StupidFatHobbit's Sovereign Filter

thanks for sharing i have used your template to reworked it my needs :) !
StupidFatHobbit wrote:
re3i wrote:
Need to update offline filter?

Just ctrl+f "Infrastructure" and delete that one block (at the end of section 3).
ATTENTION: New seed types don't show in Strict+ filters. Need to add

Class "Seed Enhancer"
SetBackgroundColor 0 140 140
SetBorderColor 250 250 250
SetTextColor 250 250 250
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Raindrop
PlayEffect Green

to the Harvest blocks at the bottom of Section 3

Update out tomorrow
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Jul 3, 2020, 4:50:56 PM
6/18/20 - v3.11.2

Harvest League Update II - Adding New Item Classes Midleague is Totally Cool

GGG added a new item class - "Seed Enhancer" to the game with the last patch. Being a completely new class this meant it was hidden all filters.

That makes this update mandatory. Again. Yay.

If you don't want to update then copy the "Seed Enhancer" block from the Harvest section (bottom of Section 3) to your own filter.

This update also contains a bit of economy tweaking but as I wasn't quite done with all yet and this update is being forced out. Probably some more in the next update.

Update Notes:
- Added highlighting for the new "Seed Enhancer" item class.
- Because the garden can be a level 1 zone the AreaLevel line showing starting gems in the coast was showing all gems in the garden. This line has been disabled which means we are once again pressing ALT in the coast. If Harvest does not go core this will be reverted.
- Race/levelling link filter blocks deleted from strict and uber. They were causing some extremely rare unavoidable conflicts and the blocks were essentially never used anyways.
- Deleted high quality highlight block as it was useless.
- Elder/Shaper maps no longer use different color minimap icons from regular maps. Only light changes now.
- Amethyst Ring rares moved from t2 to t1. Despite Amethyst being fundamentally inefficient the prevalance of chaos damage in the current meta (and the rise of Xibaqua) has warranted this change at least for now. Note that it has not been added to the default 84+ crafting bases list.
- Sadist Garb has been promoted to t2 rare and now shows in General and in Strict below 78 areas. It is also now considered an 84+ crafting base thanks to the popularity of Trickster.
- Cluster jewel highlighting now has thresholds for ilvl 50 and 75 jewels (above 75 can roll all, below 50 can't roll shit). I would filter by # of passive nodes but apparently GGG didn't put that functionality in, only the ability to filter by enchantment type (which I might incorporate in a future update).
- Summoner levelling: Claw subsection now disabled by default, increased highlight Pagan Wand all levels. Added icon.
- Crit caster daggers (the Kris line) no longer show during the main levelling phase but all three show from 60-70.
- Veiled Daggers and Claws were being flagged as veiled armor instead of veiled weapons. This has been fixed.
- Somehow (really, I have no fucking idea how) the ilvl threshold for influenced astral plate high tier highlighting was set to 68 instead of 85. This has been fixed.
- ItemLevel 2 Wands/Sceptres have significantly increased highlight (and an icon) due to how easy it is to roll +1 on them with fossils/plantcrafting. This will likely be changed if Harvest does not go core. These show in General and Strict.
- Fixed bismuth minimap icon showing in strict/uber during levelling phases despite flask itself being hidden.
- Increased highlight harbinger scrolls, various other highlighting adjustments and improvements.

As usual, the best way to stay up to date on the filter is to follow the forum thread or to add me ingame. With the filter's increasing popularity, the best way to ask me questions about it is over my stream as I simply cannot type while playing. Any lengthy inquiries will always be directed to the stream if it is online. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Jul 4, 2020, 3:39:58 PM
Have you updated the pastebins? It still says 6/20/20 and the Seed Enhancer block is still missing.
Last edited by druxsh#2161 on Jul 25, 2020, 9:02:15 AM
hitlin wrote:
Have you updated the pastebins? It still says 6/20/20 and the Seed Enhancer block is still missing.

what the actual fuck. I have no idea how they weren't updated as I usually update it all at once. Fixed now but next update is out tomorrow anyways
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
7/25/20 - v3.11.3

Harvest League Update III - Base Overhaul, Economy Adjustments, Various Improvements

Two major things to take note of this update.

