SET FREE THE ASCENDANCY POINTS (or rework the lab) [New ascension methods/lab rework ideas]
" Most of the map trials have mobs in it to refill flask, I'm a pathfinder so I don't actually have a good way to test if the pop up style traps give charges on kill or not. I wanted to also update as to explain a little bit more about the endgame trials from what I've seen personally. The 6 trials are fairly different, about 3 of them are "fairly easy" while the others seem longer or require more patience. From a FYI standpoint, you must complete all 6 trials before you can do the endgame lab, the way the endgame lab works is after you complete all 6 trials you gain the ability to do the endgame lab, but at the cost of an offering. The offering (as linked below) will ONLY drop for the owner of the map, no additional ones for party members, which means if its a trial you have already done there is absolutely no incentive for you to do it. Another important thing is if you didn't update your loot filter it MAY hide this by default, but its always located right where the plaque is that you click on. In a HC setting the trials can be sketch, in addition to being much longer then regular ones they cannot be "rushed", at least the way it was before by TPing someone in at the end. Much like the lab players must navigate thru the traps in order to complete the trial, a player that is "rushing you" could open doors and click on all the various things to "rush" you but there isn't a shortcut really to helping people complete the trials. The good news for trials are you only need one of each and I completed all 6 in less then 24 hours (from the start of the league). As for the endgame lab, if people are not aware, the level is 75, but the highest map that can drop inside off of monsters is just the T1 style maps :( However the "new traps" do provide more of a challenge, but as like the regular lab the toughest part really is the boss man himself. If he has charges he can likely 1 shot any character in the game, however if you play the fights correctly, only the last phase is really "new". Not only is it the same style traps on the ground, arrows shooting, the area seems smaller and there are the new additional "destructible" traps (that respawn) Which means you have much less room to kite. Much like the regular lab there are a few things to watch out for, the charges (be sure to purge those at the right time), his large wind up slash and don't get "shotgunned" by traveling thru the goddess's projectiles. Also using the offering in the map device will only open 1 portal, it opens an area to the plaza like the regular lab, multiple people can travel thru the one portal, this was patched in at some time because it used to open 6 portals, which was misleading thinking people had multiple chances off of 1 piece. Also worth noting it only needs 1 offering for a full party potentially, so this offsets the negative part a bit about doing trials in a party. I completed the lab with a friend that is doing BF mines, I'm playing BV (you could have checked out my character) As you can see the level of gear my character has is quite crappy, that being said doing this lab in a HC league without being super geared is not recommended, however in a SC league the additional 2 points is very welcome for me and I'm liking farming as well. If you don't checkout reddit, I can tell you the rewards in the chest are MUCH BETTER then what you likely would expect. I'll leave it at that. If anyone has any questions or comments that I could help with, just ask. FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. Last edited by goetzjam#3084 on Jun 6, 2016, 9:45:29 AM
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"[/quote] You are going to have to explain the relevance of your wiki review request to this thread before I could possibly respond? Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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Endgame lab Izaro is way overturned. I do mechanics correct and still got 1 shoted while sitting on 5400 hp ( 83 lvl ). New trap configurations are very annoying too. Limiting entrance by trial map drop is huge issue.
That all are very bad changes. | |
" He isn't overtuned hes suppose to be difficult. That isn't really that much HP, that also tells us nothing about your mitigation (which it looks like is evasion) You have to not get hit by his wind up attack (blink arrow behind him if you see it), not allow him to have full charges (in the endgame lab its the second one currently) and don't allow yourself to get hit by all of the projectiles from the Goddess. And maybe kill the annoying lightning golem. You are doing the lab at IMO a much lower level then the challenge was meant to be completed. Its THE endgame lab which only the best of the best should complete. If you did it you would know the rewards were worth it. The trial in maps can be traded, not everyone will need more then 1-2 for their points and if they mostly play solo they get them for the maps they complete. Again as someone that has done the lab its actually very rewarding. Try running a basalt flask or another mitigation flask instead of 3 life flask and 2 quicksilvers. FeelsBadMan Remove MF from POE, make juiced map the new MF. Last edited by goetzjam#3084 on Jun 6, 2016, 4:00:23 PM
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I havent done uber lab yet but I would think you should be at least lvl 90 before attempting it.
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" How many people even get to 90 on their builds before starting a new one? It should be something everyone doing yellow maps can reasonably attempt. " 5400 is not that much HP???? The amount of HP you can get with 200% increased life, 200 strength and an average of 100 life on every piece of gear is ~6000. By the way, good lucking getting that much life on the right side of tree. One shot mechanics do not make for true difficulty, but just frustration. A well designed, difficult piece of content is deadly, but allows you to react to what is happening. One shot mechanics do not allow you to react. The zone level is 75 and the trials are in white and yellow maps. This means that the lab should be able to be handled relatively easily by builds capable of doing the higher tier yellow maps. If this is not supposed to be the case, then put the trials in red maps and make the zone level of the lab 85. This is a mandatory piece of content to unlock the full power of a build, and MUST be actually possible for any build that can push into red maps to be able to complete. Anything short of that is bad design. |
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A large percent of the time GGG will over tune new bosses and make them way more difficult for the level that they are at. This is their stated philosophy. It's easier to later reduce difficulty than to try to increase difficulty later. They have explicitly stated this. That doesn't mean that they will eventually reduce the difficulty but there's a chance that they will.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
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Offtopic, but its funny when random players with who I trade comment and agree with the context of my name. As it is IHateFuckingLab xD.
Man I played the normal lab a day ago, and it still sucks. Can't believe how boring this part of the game is. Really hope GGG will fix it for us that dont like it Last edited by Ragnar119#4963 on Jun 6, 2016, 7:12:07 PM
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I went in today.
A mess of walking in circles, dead ends, silver keys without doors to use them on. A waste of 2 hours or whatever it was. Certainly seemed like forever. The push thing? I don't know what that's all about. Pushed it for a few tiles, stopped, then went to the end of the track to see what I'd be pushing it to. Just another dead end. Decided to leave it there and continue on, as it seemed like just more of the same puzzle boredom for nothing. Sours the rest of the game for me in a big way knowing that I must do it. |
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I agree 100% I had 2 keys no doors and for what who knows but I can say one thing for it it is a real mind blowing moronic part of the game . I pick up some good stuff but I can only carry so much and must leave good things behind? I will just play the game till i reach like 80 then I might go back until then it really is a waste of time.Heck even then I might not because I don't want to pay the penalty for dying .
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