First Wave of Trade Improvements

Nirvanna21 wrote:
leighferon wrote:
Atomfred wrote:
It is just a very poor decision marketing-wise what they did.

no its not. the functionality for editing a tab is is only in premium stash tabs....

the only logical place to put trading option is in a stash tab that can be edited through drop down menus.

This, and what else could they do? Give everyone premium stash tabs? That would just spit on those who have supported it.

They could have made a "trade tab" which would have the functionality of a premium tab, given everybody 1 trade tab and made a new shop item: "trade tab" with no possibility to upgrade tabs to a trade tab.

So, your argument is invalid.

And if you say: too much work... It's not. It's basically fifteen-twenty minutes more coding + the shop item art. So, yeaaaah.
Avert thy gaze, child!

IGN: Shadowrope

Standard Warrior
leighferon wrote:
Atomfred wrote:
It is just a very poor decision marketing-wise what they did.

no its not. the functionality for editing a tab is is only in premium stash tabs....

the only logical place to put trading option is in a stash tab that can be edited through drop down menus.

....dont u think the devs could make e.g. a additional stash tab only for trading, for all users for free ? do u realy think they can only modify their own creations and cant build new ones?

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pls stop with the entitlement crap...u are not owed anything by ggg if u dont support them.
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
Nirvanna21 wrote:
FML, days like these...

Look, I will be nice and bullet point the simple answers that have already been stated...

- This is the FIRST WAVE
- It needs to be PREMIUM, because you need to NAME YOUR STASH
- It does not remove the ability of selling from your stash in the traditional methods, it just provides an API for websites to access and provide faster results

Reposting this for people to read
grawobi wrote:
jooozek wrote:
So what you are saying is that if I don't have any premium stash tabs, I can't sell stuff anymore?

GGG reply in post: "I would like to mention that the use of the public stash tab system is entirely optional. We are not preventing the use of any of the old tools, and they will continue to work so long as the third-party websites continue to index the trade forums."

But you know this isn't true. The devs of these sites already stated that they will no longer support forum shops. So, cant use the trade forums for this.
It's like supporting a poor homeless man you have great conversations with and one day he says "i won't talk before you support"
Well f**k you mr. homeless man.
Nirvanna21 wrote:
leighferon wrote:
Atomfred wrote:
It is just a very poor decision marketing-wise what they did.

no its not. the functionality for editing a tab is is only in premium stash tabs....

the only logical place to put trading option is in a stash tab that can be edited through drop down menus.

This, and what else could they do? Give everyone premium stash tabs? That would just spit on those who have supported it.

I dont understand that? Why is that making an offer for cheaper standard tabs like 5 days before leagues starts any better?
They knew tehy would implement those new trading options so why didnt they wait with those sale offers until (new) player would know about those new "trade tabs"?
I wouldnt have spend my last coins if i would have known that, i would have upgraded my old ones to premium but now i feel forced to buy some morme coins to upgrade my tabs to premium. How is that a clever marketing move?
Ravenstrider wrote:
Nirvanna21 wrote:

This, and what else could they do? Give everyone premium stash tabs? That would just spit on those who have supported it.

They could have made a "trade tab" which would have the functionality of a premium tab, given everybody 1 trade tab and made a new shop item: "trade tab" with no possibility to upgrade tabs to a trade tab.

So, your argument is invalid.

And if you say: too much work... It's not. It's basically fifteen-twenty minutes more coding + the shop item art. So, yeaaaah.

So give people a free tab which acts as the same functionality as a premium tab? Yeah...

Atomfred wrote:

I dont understand that? Why is that making an offer for cheaper standard tabs like 5 days before leagues starts any better?
They knew tehy would implement those new trading options so why didnt they wait with those sale offers until (new) player would know about those new "trade tabs"?
I wouldnt have spend my last coins if i would have known that, i would have upgraded my old ones to premium but now i feel forced to buy some morme coins to upgrade my tabs to premium. How is that a clever marketing move?

Stash tabs do serve a purpose other than selling.
Last edited by Nirvanna21#2477 on Mar 1, 2016, 4:23:47 PM
Yeah but the value of Premium Tabs/Normal Tabs was different 2 days ago then it is now. You see that?
Nirvanna21 wrote:
Ravenstrider wrote:
Nirvanna21 wrote:

This, and what else could they do? Give everyone premium stash tabs? That would just spit on those who have supported it.

They could have made a "trade tab" which would have the functionality of a premium tab, given everybody 1 trade tab and made a new shop item: "trade tab" with no possibility to upgrade tabs to a trade tab.

So, your argument is invalid.

And if you say: too much work... It's not. It's basically fifteen-twenty minutes more coding + the shop item art. So, yeaaaah.

So give people a free tab which acts as the same functionality as a premium tab? Yeah...

Then don't give it to anyone.
Why should a person who bought a specific item in the past be better than everybody else?

Imagine this, if you will: an Awakening announcement saying that only people who bought wings MTX in the shop can use lockstep.
You can still use predictive... which is crap. So, you know... And if you want lockstep, you have to buy wings in the shop.

Think that would have been ok?
Avert thy gaze, child!

IGN: Shadowrope

Standard Warrior

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