The rare highlighting section (11) has been completely redone and is now split into four parts. The first section, 11A, has been fully fleshed out as an optional archetype-focused alternative to the main armor section (11B) and is disabled by default. The intention is you enable the blocks relevant to your build (Armor, Evasion, or ES) and then delete 11B entirely. 11C is Rare Weapon highlighting, and 11D is jewellery.

In response to the shenanigans with last update and the seed enhancers, I've altered the end structure of the filter so that unrecognized item classes will always show with a pure black highlight. Note that this only insures against new classes and not all new items, i.e. if GGG were to add an ES version of Vermillion Ring midleague it would still be hidden because it's of an existing item class (rings). This will at least prevent a repeat of the seed enhancer fiasco and also provides some insurance should I miss a leaguestart for any reason. Note that this highlight can also appear if you fucked up while editing the filter so if you see it please redownload and check the item filter thread for updates before contacting me.

Update Notes:
Major/Noteworthy Changes:
- Whetstone, Augment, Portal, Transmute now show in Strict by default
- End structure of filter altered so that unknown item classes are now flagged with a pure black highlight instead of being hidden
- Reworked rare highlighting blocks, expanding 11A and segmenting everything else into 3 different sections (armor/weapons/jewellery)
- Changed rare weapon highlighting. General now shows multiple high droplevel bases for each archetype. Strict only shows top meta bases. Uber still hides everything. Overall things will be a little more relaxed in General but a bit tighter in Strict.
- IDcraft significantly altered, now has 3 tiers. sound/icon/light for rarest mods, icon/templight for fairly rare, and no icon/light for not-rare but high tier mods that happen to land on good bases. Overall it's far more strict than before. Chaos resist and WED rolls removed from IDcraft entirely and a few other rare mods have been added. Disabled boot IDcraft block again, was still too spammy.
- Completely rewrote 84+ highlighting, cutting about 40% of the bases shown - mostly 1h melee weapons that were no longer in the meta such as daggers and claws. The blocks are also much shorter and easier to read now.Also removed almost all rings besides unset and two-stones and removed all belts because of stygian vise/crystal belt. Font size also shrunk. Added Karui Chopper, Citadel Bow, Broadhead Arrow Quiver, and Judgement Staff.
List of cut bases for reference: "Harbinger Bow" "Ambusher" "Jewelled Foil" "Archon Kite Shield" "Saintly Chainmail" "Vaal Rapier" "Imperial Skean" "Gemini Claw" "Harpy Rapier" "Corsair Sword" "Coronal Maul" "Assassin Bow" "Behemoth Mace" "Coronal Maul" "Assassin Bow"

All Other Changes:
- General once again shows coast gems (and therefore gems in low level garden), strict/uber hide them.
- Uber once again has sound on purple tier (t9-t10) maps.
- 6L highlighting changed a bit, white background now reserved only for ones of decent droplevel and ilvl. Tabula is also no longer on the same highlight as corrupted 6L's (unless it's corrupted)
- Bindings shards added to SSF overrides, chisels added to the extra highlighting override
- Reduced font size of t2/t3 seeds a bit, but not t1. The point of this change is to reduce garden clutter a bit.
- t14+ unique maps now have a slightly bigger icno and permanent light vs sub-14 ones
- Pagan wands now show in strict levelling by default for summoner essencing and high dmg implicit wands/sceptres now show in strict levelling by default for caster essencing. Note that this treatment hasn't been extended to bow/melee levelling as to do so is basically the same as enabling the full levelling blocks for those entirely.
- 1.5 speed wands (Imbued line) added to caster levelling because of the popularity of spellslinger. They show in strict.
- Bow levelling: replacd Spike-point quivers with Fire Arrow. Assassin bow replaced with Spine. Ranged levelling now segmented by damage type for easier editing and deletion of unwanted sections.
- Moved Lures to a special highlight
- Silver/Crimson/Verdant oils each down a tier
- Horizon shards moved down a highlight but they still show in Uber
- Reduced number of elder 1h axes with higher tier highlight, added a few 2h axes. Number of other adjustments to influenced base highlighting
- Tightened corrupted ID filtering especially in uber, removed block that shows all corrupt ring/amulet/belt from all filters. The majority of what corruptID filtering shows now is jewels for CB jewels
- Reduced font size faded out rares in General. Seriously thinking of killing chaos recipe entirely in the next update
- Adjusted various highlights and lights
- Added "maximum stages" to helm enchant higher tier. Removed all glove enchant filtering (they will not show unless caught by another block).
- At some point my computer restarted overnight and I lost my patch notes I hadn't saved so there's also bunch of other minor changes that I've forgotten, these notes may not be entirely complete.

