First Wave of Trade Improvements
Eh. This is handy but it doesn't help the problem at all? Trade is HELL and super frustrating for new players. Experienced players have no issues trading. How are premium stashes allowing for easy sells helping new players? - they're not. It's handy, it's nice but trading is still horrible for new or not very experienced players.
And seriously, whether some people like it or not, if your first wave of improvements is directed towards people who pay then there will always be people that won't be very appreciative. Last edited by itsnukes86#1434 on Feb 29, 2016, 10:48:58 PM
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" No. "
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It would be nice if I put something in for say 2 chaos there would be a buy out button someone else could push to buy my item and the currancy with a memo would be automatic. A browser page where I could search for what I want and when I see it for a price Im willing to pay I just click and have the item. Whys that so hard to do.
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Pay to win. Fuck that. I was thinking about buying some premiums, but now I refuse to.
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I wanted to write because some seem to be confused on what the trade API does for buyers. As a buyer, you certainly use This API upgrade makes it so you have:
A) Access to a bigger seller pool, as more people will sell their items now that they don't need a 3rd party app that they have to look up instructions to install and run properly (and debug if something goes wrong). I know a number of people who don't use Procurement/Acquisition for these reasons. B) You'll know when people are actually online, opposed to just telling the forum indexer that they're online (when they aren't) via another 3rd party tool. This is huge for buyers. Now, if you don't want to use and are only interested in trading via trade chat, then...sorry. The only logical conclusion as to what you want is an Auction House, a fully in-game UI that removes the player interaction from trading, which GGG has stated they won't do. So yeah. This is huge for buyers and sellers. Admittedly, I'm a huge fan of GGG. I've supported them as well. However, the only downside this has is that it puts Premium Stash Tabs on the border/gray area of P2W. ZiggyD posted on Reddit about this - - his idea is to give all players 1 Premium Tab and 3 normal tabs for their stash. Other than this gray area, this update to the trade system from GGG is a home-run. Well done yet again! |
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" Bye, enjoy that cheeseburger instead of buying a stash tab and supporting the game you've played hundreds of hours of. |
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It's relative to a pretty liberal interpretation of the notion of "p2w" that this is that kind of problem. However, giving everyone a stock premium stash tab makes that criticism moot, which has value.
But, to me, it also seems like a reasonable position to be like: "Fuck you, kid. Quit cloaking the fact you're a cheap little shit and, in fact, would only spend money on this game on the condition that it was p2w and ante up $1.50 for new stuff". I bought a suit made out of guts, so it isn't hard for me to justify buying one more superfluous video game item. It's, like, whatevs. Is there any way to make a premium stash tab out of guts? I'd buy that shit, too. Last edited by YurhedaSplode#1590 on Feb 29, 2016, 10:54:03 PM
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Quick question;
Are the new public stash tabs just for 3rd party indexers, or will I have the ability to a) r-click a name in chat b) r-click a char in my instance, to see their public tab(s)? Sorry if it was asked already, but got tired of looking thru all the temperamental posts and stopped at page 25 hehehehe. 17/04/2021
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality." A BLATANT LIE by the HMFIIC. Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change. |
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" I support the game. But I don't support P2W. (Removed by support) |
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" LOL yea right!!! Nice Try!.........go to google and type "free games to play on pc"...... See ya Later. |
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