First Wave of Trade Improvements

asdfJackal wrote:
cesmode wrote:
On the topic of whether or not this is pay to win: Uncertain.

Basically, GGG is saying "If you want to trade, buy premium stash tabs". Or, better yet... "If you want to acquire halfway decent items, spend money". Because we all know you cannot realistically outfit a character in decent gear via self-found. I know this for a fact, because Ive only ever played Self Found in POE. I don't trade. And I haven't gone as far as many of you, (~75 in HC I think?) because I just dont have the items to flesh out a good build. So yes, this is saying that if you want to go far and acquire good items, spend real $$.

And to everyone that thinks this is an indirect attempt to weed out "free loaders" as you call it, think again. Someone might be supporting the game financially via regular stash tabs or cosmetics. Just because someone didn't spend money on premium tabs, or any tabs, doesn't mean they don't spend money. So please stop with that futile argument right there.

This "update" made it easier for the people that spend lots of money and time in the game to corner the market and acquire goods easier because some people will not pay for tabs. As for QoL: All this is doing is making it easier to list items and see who is online. It isn't doing anything to eliminate the hassle of using ridiculous 3rd party websites to trade in a game.

For the record: I already have premium tabs. Im advocating for those who don't.

An upgrade to a premium tab is 1.50 USD, which is the cost of a soft drink. If trading is that important to someone I think that is a fair price.

I'm not sure its even about cost. Some people think buying storage in a game is silly and would spend it on other things. What has essentially happened, whether you agree with that or not, is a wall has been put up for these people.

And even if ppl didnt want to spend any money, who are you or anyone else to say that they shouldn't trade.
asdfJackal wrote:
An upgrade to a premium tab is 1.50 USD, which is the cost of a soft drink. If trading is that important to someone I think that is a fair price.
doesnt help much because some of us are still "banned"(steam region lock) from using our "preferred"(steam wallet) money. :p and also deliberately hiding the server from drop down menu.
Vaydra wrote:
Can you trade as before? Yes
Can you trade without buying a single premium tab? Yes
Are there more improvements to follow later? Yes
Will players that have only bought normal tabs still be able to trade? Yes
Have players been asking for trade improvements for 3yrs+? Yes
Will players be able to find out if sellers are online reliably Yes
If I haven't traded before and don't want to buy a premium tab, can I download a small app and follow a youtube guide to set it up before the league starts in under 10mins Yes

Are some players trolling by mentioning Pay2Win to get a reaction in this thread Yes

Has GGG introduced a highly efficient game play feature that can only be accessed by people that paid (and not even by some people who paid for the 'wrong' type of thing)? Yes.

Is this what 'paying to win' means, when paying will get you gameplay features that boost your competitiveness? Yes.

Are people pointing this out trolling? No.

Are people complaining about this being entitled and condescending? Hell yes.

Spare us the condescension.
KarvarouskuGaming: If I were to come to poe now with update, my first though would be nice, p2w game cant even trade without buying shit

Pls everyone think about new players only.
How many of those stick to poe?

After being advertise as a complete f2p game they see is difficult to learn.
They see its clanky even with a good computer.
And then they see they need 3rd party tools for trade.
Last edited by wsbisev#0627 on Mar 1, 2016, 8:46:04 AM
cesmode wrote:

An upgrade to a premium tab is 1.50 USD, which is the cost of a soft drink. If trading is that important to someone I think that is a fair price.
Last edited by Tank_The_Shredder_Evans#0131 on Mar 1, 2016, 8:45:01 AM
I think this is the most ungrateful and QQfull community I've ever seen, and I've seen many...

This game SHOULD BE PAY TO PLAY considering its quality, content and constant improvements and so much more. Still, it's free to play, definitely NOT P2W, and ppl complain?
I'm outraged as it is, I can only imagine what GGG staff members feel after putting so much effort in always listening to the community and trying (and many times succeeding) to satisfy everyone. This was one of the improvements most of you yourselves asked for!