Unique Changes:
- The threshold for Small Value (SV) is being raised from roughly 2-3c to 5c. A new block has been added called "Borderline Value" for uniques that have some value early league but drop off quickly - this block has same highlight as SV in Gen/Strict but lacks sound and uses lower tier icon in Uber. This means only uniques with 5c or higher consistent average value should be flagged in Uber.
- Tiering Changes: Exquisite Leather, Saint's Hauberk, Citrine Amulet, Hellion's Paw, Broadhead Arrow Quiver

Div Tiering Changes:
- Tumbleweed, Hive of Knowledge, Gift of Asenath, The Long Con, Easy Stroll

As usual, the best way to stay up to date on the filter is to follow the forum thread or to add me ingame. With the filter's increasing popularity, the best way to ask me questions about it is over my stream as I simply cannot type while playing. Any lengthy inquiries will always be directed to the stream if it is online. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Jul 25, 2020, 8:42:35 PM
8/17/20 - v3.11.4

Harvest League Update IV - Racing & Levelling Improvements

The most important thing to take note of this update is that levelling icons and link highlighting have been completely redone. The entire system should be far more intuitive than before.

Incursion highlighting has been heavily reworked and influenced highlighting has also been updated.

Update Notes:
Major Changes and New Features:
- Levelling link colors have been 'flattened' (same border color as background) for catchall blocks, with borders for prio blocks. The color progression is now far more intuitive and the same order used in maps/currency (blue 2L, green 3L, cyan 4L, purple 5L, pink corrupted 6L, red/white other 6L). Small hexagons for catchalls, big ones for prio. Overall should be much more intuitive than before (old system had some weird highlight/icon color mismatches)
- Revised levelling icons and added a fuckton more. Rings now use moons, amulets use kites and colors are specific to each basetype (i.e. jade is green, citrine yellow, etc)
- More or less completely redid incursion item highlighting. Most mods are now given colored borders. blue = xopec, tan = guat, purple = cita, etc. teal means variable value and you need to see which mod it actually rolled (Trying to keep teal consistent as the "variable value / need to check this" color outside of basic currency highlighting). Consistent top mods still have white border. The intention behind this is for SSF racing (just ignore the items which you know wont have the mods you need once you learn the colors)
- Adjusted a large number of influence highlights, tried to bring it more in line with the current meta. Should be less big highlights on low value items now
- Icon types have been more standardized. i.e. moon almost always represents special explicit mods, kite represents basetypes/jewels, cross influenced items. IDcraft now uses triangles, catalyst icons changed as well. Note that levelling icons differ from endgame in areas where there is no overlap
- Added "Fernando" block that greys out currency picked up by Fernando (Chinese Client Only). 2 tiers, the lower tier is hidden in strict, both hidden in Uber
- Cluster jewels now located in the jewel section (7). Most jewels now use kite icons

