How to fail Labyrinth with 91lvl character on Normal

tldr: Ascendancy Labyrinth is the worst thing GGG have ever made.

Let me start my story.

I started trials @ 16:30 on Normal Difficulty with my main 91lvl srs character.
I see no reason to avoid any traps in Trials. Just run forward, drink potions - and you'll get finish.
Well, at least it was short and I finished six trials in few minutes. kk np.

Labyrinth.. Same things. There's no reason to avoid any traps! Any character can get regen stuff and recharge flasks by killing ~33lvl mobs (it was sooo big challange).
After running here and there during ~30 minutes I realized I'm bored. It's just stupid wasting of my time. I found boss and killed him within 5 seconds. And then went to that useless trap locations again. And again.

Finally at 17:27 (wow. I wasted almost one hour trying to find anything interesting in 2.2 patch) I found a silver door. There was a small room with shrine in it.
I touched it, game freezed (well, nothing special, I have no SSD) and guess what...

>Abnormal disconnect: An unexpected disconnection occurred.

Labyrinth progression was lost. All my silver keys, relics and other 2.2 items were lost.
I have to start it again. I'm forced to waste other hour just to get first two subclass points. And repeat it twice more, still without having any challanges (hi, life regen. hello, life flasks). And lose progress after each disconnect. Great.

Don't get me wrong. Ofcourse I'm upset, I wasted one hour because of this damn disconnect.
But there's nothing to do with simple fact. Ascendancy Labyrinth is too boring, too long, too senseless.. well, just stupid and unreasoned thing I've ever saw in PoE since CBT.

I love you guys, you've made a great game. But this time you've failed.
Switch off life regen, don't let flasks get recharging, make labyrinth much shorter... choose anything. But please don't force me to pass current zone. It's horrible.
Last bumped on Apr 11, 2016, 8:57:00 AM
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How do you spend an hour in the labyrinth and not finish on normal with a level 91 character, the first time I did normal labyrinth I was playing a level 45 HC perandus character and finished it in 20 minutes.

Like how, seriously, I want to know, how did you spend an hour in the labyrinth
IGN Nem:KrippsGardener
Ah, more standard labyrinth feedback. You know GGG don't balance this game for standard. This has been true ever since they made temp leagues default for new characters.

Normally this lack of Standard balance means the game is too easy for you. Don't see you complaining then.

But now it's too boring... Well duh, you're a GOD. Go run some God tier maps.

The Labyrinth is anything but boring if you play it on a new character in a new league. So who should GGG listen to? Some bored/frustrated way over levelled God tier standard players, or players who start over to play new content at the appropriate level for which it was designed?

And they can't listen to both.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Years making game content too easy, years after years reflect nerfed and exploration made to last few min max.
People now playing glass canon in automatic mod for quick drug fix and then they revers to HArdcore POE ... :)

Of course some people have trouble. OP I think you should try harder because thsi game is now hardcore again. If you came to play old school ARPG gritty and hard it is now the time to prove it.

If you wanted this easy game you had until now... then you know level 91 based on lazy play will not do it.

HArdcore game can also mean you play long and tedious thing. Long and tedious can be fun and is hardcore.

good luck OP and get better.

Poe Pvp experience
Last edited by Head_Less#6633 on Mar 5, 2016, 10:39:48 AM
is not about easy or hard, some people can't even read these days.

It's about boredom, and btw the map layout changes, my first run took me like 30 mins, the second char I couldn't finish at all, coz I spent over 40 mins and got dc 2x.

I wonder if this game is made for people or zombies, coz honestly whoever like this lab thing is sick in the head. O.o
SupaMF wrote:
I wonder if this game is made for people or zombies, coz honestly whoever like this lab thing is sick in the head. O.o

It's not bad as long as you don't get dc'd (or instance crashed) by the servers.

