First Wave of Trade Improvements

Just going to say that this debacle or whatever you want to call it, is going to haunt GGG for a while on these forums and other gaming sites.

Look at GW2...the controversey over Ascended gear 3 months into the launch of the game where they said "no tiers higher than Exotic" in terms of god that forum was riddled for years with hatred.

leighferon wrote:
pls stop with the entitlement crap...u are not owed anything by ggg if u dont support them.

Well, if you think about this a little bit, it sort of works both ways, GGG isn't owed anything by us, either. So I'd suggest thinking of this as voicing consumer concerns and not entitlement crap. And I might be overstepping my boundaries here, but I would assume GGG doesn't exactly mind knowing how their customerbase thinks about the way the game is progressing, if only from a business standpoint, wouldn't you agree?

Keep in mind that it's indeed the customerbase, you fell into the trap of thinking no one showing concern has ever or will ever spent money on the game there for a moment.
Atomfred wrote:
Yeah but the value of Premium Tabs/Normal Tabs was different 2 days ago then it is now. You see that?

About every other weekend, stash tabs get a discount. It has been like this forever.
Atomfred wrote:
Yeah but the value of Premium Tabs/Normal Tabs was different 2 days ago then it is now. You see that?

Prices seem the same.

But if you want marketing logic, they would do a sale AFTER release.
leighferon wrote:
pls stop with the entitlement crap...u are not owed anything by ggg if u dont support them.

i disagree. chris has said this game has only "ethical microtransactions" and is "free to play". this feature improves a player's ability to trade and make currency. currency is vital to improving your character. i do not see this feature as an "ethical microtransaction".
cesmode wrote:
Just going to say that this debacle or whatever you want to call it, is going to haunt GGG for a while on these forums and other gaming sites.

I bet you're right. Makes me wonder if they anticipated this kind of reaction.
leighferon wrote:
pls stop with the entitlement crap...u are not owed anything by ggg if u dont support them.

even if you support them, donate your money, did a 5$ donation or a 5k$ donation or time have 4-10k hours playing you arent owned anything so chill, on your entitlement crap

Now on the topic if this is pay to win or not... for sure is just a payment feature to win a feature (being a key feature like trade is a litle odd). I guess they pull the numbers and saw that being adversite as not a P2W game as a indi on a few blogs vs charging a little something and making some extra coin, and give people a reason to buy the premium tab is not that bad

the problem is not the change is more the way it was lounch to the comunity as a sneak change just to pick pocket the players base and new players

Now this would been way better if they had the chance to release it whit the pacth notes, explaning the change, and not some random streamer "O M G" look at this type of fiasco.

I guess alot of donators that have normal tabs may feel cheated, even more recent tab owners may be a little down to trust into ggg for this type of changes
Only a dumbass pays for a F2P game.
Nirvanna21 wrote:
Atomfred wrote:
Yeah but the value of Premium Tabs/Normal Tabs was different 2 days ago then it is now. You see that?

Prices seem the same.

But if you want marketing logic, they would do a sale AFTER release.

Sorry brah, no offense but you dont get it.

Prices are the same. Values changed.
-> price/value for standard tabs went down and those for premium went up.
-> i got fucked (cauz i bought standard tabs due to their recent offer)
-> intentionally? i dont know, sure it looks that way.
-> poor marketing decision when u costumer feel they got scamed
Good feature!
Ravenstrider wrote:
Then don't give it to anyone.
Why should a person who bought a specific item in the past be better than everybody else?

Imagine this, if you will: an Awakening announcement saying that only people who bought wings MTX in the shop can use lockstep.
You can still use predictive... which is crap. So, you know... And if you want lockstep, you have to buy wings in the shop.

Think that would have been ok?

But this isn't that. It's adding a more viable source of data mining for 3rd party websites.

FelicityFlowers wrote:
leighferon wrote:
pls stop with the entitlement crap...u are not owed anything by ggg if u dont support them.

i disagree. chris has said this game has only "ethical microtransactions" and is "free to play". this feature improves a player's ability to trade and make currency. currency is vital to improving your character. i do not see this feature as an "ethical microtransaction".

Doesn't improve it, it will be just as viable as the existing methods to be honest. Now if the new method offered a direct payment method so that you could be offline as well, THEN it would be.

Atomfred wrote:
Sorry brah, no offense but you dont get it.

Prices are the same. Values changed.
-> price/value for standard tabs went down and those for premium went up.
-> i got fucked (cauz i bought standard tabs due to their recent offer)
-> intentionally? i dont know, sure it looks that way.
-> poor marketing decision when u costumer feel they got scamed

I never noticed premium going ABOVE current price, got proof?
Last edited by Nirvanna21#2477 on Mar 1, 2016, 4:41:16 PM

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