Other Levelling Changes:
- Global Levelling section completely rewritten and made easier to read and edit, the bandaid blocks in strict have been finally removed
- Added minimap icon to coral ring/leather belt dropping at lower levels
- Some more jewellery minimap icons now show in levelling phase in strict for essence / vendor recipe purposes
- Added minimap icon and sound to rare jewellery dropping in Part I in general
- Added minimap icon to smaller chromes dropping in a1/a2/a3, made them max font size
- Pagan wand line no longer considered a caster levelling item, only summoner
- Layered Kite Shield now shows before 34 b/c of china mod races
- Significantly increased font size life/mana flasks levelling phase, removed the boss-targeted flask blocks as they were causing more clutter than intended
- Movespeed boot big highlight level range extended from 25 to 35

Other Changes:
- A lot more atlas bases now follow the blue/purple/red icon/light progression for 84/85/86+
- Uber filter now hides abyssal incubators below 82 as they can't drop 82+ abyss jewels. Same with <80 celestial incubators
- Uber filter finally hides chaos res breach rings given the current chewbacca meta and overall prevalence of chaos damage in the current game
- Changed catalyst and some prophecy icons
- Removed sound on the majority of lower tier influenced items
- Heavily tightened jewel IDcraft, only jewels with life and ES are now flagged
- Removed sound, shrunk font size all non master specific veiled items
- Added spelldodge and pen boots to increased lab enchant highlighting block
- Finally moved breachstones to a new highlight and separated pure from the rest (only pure now has white bg instead of all)
- Spine bow added to 84+ bases
- Hallowed Life Flask replaced with Eternal Mana Flask for 20q flask highlighting
- Fixed a few minor errors in some optional sections, thanks to those that brough them to my attention
- Added a lot more notes in the filter indicating exactly what certain blocks are for
- Slightly darkened pink text on t16 maps
- Various minor color and highlighting adjustments

Unique/Div tiering changes:
- Fright Claw, World Eater, Chain Belt, Army of Blood, Full Wyrmscale, Wool Gloves

As usual, the best way to stay up to date on the filter is to follow the forum thread or to add me ingame. With the filter's increasing popularity, the best way to ask me questions about it is over my stream as I simply cannot type while playing. Any lengthy inquiries will always be directed to the stream if it is online. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Aug 17, 2020, 5:37:34 AM
9/10/20 - v3.11.5

Harvest League Update V - Death of a Chaos Recipe

Normally I would never release an update four days before the league end and just roll these changes into the next leaguestart update but after what happened with Harvest's launch I want to go back to keeping the league launch updates as asbolutely minimal as possible. A large number of sections have been rewritten so I'm releasing this now to ensure there are no issues with Heist's launch. For those who want to start editing this filter feel free, I'll be making the Heist edits as small as possible so that they can easily be copied over without redownloading the entire fitler.

The most significant change of this update is the killing of the chaos recipe in General. This is going to be a controversial decision but at the end of the day the chaos recipe has been holding the General filter back by causing a massive amount of clutter in early maps and during any loot-intensive league content. Shrinking and fading out rares just isn't good enough. I haven't done it (outside of challenges) in years and I can't recommend it ever, even to new players. It's an utter waste of time outside of extremely specific scenarios, such as trying to get more chaos for Legion in SSF. From now on it will be disabled by default although I've made it quite easy to re-enable and given it it's own section to make it easy to find (22). Hopefully this will further the design goal of having General usable until red maps start (or at least early/mid yellow) instead of switching to Strict almost immediately upon getting to maps.