HeWhoAnswersTheCall wrote:
The Labyrinth is anything but boring if you play it on a new character in a new league.

lel. get better builds brah. rinth easy as FUCK even in league.
[s]only mindless sheep think labyrinth is OK to have in PoE.[/s]
okay nevermind labyrinth, fix dx9 blackscreen instead...
but the labyrinth is pretty much level-independent. traps deal % damage no matter the level. what differs is the mob clear speed and some mechanics (like locked doors in 'gold key' levels in merc, but no such blockades in normal). maybe the itzaro fight is bit more difficult (he surely deals lots of damage if allowed to keep the 'boosters')

i think that there are 3 sources of MASS of complaints (it really is quite a large number of not-so-happy posts)

a) this is not what poe was for last few years - mob slaying fast paced game. lab is fast paced but mobs are there just to refill flasks

b) people with gear in place of skill that know little of the game/mechanics and are simply thrown into water too deep for them. trade warriors, rmt'ers, people combining these two with ranged uber-dips build. they wont ever admit that - but they simply need to L2P

c) tedium, repetitiveness (yes, lab is constantly changing yeah, i know - but it took me 5 runs to figure out pretty much every 'secret passage area' types and understand how is the level generator set). it is a very nice content (i like the Lab) but it is as always - good concept, bad implementation. instead of too many RNG layers we have too many rooms to pass. i manage ~10 minute runs and it is fine but more than 3-4minutes out of it is just doing chores

source d) no tp. people wont admit that but many and i mean MANY players cannot play without porting out (or logging out). they HATE this design but cannot vent due to ridicule potential
sidtherat wrote:
but the labyrinth is pretty much level-independent. traps deal % damage no matter the level. what differs is the mob clear speed and some mechanics (like locked doors in 'gold key' levels in merc, but no such blockades in normal).

What? My first run on normal had a golden door. Second run on cruel had none. Pretty sure golden doors appearing are all rng, not difficulty related.
[s]only mindless sheep think labyrinth is OK to have in PoE.[/s]
okay nevermind labyrinth, fix dx9 blackscreen instead...
mynameisonlyforthegods wrote:
sidtherat wrote:
but the labyrinth is pretty much level-independent. traps deal % damage no matter the level. what differs is the mob clear speed and some mechanics (like locked doors in 'gold key' levels in merc, but no such blockades in normal).

What? My first run on normal had a golden door. Second run on cruel had none. Pretty sure golden doors appearing are all rng, not difficulty related.

after several runs they seem to be appearing MUCH more frequently in higher difficulties. sadly because golden door means yet another room to clear :/
HeWhoAnswersTheCall wrote:
Ah, more standard labyrinth feedback. You know GGG don't balance this game for standard.

Well, I tried it on Standart because I wanted to know what Labyrinth is and is it worth to play PoE this season.

Head_Less wrote:
OP I think you should try harder because thsi game is now hardcore again.

Hm. I finished pre-last season with 90lvl glasscannon melee 3ex budget character on hc league. Game is a joke for me anyway. 99% of game is just facerolling T10+ maps and staying away from hard bosses that everyone knows and noone needs to kill them. Nevermind, we talk not about it. I expected Ascendancy can bring new challanges and ladder (wow!).
But I was foolish.
Ascendancy brings nothing but boring zones with senseless traps. It's just a joke, not the ladder.
And there's no difference is it Standart or new hc league. Labyrinths have same mechanics with trap "hits", same life regen and same flask recharges, right? :)

magiceffect wrote:
Like how, seriously, I want to know, how did you spend an hour in the labyrinth

As I said before I was foolish. I expected on new interesting things so I explored every location, every trap. I thought "hey, maybe I miss something? There must be something really interesting! Let's explore the whole map". But all trap mechanics I found were just piece of joke, regardless of difficulty. It just will take a bit more time on Perandus, but it's still too boring and senseless.

SupaMF wrote:
is not about easy or hard, some people can't even read these days.
It's about boredom, and btw the map layout changes, my first run took me like 30 mins, the second char I couldn't finish at all, coz I spent over 40 mins and got dc 2x.
Yep. Sad stories everywhere.

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