Path of Exile 2.2.0: Ascendancy Patch Notes

so they say that ALL multi is getting nerfed. Then they say the following things are increased to make up for it, they list the passive tree values, crit damage support gem, enfeeble, powerful crits, deadly map mod and they corrupted jewel mod. I dont see them saying they are going to change the crit multi roll on rare items to be 50% more effective to make up for the nerf.

Wow, you are right, I missed that reading the patch notes. It looks more like a global crit multiplier nerf to all items.
Snorkle_uk wrote:
Dark_Chicken wrote:

Basically the new values for other items not specifically named, will be TBA as some put it, but it's a safe guess to assume ~50%.

no they quite specifically stated that

"all items, passives and some skills/support gems that used to have increased Critical Strike Multiplier are now 33% less effective on players, despite having the same value."

which is "everything is nerfed by 33% across the board", then they say some specific things have been increased to escape the nerf and they list them. Its not safe to assume everything not mentioned is getting a 50% buff from what Im reading there. What I see is that its safe to assume everything not specifically mentioned falls into...

"all items, passives and some skills/support gems that used to have increased Critical Strike Multiplier are now 33% less effective on players, despite having the same value."

"A number of these have been adjusted in value to maintain similar effectiveness."
You missed it at the end. Quite important sentence, Crit multi isnt nerfed by 33%. They compensate numbers to counteract the wording change.

Edit: Actually you might be right, im not sure anymore.
Last edited by Arno92#4533 on Mar 3, 2016, 1:32:16 AM
I'm not posting to whine 'bout nerfes, cuzz i find bino/poison builds boring anyway.
But Shit ! How the hell are u changing your perspective on the game GGG? That Ultra hard nerf-hammering have never been you, new style? Thats like one of the most awsome things abouyt GGG, they balance NOT* nerfhammer....
Im so disapointed if thats the Path u wanna drag PoE down.. :'/
IGN: Tonny_bombom
Magic and Rare items can no longer sell for just a Scroll Fragment.
Neden yaşıyorsun?
TwoHits wrote:
PsOfOs wrote:
Bladefall had a bug that caused its damage per volley reduction to apply too early, reducing the damage of the first four stages. This has been fixed, which has raised its damage. To compensate, Bladefall's damage has been reduced by 25% at all levels
So if i get this right,it did less damage that what you designed it to do due to a bug and when you fixed the bug you nerfed the skill cause it did the damage you designed it to do at the first place?

All I know is if this screws my character, like 2.0 screwed my CI flicker/double strike, I'm done with this shit; a 15 y/o game with shit graphics is batter than playing a game in which the developers keep fucking your character.

After all, it's not like you click a button and play; it takes a long time to collect the right *good items* for a well made build.

Oh boohoo.

Any build with bladefall + *insert anything* wasn't well made, it was down right broken. Link a random collection of support gems to a skill and there you go: a well rounded build.

But please, "be done with this shit" and go play something else. May I suggest a moba? It sounds like you have the right attitude for it.
so its a 33% multi nerf

and ascendancys gives a fucking 250% buff

chill out my god
I do not think our reactions will change something over new nerfs, item degradations etc. Thay did what thay wanted to and thay dont care, couse thay predicted theese reactions.
I doubt thay even read theese posts.

It's more likely thay laugh on most of us.

Im very dissapointed couse I see what direction thay move this game.
I remember once , this was a great , promising game,

Thay're loosing themselfs " in the space ".

So many stupid changes and nerfs, and yet thay did not solve HUGE problem that exist from very beginning of the game, LAGG AND DESYNCH.
They better invest their time and money to improove networking software and infrastructure to make this game playable but doing fuckn nerfs on almost anything.

This is total disprespect to anyone here.

(((( ONE DAY LATER )))))

Damn, have to stop posting coments " drunk ".
Gona do it sober next time , promise.

[Edited by support]
Last edited by gemboy#1014 on Mar 4, 2016, 12:12:06 AM
Shitty update with Crit Multi changes...

yokodzunaheart1985 wrote:
Legacy Vinktar 25ex --> New Vinktar 10c (same as Bor) hard to sell even for 5c

Realy think about this? :)

gemboy wrote:
This is total disprespect to anyone here

And i agree with this replica
Start playing in Feb 9, 2013
My KineticBlast LL ML 400kDPS GMP /view-thread/1466693
Asus LGA1155 P8P67 / Intel Core i5-2500@4GHz / Corsair Vengeance 16GB@1600MHz
Asus GTX970 STRIX 4GB / Asus ROG Xonar Phoebus 7.1
Acer 27 IPS 2560x1440@144Hz [XF270HU] + BenQ 24 TN-film 1920x1080@120Hz [XL2420T]
Last edited by Eben_GGG#0000 on Mar 3, 2016, 1:52:56 AM
"The Fracturing end-game Map Mod can no longer be generated on maps. Existing maps with this mod will still retain their functionality."

Nooooo. Why? That's a fun mod!!
gemboy wrote:
I do not think our reactions will change something over new nerfs, item degradations etc. Thay did what thay wanted to and thay dont care, couse thay predicted theese reactions.
I doubt thay even read theese posts.

It's more likely thay laugh on most of us.

Im very dissapointed couse I see what direction thay move this game.
I remember once , this was a great , prommising game,

Thay're loosing themselfs " in the space ".

So many stupid changes and nerfs, and yet thay did not solve HUGE problem that exist from very beginning of the game, fuckn LAGG AND DESYNCH.
They better invest their time and money to improove networking software and infrastructure to make this game playable but doing fuckn nerfs on almost anything.

This is total disprespect to anyone here

I have already decided what to do.
GRIM DOWN is a game that promises a lot and is better in many aspects but this game.
At least, GRIM DOWN developers listen to their supporters.

Definitely give up this game and move on GRIM DOWN.

Ye, you can remove my post now. Just do it pls and fuck off forever.


Rant and whine, okay. Insult the devs, no. Advertise another game, NO. Not spell check ANYTHING, NO!
Last edited by Eben_GGG#0000 on Mar 3, 2016, 1:53:08 AM

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