Update Notes:
Major Changes:
- General filter no longer shows chaos recipe rares by default. Toggle located in Section 22 (read the notes and delete the appropriate blocks) for those who still want to do it in currentyear. Note that this has replaced the General+ extension blocks which are no longer necessary.
- Drastically reduced the number of 84+ bases that show by default, cutting about a third of the total. Previously I always tried to show at least one top base from every item class/archetype but this has resulted in too many "never pick up, ever" items showing. The total number has been reduced by roughly a third - for example all staves have been removed. A full list of cut bases is included in the comments by the main filtering blocks in section 10 for easy reference.
- Completely rewrote flask levelling section, now uses arealevel instead of ilvl. Redid life/mana flask highlighting - more or less the same total amount of flasks still show except now only the current best tier of flasks have borders as well as now having icons (previously: best and 2nd best tier had borders, no icons). All flasks now use raindrops for icons instead of triangles. Defensive utility flasks have different minimap icons (pink) than from speed (purple) and offensive (yellow).
- Moved all weapon and jewellery levelling sections from ilvl to arealevel. This more or less necessitated a rewrite of each section so I took the time to further modularize everything for easier deletion of unwanted sections i.e. caster is now split between wands and sceptres, melee axes and swords have been separated (with swords disabled by default). Due to the change there should be a lot less "item bleed" at transition levels - if you see the border that means it's currently the best. Remember that the intention, now more than ever, is that you delete the sections that aren't relevant to you. Things will be VERY spammy if you leave all archetypes enabled while levelling with General.
- Strict levelling now has the most meta of each archetype enabled by default. Chaos dot and bleed for bows, 1h/2h axes, generic and spellslinger casters, pagan wands for summoners. Reminder that Strict levelling is designed for those levelling with tabula/goldrim/lochtonial/wanderlust where you will want to replace your weapons and eventually your gloves/boots. Use Uberstrict if you absolutely do not want to see anything other than flasks and rare jewellery while levelling.

Other Levelling Changes:
- Bleed bow progression added, slightly different than phys bow. Delete the main phys bow blocks (and the chaos and ele bow blocks, obviously) if you're levelling bleed.
- Changed how levelling weapon blocks handle early maps. Instead of top few bases being shown until 70, they all stop at 67 unless the base doesn't start dropping until 70 at which case it'll show for one arealevel only. Armor still goes to 70 for now but that section is next on the rewrite list (and also has not been converted to arealevel yet).
- Caster daggers no longer show while levelling at all (unless caught by another block). Caster shields are now shown by default in strict levelling.
- Extended 1-stat amulet extra highlighting level range through a3 and 2-stat through a5
- Minimap icons on small chromes now shows through the entire levelling phase and stops at quarry
- Magic items in general now stop showing at start of quarry instead of at start of maps
- General and Strict now show white two-stone and amethyst rings in quarry, white/blue amethysts now show while levelling
- Leather Belt and Coral Ring now retain minimap icon up through quarry in levelling phase
- Extended minimap icons on rare jewellery during levelling phase up to 67 in gen, added same blocks to strict
- Uber stops showing basic flasks when maps start instead of at t3 maps
- Bismuth and all resist flasks (ruby/topaz/sapphire/amethyst) are now considered bottom tier util flasks

All Other Changes:
- More corrupted items in the filter now use the very dark red solid bg (same styling as used by vaal gems). The only things that aren't on this yet are corrupted armor drops, I'll hopefully get that done soon. Adjusted various corrupted highlights.
- All non-unique mentions of Harbinger Bow in the filter have been removed. Spine and Assassin bow are considered the top phys attack basetypes with Citadel being top for bleed.
- Significantly reduced the number of atlas bases that have sound (only high droplevel ones do now)
- Added "borderline" value for div cards that need sound in gen/strict but not Uber (basically just Loyalty for now). Considering simply disabling sound on basic div card tier next update
- Divine Vessels and Offerings now use the wedge icon which is more or less supposed to represent quest/progression related items now

Minor Changes/Fixes:
- Fixed matatl boots having a text color change instead of a border color change
- Cut coral/paua amulets from guat, added Amethyst for Xopec and Guat
- Large number of minor highlighting and base adjustments
- Adjusted influenced highlighting to be more in tune with the current meta
- A few minor div/unique tiering changes

As usual, the best way to stay up to date on the filter is to follow the forum thread or to add me ingame. With the filter's increasing popularity, the best way to ask me questions about it is over my stream as I simply cannot type while playing. Any lengthy inquiries will always be directed to the stream if it is online. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter.
IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Sep 17, 2020, 7:53:52 PM

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