ZiggyD Reveals the Scion Ascendancy Class: The Ascendant

giantaxe02 wrote:
Where am i wrong ?

1- It's 2 ascendancy points per level of difficulty : Scion got no major node in normal.

2- Scion got 40 points in 2 stats : From my test, Scion need stat early in the game not in act3 where the trials are.
Specialized classes doesn't have stats they got stronger bonus (dmge, speed, crit, armor...).

3- Scion can have a second start zone at 5 points : 5 points means last difficulty level. When we are over lvl60 right ?

4- It's not a copy of what other classes have. It's less strong by far.
Everythinig is weaker than the original but you can choose your bonus.
Juggernaut, assassin are jokes compared to the original.
You don't have access to the real strong point of specialized classes.

6- People are going to start Scion and notice that it's less op than they thought because of the inherents limitations.

Right? I think the knee-jerk reactions about the Scion being the "only" and "OP" class are over-reactions. Maybe with a full-tree-reset and already possessing certain uniques, she reaches max potential, but starting a new Scion and leveling her to take advantage of the Ascendant class isn't really all that awesome.
If you're planning to Min-Max from a Scion you're gonna need almost always alot more wealth anyway. That was always the point of Scion she wasn't supposed to be much more powerful out of the box than the default 6 characters. You need to work harder for her to shine alot more and her starting point allowed her to branch out more diversely. The Ascendant just helps further that claim.
Just another Forum Signature in a Sea of Signatures.
MackBesmirch wrote:
giantaxe02 wrote:
Where am i wrong ?

1- It's 2 ascendancy points per level of difficulty : Scion got no major node in normal.

2- Scion got 40 points in 2 stats : From my test, Scion need stat early in the game not in act3 where the trials are.
Specialized classes doesn't have stats they got stronger bonus (dmge, speed, crit, armor...).

3- Scion can have a second start zone at 5 points : 5 points means last difficulty level. When we are over lvl60 right ?

4- It's not a copy of what other classes have. It's less strong by far.
Everythinig is weaker than the original but you can choose your bonus.
Juggernaut, assassin are jokes compared to the original.
You don't have access to the real strong point of specialized classes.

6- People are going to start Scion and notice that it's less op than they thought because of the inherents limitations.

Right? I think the knee-jerk reactions about the Scion being the "only" and "OP" class are over-reactions. Maybe with a full-tree-reset and already possessing certain uniques, she reaches max potential, but starting a new Scion and leveling her to take advantage of the Ascendant class isn't really all that awesome.

Agreed. It's a cool idea for theorycrafting, but most builds will probably be stronger just by going deadeye/assassin/champion/... in the first place.
HoolaBandoola, creator of all things Hoola and destroyer of Rhoas.
Can you please put it in under ascendancy page? Making it easier to look at!
Lol I knew it OpieOP
R.I.P 4.B.
I think a lot of people here misunderstood the Scion ascendancyclass.
It does only have access to certain other Ascendancy talents, not to all of them.
For example i wont continue my bow scion in ascendancy, since i will be better of for that build with a ranger, since scion can't take Ricochet which is crucial for what i have in mind.
IGN: Darkrox (not my main, just for easy contact)
~ Yes i'm the Darkrox from Runes of Magic - World's #1 Guild Pravum 2009 - 2011 ~
Last edited by Darkrox#0968 on Feb 26, 2016, 4:48:09 AM
Path of scion it is then....rip all other classes?
GGG please hire new members to make your site up to date
on https://www.pathofexile.com/ascendancy/classes
still unannounced
Uh....wtf really?
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
All of you guys screaming "OMG SO OP PATH OF SCION DELETE ALL OTHER CLASSES" really need to take a second and think.

This subclass is the jack of all trades, master of none. Scion will have a ton more options available, but other class subclasses will be much stronger for a specific build.

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