StupidFatHobbit's Sovereign Filter
Heist Hype!
Just wanted to drop by and thank you for your efforts, Hobbit! I was looking for a SSF Filter because I didn't feel like editing the newest NeverSink Version and stumbled across this one. Did a test run and it felt amazing! Early lvling was a breeze. Thank you for your dedicated work >:) Last edited by Craynor#7182 on Sep 16, 2020, 12:41:22 PM
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9/17/20 - v3.12.0
Heist League Launch Update Aside from the usual leaguestart stuff this update contains further improvements to icons. The design goal continues to be to convey as much possible information as possible using all the possible icon/color combinations available - if you can tell what the item is by the minimap icon you can decide whether or not to backtrack for it without needing to see the actual item. For those of you who have heavily modified v3.11.5 the mandatory stuff to copy is the Heist section at the end of Section 3 along with the Divination Card section (9). If you're a caster I recommend copying Section 22 (for General) as well as I accidentally made early map rare non-priority caster weapon tighter than I intended. As always I recommend fully updating if you can. Reminder to EDIT YOUR FUCKING FILTER before league starts; the filter is designed around this. The number of people I see using my filter for race practice without setting it up properly is a bit ridiculous. Watch the damn youtube video and edit section 1 as well as delete the levelling sections that don't apply to you. If you don't you will see a ton of stuff you will never pick up as well as hear sounds on tons of links that you don't care about. Also remember that the chaos recipe is now disabled by default as of v3.11.5. If you want to do it then you need to delete the appropriate blocks in section 22 - read the comments. If you didn't update during Harvest you should absolutely read the patch notes from the updates I did during the league. I played Harvest a lot so there were 5 updates with a large number of total changes. The differences between the Harvest launch filters and the current filters are quite significant. NOTICE: there are issues with the uploads on the main GGG site that are preventing me from uploading the Heist filters ahead of time (GGG's fault, not mine). Get them from the pastebins, they won't be on the actual GGG site until the patch is live Update Notes: Major Changes: - Added highlighting for everything added in Heist. Noteworthy Changes: - Relaxed a number of socket/link safety blocks due to the increased socket pressure of spellslinger and warcry builds. - Removed sound from the default div car tier in Uber - Shrunk font size on all veiled items in Uber - Removed Delirium Orb tiering. They don't drop often enough to justify separate tiers (and are always must pick up regardless). - Removed Cluster Jewel tiering. Without the ability to actually distinguish between number of passives any other tiering was useless. Low level cluster jewels that can't roll most notables (<50 ones) still have dimmed highlighting. - Shield charge color link blocks in Section 1 are now disabled by default Icon Changes: - All map fragments now use brown raindrops. Karui splinters moved to orange raindrop - All fossils now use yellow circle minimap icons. Catalysts moved back to brown circles - Moved all fragments to brown triangles and scarabs to yellow triangles as brown hexagons now represent contracts/blueprints (treating them more or less as maps) Minor Changes/Fixes: - Fixed General filter hiding low-tier rare wands and scepters sooner than intended (was 67, now 72) - Fixed breach rings showing in Uber - Fixed Underground affix single-resist rings missing a border - Further tiering adjustments to influenced highlighting - Cleaned up Section 21 a bit - 5L minimap icon now shows again in strict (still has no sound) As usual, the best way to stay up to date on the filter is to follow the forum thread or to add me ingame. With the filter's increasing popularity, the best way to ask me questions about it is over my stream as I simply cannot type while playing. Any lengthy inquiries will always be directed to the stream if it is online. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Sep 19, 2020, 5:39:35 AM
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Thanks for your hard work.
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Thank you. Love the filter and how easy it is to adjust to my needs.
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NOTICE: There's an issue with the flask section that was introduced in v3.11.5 that apparently went undetected for the past week. Priority life and mana flasks are missing their borders. They still show but just as regular items with no extra highlighting.
This has been fixed as of 1:36am PST (roughly 11h before leaguestart). If you already downloaded the filter you may want to copy the flask sections from the currently uploaded ones. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter:
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So you work faster than the filterblade guy or how is yours already finished while he is streaming his work? Will check this out!
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" This is a completely different filter from Neversink's, it does not use filterblade or his base but my own. There is virtually nothing in common code-wise between them. I could release the updates several days before leaguestart, the only reason I don't is because GGG always makes last minute changes/additions to the filter info every fucking league (thanks 3 month cycle). If I released any sooner I'd have to re-release every time they change something. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Sep 20, 2020, 3:14:29 PM
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9/27/20 - v3.12.1
Heist League Update I - Economy & Minor Fixes This contains the economy update for the league as well as improvements to Heist highlights. There are also a number of minor fixes and adjustments to fix some irregularities that occurred during the large rewrite in v3.11.5. Update Notes: Major Changes and New Features: - Added sound and icon to rogue's markers - Added sound and icons to the two highest tiers of rogue gear - Increased the number of bases listed in 11a (now shows top 4 instead of top 2) and separated them by item class for easier editing and deletion. Added full blocks for helms instead of only having the highest helm included. ES bases remain much more restricted - Tiered all new divination cards and uniques - Changed fractured/synthesis highlighting to be less similar to Redeemer, heavily simplified blocks - Re-enabled some of the optional rare blocks in 11b in the Strict filter Noteworthy Changes: - Vaal Axe and Karui Chopper rares now show by default in Strict - Rewrote life/mana flask section (again) as the previous rewrite was causing some headaches - Removed amulets from corrupted IDcraft - Corrupted jewellery that fails IDcraft checks is now hidden in Strict, not just Uber - Added separate highlighting for delirious maps - Added separate highlighting for unique contracts - Changed trinket highlighting to be different from rogue loot highlighting - Fossil icons have changed again, this time they're orange circles. Catalysts have taken yellow circles Levelling Changes (General): - Removed white jewellery catchalls from maps. White jewellery will no longer show when maps start - White amethyst rings now only shows at higher level zones while levelling (basically between quarry and maps only) - Reverted level range increases for sounded 1 and 2 stat amulets while levelling. 1 stat stops after a2, 2 stat after a4 - Divine life flasks no longer have larger font size / red border once maps start (show until 72 for xmute purposes) - Larger magic items (mainly staves/bows) now start thinning at end of a2 rather than end of a3 - All magic shields now always show before a5 kitava - General filter once again shows all nonqual gems, now terminating at the end of a3 (library) - Adjusted nonpriority rare highlighting during the early mapping phase. Slightly more rares, especially shields, will be shown - Amethyst flask added to priority list in general filter because of the vendor recipe - Items in the hide layer during the levelling phase are a little bit bigger Minor Changes & Fixes: - Fixed secondary magic jewellery (i.e. moonstone) having larger font size than primary basetypes (ruby, etc) during the second half of the levelling phase - Lots of font size and icon adjustments, removed some redundant blocks as well - Numerous other minor adjustments and edits As usual, the best way to stay up to date on the filter is to follow the forum thread or to add me ingame. With the filter's increasing popularity, the best way to ask me questions about it is over my stream as I simply cannot type while playing. Any lengthy inquiries will always be directed to the stream if it is online. Since I keep getting asked I have also finally set up a donation link for those who want to support the filter. IGN: Hobbit | | Filter: Last edited by StupidFatHobbit#5880 on Sep 27, 2020, 5:09:21 AM
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Thank you as always Hobbit. I know I'll enjoy the divine flask and white jewelry change when leveling new characters.
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Thank you for continued efforts on the filter, and keep up the good work!
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