ZiggyD Reveals the Scion Ascendancy Class: The Ascendant

oooh, wait a sec...

I thought that we get 2 Ascendancy Passive Points the first time we complete the Labyrinth in each difficulty per character... making it a maximum of 6 Ascendancy points.

So even with the Scion's ability to obtain the "summary" version of two Ascendancy classes, she still only gets a maximum of one of each conventional class, as you cannot take more than one Ascendancy "summary" node per conventional class, yeah?

It actually looks pretty balanced to me in terms of being in-line with what the Scion already does. She offers flexibility and tree node access, but at the cost of being spread too thin without great gear and understanding of the mechanics of the game. Makes sense to me.

Also, the "summary" Ascendancy nodes are significantly less powerful than investing in a different class's Ascendancy directly. Things like the Champion's "You have Fortify" can be leveraged for a tanky Archer Duelist; Or the free movement skills node on the Trickster could make a six-link Cyclone easier to achieve without having to get a Soultaker Axe. Similarly, the Deadeye's Pierce bonus to damage works nicely with a Drillneck -- or can act as sort of alternative if you want to use a different quiver. The Guardian, too -- although built as a support character -- offers some advantages to help enable low-life builds. Like, what I am saying is that there are some interesting and creative ways to use the Ascendancy classes other than just trying to min/max to be OP. Depending on what you're going for, the Scion -- like in conventional character building -- can be a wonderful efficiency choice, or a potentially OP mix-n-match game.

I guess as a disclaimer, my opinion is based on my own style of gameplay -- I'm self-found only, and a casual solo player. I am excited for the Ascendancy classes because it will allow me to have some interesting and powerful build choices that currently are only manageable with certain uniques.
Last edited by MackBesmirch#0771 on Feb 25, 2016, 4:43:09 PM
Pretty much as aspected, looks interesting but it takes some time to theorycraft...as of now for what ive planned to play in the beginning of the next league something else looks stronger while this could be interesting very lategame.

I like it!
gain elemental conflux for 0 seconds when you kill a rare or unique

edit: eh, when you watch the video, at 1:51 it shows it proper that its 4 seconds to elemental conflux
Last edited by xMustard#3403 on Feb 25, 2016, 4:46:06 PM
What is it with game developers these days and their infatuation with streamers? Why dont GGG showcase the scion ascendancy class? We support GGG, and in many cases even pay GGG $ for microtransactions but to also support you financially. Least GGG can do is showcase their new content and not have some other person do it...

anyway, still looking forward to expansion but I WILL NOT watch a streamer showcase anything. I'll just wait until next week.
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRIIIINNGGG... is it just me, or is this just cheap design?

Still going to play your game GGG, don't worry.. it's just too damn good..
also you get +2 normal passive points. thats really powerful.

i like this a lot. you do get quite a bit of gimped version of the other ascendancy classes, but combining them is really good plus normal passives
The juggernaut subclass looks better than the real one... stun and chill immunity :O
Any start location is going to be real strong.
whoa...she can choice hybrid sub-classes. but i will go shadow :)
now lord chris please give us new passive tree. i don't think one week to make build enough.
ihasmario wrote:
Any start location is going to be real strong.

ya THIS is really really interesting. should be able to see some really clever use of this, but that limits you to only one subclass by taking this so im not sure it will be a very popular pick

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