Matroxiou wrote:
Guhrim wrote:
I may start to sell my items for real now without all that hassle from the 3rd party software.
I don't udnerstand why people call it P2W. I mean... can't u really spend 5$ to upgrade your stock tabs? I never knew so many poor people were playing this game, LOL.
Well clearly its visible that u donated some strong packs so u dont give a crap about wasting 300$ on game where in most East eu countrys for example its monthly payment. I donated like 200$ and now im forced to buy another thing to "stay with the competition" or lose my time. The point also is that GGG went in the wrong dirrection. later on can we expect even more expensive addons if its totally fine with this one?
I need 10 premium tabs for example its another 15$ now , 15$ there and thats how we roll
I agree with you completely if their approach is to implement very expensive features later on to stay in the competition. I do give a crap about "wasting" when I feel something deserves my money.
I get ur point with the stash tabs, but isn't that their source of income?
However, my point was that people are either greedy or don't want to support GGG and it can clearly be seen in this thread. Don't tell me that 5$ will make you any poorer than you currently are to upgrade 3 of your stock tabs, because I won't believe you.
Like other people have said, it makes me also a bit worried as some 3rd party tools may no longer be maintained because of this change.
Posted byGuhrim#7635on Feb 29, 2016, 11:14:27 PM
SuicideSpree3 wrote:
Kaylos wrote:
Enough with the pay to win shit. You can still trade the same as before. A premium tab is $1.50 USD, is that really too much to pay? Those of you complaining do realize that programmers don't work for free correct. This game at the very least is the equivalent of a full box title and 1 big expansion back (by old pc gaming/ brick n mortar store standards).
So, pay for the damn game to grow or shut up and enjoy playing for free what myself and others pay for.
Stop saying things like 'Shut up'. It's needlessly rude.
I don't have a problem with paying. I will, because it makes sense for me to do so and I can afford it.
That doesn't change that GGG are now liars and going back on their FTP and no PTW promises and that leaves an awful taste. I play plenty of games made by dishonest developers whom I dislike because the games are great anyway. It's not about whether it's an improvement (which it is). It's the principle that they've violated and the way the benefits of this improvement are super heavily concentrated towards people who pay GGG and why that's completely antithetical to their false promises.
Ahh dont call people liars with an extremely poor argument like that. Did they use the word forever? No. Is it really P2W no. You guys need to analyze better before making such statements. Not surprised on a forum however even if its pretty good here generally.
Path of Exile; A world where you are free from pay to win. Unlimited builds, vast enemy mods and a strong end game. Unrivaled community in real life and rewarding developers.
Path of exile is one of the best ARPGS created/ Died 25 times to 1 boss in Path of Exile and would rip again.
Posted byTwelveYears#0870on Feb 29, 2016, 11:15:08 PM
Kaylos wrote:
Enough with the pay to win shit. You can still trade the same as before. A premium tab is $1.50 USD, is that really too much to pay? Those of you complaining do realize that programmers don't work for free correct. This game at the very least is the equivalent of a full box title and 1 big expansion back (by old pc gaming/ brick n mortar store standards).
So, pay for the damn game to grow or shut up and enjoy playing for free what myself and others pay for.
40 points for 1 stash tab.
200 points for $20.00
They're $4 apiece.
A. Piece.
Or you can get 6 for 20. $3.33 a pop. Still fairly obscene for being able to use a feature that isn't merely "nice to have", but that the game is balanced around.
Posted byIlyaK1986#4225on Feb 29, 2016, 11:15:56 PM
P2W! Woot! I got my 105 Premium stash tabs!
Posted byIVIrPorter#7460on Feb 29, 2016, 11:17:06 PM
IVIrPorter wrote:
P2W! Woot! I got my 105 Premium stash tabs!
Lol yep quickly everyone go un-install the game its completely ruined and pay to win now, Kappa.
Path of Exile; A world where you are free from pay to win. Unlimited builds, vast enemy mods and a strong end game. Unrivaled community in real life and rewarding developers.
Path of exile is one of the best ARPGS created/ Died 25 times to 1 boss in Path of Exile and would rip again.
Posted byTwelveYears#0870on Feb 29, 2016, 11:18:09 PM
SuicideSpree3 wrote:
I don't have a problem with paying. I will, because it makes sense for me to do so and I can afford it.
That doesn't change that GGG are now liars and going back on their FTP and no PTW promises and that leaves an awful taste. I play plenty of games made by dishonest developers whom I dislike because the games are great anyway. It's not about whether it's an improvement (which it is). It's the principle that they've violated and the way the benefits of this improvement are super heavily concentrated towards people who pay GGG and why that's completely antithetical to their false promises.
I guess I don't see this as being any different then buying more stash space. Maybe it's a bit of an advantage in week leagues, outside of that it amounts to convenience. I disagree with the notion of the devs being dishonest or going back on their word. A player can still trade just as before, they are absolutely NOT locked out of ANYTHING that they had access to before.
