth was introduced. (Too bad GGG won't release their own data for us to look at ;) Proud member of the Vocal Minority
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Yet, aparently when you post hard numbers trolls call them lies :).. Let's discuss global warming next.
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" Lets use numbers that are completely irrelevant for a playerbase as a whole, lets also ignore the other factors that influence those numbers. Great job!
FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. |
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" This is exactly why I specified '"average player" values' .... If you would have looked on the page for something labeled as this, you would have understood that it was not about the graph. And before a new league of expansion, the player base is always at its lowest, for obvious reasons. The fact that the monthly average even out the data is precisely why it is informative, the playerbase on a given single day is not significant, the player base on the long term, is. Weekly should still be informative though, I agree. About the ascendancy drop, I already explained one or two messages ago. The higher the number on the release day, the steeper I'm expecting the drop to be. And yeah, steam is far from being the actual player base number, but that's all we have. So no, playerbase is quite fine imho ( I heard many complains about prophecy though, lab is not the only thing that disapointed *some* players during this league ). GGG gave us more lab for Prophecy, it did not keep the player from coming back and actually rerolling ( I kept some players from rerolling, does not look significant to me so w/e ). " Nobody called them lie ... you seem to either completely missinterpret it, or just have reading issues maybe, idk ( or you are just throwing more lies, I would not exclude that possibility ). SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Aug 25, 2016, 10:15:06 PM
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Lab is not changing. Deal with it, or go elsewhere.
Last edited by Xtorma#4606 on Aug 25, 2016, 9:37:45 PM
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" Do you think it is going to work ? It is not because you tell June bugs that they should take another way that they will stop smashing their head in what lies ahead. In fact I'm pretty sure that nobody bother because it's no use :<. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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" Well I did a funny thing at one time and looked at achievements players got. And some games actually give you an achievement for just creating a character or things like that. Considering some of those achievements I could conclude that half of the players usually only play a game they own for about 10 minutes. And a free to play game, exspecially after an expension, usually has a massiv player income at this time and will be no different (actually worse, some might die to hillock and leave^^). So even though their marketing might reach more players this naturally means that it will reach players that won't actually play the game. Someone interested in ARPG has likely already stumbled upon PoE, so the players you are reaching now are mostly those that are not generally ARPG fans but still give it a try and PoE is not really a game made for this audience. But if they would have economic reasons for changing the lab they would have done so. That is usually the one thing that sets things in motion fairly quickly. They might maybe make it more accessible or easier to get all the ascendancies (since it takes some time and at some point the game gets overloaded with stuff you have to do for all your characters). But right now there seems to be no plan for changes. 3.0 very likely brings some changes because the gameflow might change, but that is still some time off. |
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