Massively Overpowered reveals the Marauder Ascendancy Class: The Chieftain
Alot of negative comments on Marauder classes. Not sure if anyone looked again at the nodes for Berserker. Went from 100% increased damage to 40% more damage. That changes a lot for me.
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" The 40% more dmg means it works on spell and RF as well. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
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Totems take no fire damage? I guess every atziri killer will be running totems next league.
"What's do you what?" - Kira of the Maraketh
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This class kinda remembers me of that Cow and Chicken episode where The Red Guy was working in a snack bar (or a canteen, I don't know, I don't remember) and the cow and the chicken were there to eat and everything The Red Guy offered them was always made of ketchup.
Last edited by KieranGravebane#7509 on Feb 18, 2016, 11:48:48 PM
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Also I'm reserving "HailToTheChieftain" now (Also playing it on a Ground Slam Marauder for now)
Just another Forum Signature in a Sea of Signatures.
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Really cool class, def will be rolling one one these at some point. My only worry is how he fits into Karui lore. I mean obviously the women broke the rules and used bows to help out Kaom, but his warriors all used hand to hand mele as was their way. Whats the story/lore behind a spell casting Karui? Outcasted? Tribe Shaman? Would Kaom have ever allowed such things? Would the Karui gods even support a Karui who doesn't follow his ancestors ways?
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" All 3 Marauder Ascendancys offer something good you can build around with as a 2h Marauder. And why all the crying about Totems? A lot of totems are strength based, AB is between the Templar and Marauder and the Chieftain Ascendancy offers one branch of Totem stuff. It's not like the whole tree does. And the tree also doesn't only support casting. Fire damage =/= Spells only. IGN: Scordalia_
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It's not restricted to fire skills since you can easily convert any damage to fire (except chaos).
It's also a straight buff to Bladefall totem if you take iron will, totem nodes and leave the fire stuffs. |
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I want to start by saying I am in love with the ascendancy classes for the most part, but do have to agree with some other people that the Marauder's seem to be somewhat lacking. I don't know if it's sheer numbers or power, but it sorta feels like they drop out on mechanical changes. Other classes have *crazy* skill nodes that drastically change the way your character works, while the Marauder seems to mostly just have numerical adjustments. Again, like everyone else, I really love the theme of this class, but I think that it *is* a little pigeon-holed compared to the other classes. It would be nice to get one more arm giving something that is usable by other characters (something like summoning a raging spirit on kill, or a fire bomb, or anything else that already shows up in Haku's missions). Something that would generate a lot more diversity for what you can do with this class (namely, if you aren't going to focus totems or RF).
Again, love the lore and theme, but feel the actual abilities could be adjusted/changed a little to make it much more appealing and build-enabling. Anyway, keep up the amazing work GGG! :D |
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Great Class, I'm so hyped now.
Very, very nice, I just love it :) |
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