IGN: Cadmus / Valgar
Posted byKaylos#0046on Feb 29, 2016, 11:18:29 PM
TwelveYears wrote:
SuicideSpree3 wrote:
Kaylos wrote:
Enough with the pay to win shit. You can still trade the same as before. A premium tab is $1.50 USD, is that really too much to pay? Those of you complaining do realize that programmers don't work for free correct. This game at the very least is the equivalent of a full box title and 1 big expansion back (by old pc gaming/ brick n mortar store standards).
So, pay for the damn game to grow or shut up and enjoy playing for free what myself and others pay for.
Stop saying things like 'Shut up'. It's needlessly rude.
I don't have a problem with paying. I will, because it makes sense for me to do so and I can afford it.
That doesn't change that GGG are now liars and going back on their FTP and no PTW promises and that leaves an awful taste. I play plenty of games made by dishonest developers whom I dislike because the games are great anyway. It's not about whether it's an improvement (which it is). It's the principle that they've violated and the way the benefits of this improvement are super heavily concentrated towards people who pay GGG and why that's completely antithetical to their false promises.
Ahh dont call people liars with an extremely poor argument like that. Did they use the word forever? No. Is it really P2W no. You guys need to analyze better before making such statements. Not surprised on a forum however even if its pretty good here generally.
Can you please explain in what way it is not PTW?
It is a gigantic advantage. It's absolutely impossible to play efficiently or be anywhere near the top of the ladders without massive amounts of stash tabs already and this is more competitive advantage to people who paid GGG money while giving nothing to those who don't.
Additionally, what's even more galling is that these benefits are retro-active to payments already made and even a sale was done literally ONE DAY before this announcement and it wasn't mentioned then specifically so that GGG can extract the maximum now from this move.
Posted bySuicideSpree3#2492on Feb 29, 2016, 11:18:43 PM
AmiraYllDash wrote:
Matroxiou wrote:
Guhrim wrote:
I may start to sell my items for real now without all that hassle from the 3rd party software.
I don't udnerstand why people call it P2W. I mean... can't u really spend 5$ to upgrade your stock tabs? I never knew so many poor people were playing this game, LOL.
Well clearly its visible that u donated some strong packs so u dont give a crap about wasting 300$ on game where in most East eu countrys for example its monthly payment. I donated like 200$ and now im forced to buy another thing to "stay with the competition" or lose my time. The point also is that GGG went in the wrong dirrection. later on can we expect even more expensive addons if its totally fine with this one?
I need 10 premium tabs for example its another 15$ now , 15$ there and thats how we roll
Você viu algum brasileiro reclamando sobre o jogo ter se tornado p2w?
Você diz que 300$ é como um salário, mas aqui nós ganhamos R$880(reais) e isso equivale a 220$(dólares).
Acho que todos deveriam estar bem com essa novidade, pois todos poderão vender suas coisas sem problema algum e ainda tendo um suporte dentro do próprio jogo.
Have you seen any Brazilian complaining about the game have become P2W?
You say $ 300 is like a monthly payment, but here we have earned R$ 880(reais) and this is $220 (USD).
I think everyone should be fine with this update because everyone can sell their stuff without any problems and still having a support within the game itself.
Sorry for the bad english.
Thanks GGG.
not saying its pay2win its like not saying that POE is one of the best ever made arpg when u played it for over 1k hours and thousands if not milions of ppl are wrong. Also which made this game so popular is totaly f2p system so hard to find those days and u could buy mostly only visual effects, now u can buy trade system u feel me? "When u get too greedy u lose more"
Posted byMatroxiou#3742on Feb 29, 2016, 11:19:12 PM
IlyaK1986 wrote:
Kaylos wrote:
Enough with the pay to win shit. You can still trade the same as before. A premium tab is $1.50 USD, is that really too much to pay? Those of you complaining do realize that programmers don't work for free correct. This game at the very least is the equivalent of a full box title and 1 big expansion back (by old pc gaming/ brick n mortar store standards).
So, pay for the damn game to grow or shut up and enjoy playing for free what myself and others pay for.
40 points for 1 stash tab.
200 points for $20.00
They're $4 apiece.
A. Piece.
Or you can get 6 for 20. $3.33 a pop. Still fairly obscene for being able to use a feature that isn't merely "nice to have", but that the game is balanced around.
Wrong.It's 15 mtx to upgrade 1 tab.That's 1.5$
Posted bydenisab#4504on Feb 29, 2016, 11:22:15 PM
This is two steps forward, 3 steps back
The improvement to the trade system is brilliant, we have been needing that for a while. But putting it behind a paywall is absolutely not the way to do it. It basically goes against the core expectation of this game: that i can have the full enjoyment without needing to pay for it. If it is a technical limitation ( i can see it being easier to make the premium tab setup do it), than i would suggest that the default 5 free tabs simply be made premium. It shouldn't be too big a loss, as frankly the vast majority of people will not have updated them anyway. It may also help promote the sale of premium tabs to those looking to buy their first tab bundles.
Either way, making this possibly very significant gameplay feature pay only is a betrayal of the standard of excellence i have come to expect from GGG. It is by no means going to make me stop playing or anything, but i am having trouble getting over the disappointment in the decision
Posted bysagiterios#0193on Feb 29, 2016, 11:23:03 PM