SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
" I do. You, however seem to be conveniently avoiding what you don't like to read. Your kind of answer there, is much easier than actually answering the questions, I know. I did show you with actual figures how much your said "stats" were just obvious lies, do you actually want to keep your head buried in the ground ? SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Aug 18, 2016, 2:20:32 AM
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Meh, I just Ascended my first character through Uber Labyrinth, and it is still a way more tedious and boring process that it should be.
If I have to replay the blasted Uber Labyrinth on all my other characters to Ascend, I would only do so with at least one modification: => I play and finish the Uber Labyrinth => I get all the 8 Ascendancy points - making the last 2 points appear only in the skill tree is a bad decision, I first thought that I had a problem and the run didn't registered... The Labyrinth might be a challenge, and it might give you more opie op solutions via Ascendancy points, but please, at least make it so that I have to actually play it only once if I feel like it when I reach an appropiate level, let's say 65 - >80, depending on the build/gear. This would actually be the minimal change that would encourage me to actually play the content (yes, I'm someone that fully clears most maps with average builds) - and this is coming from a casual n00b that hates the way they treated the "Labyrinth", who sees so much wasted potential, especially as the Izaro fights are really great. At least this small rework should be implemented for me to consider the wasted time (you do know that not everyone plays "speed meta", right?), and even with the all the technical glitches, unbreakable traps, boring layout, I could still play it once per character... By the way, isn't anyone bothered that you can buy the goddamn runs of the Labyrinth, so the whole Ascendancy point is rendered mute? If GGG really wants us to rework inefficient builds, and Labyrinth should be a true separator in this direction, the runs should be individually completed, and that would be in my view the only way to keep the Labyrinth as it is, regardless of the community opinions... PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"... Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days... Last edited by sofocle10000#6408 on Aug 18, 2016, 2:07:33 AM
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I encourage all the folks on the side that want change on lab to just not respond to those on the other side that have nothing to add. Its a pointless task and we dont want a flame war that locks the thread which is obviously what they are after.
If u goto steam charts and hit the year button it shows that poe is currency at a low. It does cycle according to leagues though and so a lower number is expected. If the lab and the leagues and the game were on a good path the numbers would constantly be going up and it seems they arnt. Retention of players isnt happening in my view and lab isnt doing them any favors. Lab is not noobie friendly. The story by BerserkerKitten I think is what is typical for alot of the newer folks and even some seasoned folks. Bserker to his credit overcame his issues but think how many dont and get discouraged and leave. Add this to the number of players that just cant stand traps and ascending on even one or multiple characters. If the lab is even discouraging players from making alts then think how big a failure just that is. Thats my take on it. |
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" One more time, ( you have been proved wrong many times when ou tried to pull those big lies ) : The steam chars show that the number of players is equivalent to the previous leagues, and it has been still lower than now at many occasions. Atm, the number of players is fine, period. Btw, your paranoia about peope wanting to get your thread "locked" is not really funny anymore, sorry to tell you. Some people ( other than you, obviously ) are actually bringing interesting things and discussing, instead of just spamming the same thing over and over again ( my guess would be that you are incapable of doing otherwise ). SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Aug 18, 2016, 3:31:58 AM
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" Ty for the help, but there is no need, finally. :) I'm on fiber optic, and have all my businesses on it, and it was an ISP problem. I had to phone them, and they did confirm they had problems for a good 2 hours. Le sigh. My usual luck lol! Grrrr. Been playing for 2 days, always at 50ms, never a problem... went to the lab, and got rubber banding, DC, etc for 1 hour lol. Talk about bad timing! So I was able to do it after calling them and waiting for them to fix the problem. Anyway, it was just tedious, always being afraid of lagging or rubber-bending for the 20-30 minutes it took me to pass the lab. Each time there was some traps, I was afraid of getting lag, etc. :( Not fun. There should be a way to SAVE our progression in the lab, since you can so easily die to a spike of latency while passing some traps, etc. Also, my fist try for the lab in normal was when reaching Sarn at level 24. I got totally destroyed! I was confused. What the ??%&!?@ is happening?!??! Act 2 boss died in 3 seconds!There is no indications that you have to wait to do the lab later, and had to search on the internet to find I had to wait to be level 45-50 before doing it! Why is it in Act 3 normal then?!?! They should put the lab at the end of Act 4, just after the boss fight that was such a walk in the park and so easy. Boss at the end of Act 4 normal died in 10 sec, but I could not do the lab when reaching it? Confusing for new players like me. Why not a warning ''you should be at least level 40 before trying the labyrinth'' or something like this? Just my 2 cents. Last edited by MadPharmacist#6843 on Aug 18, 2016, 7:37:47 AM
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" The last part is not true if your character is well built. You can overgear it to make Izaro easier, that is true like for every other boss of the game. But doing it around level 35 is far from impossible ( I think that I was 34 on my totem support Scion, it took a bit of time but it worked out at the end ). Some builds ( even if correctly built ) I believe do have more troubles against Izaro, my guess would be for some melee builds there. About the risk to die due to connection issues .... well that risk is also very present when you fight other bosses that do have some one shot mechanics. Thing is, most of those boss have been really nerfed especially in normal, which makes them not one shot mechanics anymore even for not out leveled character .... Izaro, is stronger than this. About traps in this case, well they are dangerous yes, but at least they do not one shot you. Still network issues are a bitch in lab. Glad you could have your connection issues solved anyway, those are never fun. Lots a char in maps due to that in Perandus ... the day I switch to cable connection. Logged out in the morning thinking "it does not look good, no point doing it now" Came back after work, installed it, logged in .... great the connection is much better but ..... was in SC lol. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Aug 18, 2016, 7:42:44 AM
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" They down vote almost all negative feedback about the lab in the reddit. |
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" Curious ... soooo many people hating the lab, if we believe couple of people here. SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
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Wow its a troll fest today. So many words so little substance. Last edited by Zalhan2#1986 on Aug 18, 2016, 7:14:02 PM
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" Welcome to PoE forums. The devs don't even read these, so trolling is about all it's good for. Tired of trolls? Ignore them. |
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