Great Work GGG, best f2p (including p2w) game in the history of gaming!
cesmode wrote:
Vaydra wrote:
Can you trade as before? Yes
Can you trade without buying a single premium tab? Yes
Are there more improvements to follow later? Yes
Will players that have only bought normal tabs still be able to trade? Yes
Have players been asking for trade improvements for 3yrs+? Yes
Will players be able to find out if sellers are online reliably Yes
If I haven't traded before and don't want to buy a premium tab, can I download a small app and follow a youtube guide to set it up before the league starts in under 10mins Yes

Are some players trolling by mentioning Pay2Win to get a reaction in this thread Yes

You're assuming 3rd party websites will still pick up crap listed in forums and what-not. I don't think any of that has been detailed. If these sites no longer pick up those forum listed items and only look for premium stash listed items, then no, trading is not how it was before and not everyone can do it.

I am assuming that 3rd party websites would want to maintain their visitor base by listing all items and not want to be known for incomplete lists. I am assuming that players would quickly jump to other indexer sites to get items not listed on afore-mentioned sites, to get lower priced or make lower offers on those items.
100% Ethical, most of the time.
Last edited by Vaydra#3440 on Mar 1, 2016, 8:51:02 AM
MineRage wrote:
They can upgrade 1 of 4 free stashes to premuim as an option.

It shouldn't be limited to premium tabs in the first place. The only reason for that I'm seeing is that they use hacky system of price tagging in tab label, which is only possible on premium tabs. I think it would be better to separate tab name from price tagging:
1. Those who have premium tabs (my friend has a lot of them) and actually give them meaningful names are fucked, because you now have to live with names like "~b/o 5 exa", while it's better to have tab with name "T1 uniques" and hidden fields for API that are only visible when you click on tab - "commonBuyout", "commonFixedPrice", "note", and for single items - "buyout", "currentOffer", "fixedPrice", "note" or something like that
2. I do not think it's unreasonable if full tab pricing can only be done on premium tabs as long as it's separate from tab name and single item can be listed from regular tabs. This will be in line with other features offered by premium tabs
3. Those who have bought hundreds of regular tabs are not fucked and are not forced to pay another ~$150 to use new trade system
4. It will allow dropping support of shop forum crawlers, because forum trading can now be used for long term trading (very expensive items, mirror services etc.) so there is no need to index that - you can manually search few threads, and use trade API for everything else (which will reduce server load)
5. There will be no P2W concerns. Having more stash tabs mostly reduces time consumption of mule management so it's not issue. Having trade feature blocked behind paywall is a P2W in a way, because it will allow to list and update prices in near-realtime which is not possible with current system, it is more secure (no concerns about 3rd party tools needing your credentials), and finally it will work even if decide to drop support of forum crawler (and I don't think it's out of realm of possibility, because with this change most people who trade will use new trade API, because it's more effective, so time&effort cost of supporting forum crawler for a few that still use old system might be just not worth it).
speaking as someone who got plenty of premium stash tabs.
this is the first time ever GGG has released ingame-content that is not available for free. I don't care if this content is a available for a few cents or 20€. I just don't like direction this seems to go...

Are there any plans to release future content that you actually have to pay for? I like to support this game and i mostly did because it is free and i wanted to give something back(GGG is doing an excellent job). Now if i am forced to pay for content in the future, i don't think i am willing to keep supporting this.
Last edited by Sacr0#4430 on Mar 1, 2016, 8:54:45 AM
iluvathar wrote:
I think this is the most ungrateful and QQfull community I've ever seen, and I've seen many...

This game SHOULD BE PAY TO PLAY considering its quality, content and constant improvements and so much more. Still, it's free to play, definitely NOT P2W, and ppl complain?
I'm outraged as it is, I can only imagine what GGG staff members feel after putting so much effort in always listening to the community and trying (and many times succeeding) to satisfy everyone. This was one of the improvements most of you yourselves asked for!

Great Work GGG, best f2p (including p2w) game in the history of gaming!

100% agree.

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